\newcommand{\etalchar}[1]{$^{#1}$} \begin{thebibliography}{AGH{\etalchar{+}}05} \bibitem[AAMS10]{SannellaDT:request10} David Aspinall, Robert Atkey, Kenneth MacKenzie, and Donald Sannella. \newblock Symbolic and analytical techniques for resource analysis of {Java} bytecode. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 5th Symp.\ on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC 2010)}, volume 6084 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 1--22. Springer, 2010. \bibitem[ABK{\etalchar{+}}02]{SannellaDT:casl01} Egidio Astesiano, Michel Bidoit, H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Kirchner, Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner, Peter Mosses, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock {CASL}: The common algebraic specification language. \newblock {\em Theoretical Computer Science}, 286:153--196, 2002. \bibitem[AGH{\etalchar{+}}05]{SannellaDT:mrg-overview04} David Aspinall, Stephen Gilmore, Martin Hofmann, Donald Sannella, and Ian Stark. \newblock Mobile resource guarantees for smart devices. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ Intl.\ Workshop on Construction and Analysis of Safe, Secure and Interoperable Smart Devices (CASSIS 2004)}, volume 3362 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 1--26. Springer, 2005. \bibitem[AS02]{SannellaDT:spec-code-CASL02} David Aspinall and Donald Sannella. \newblock From specifications to code in {CASL}. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 9th Intl.\ Conf.\ on Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology}, volume 2422 of {\em LNCS}, pages 1--14. Springer, 2002. \bibitem[AS15]{SannellaDT:avocs15} Robert Atkey and Donald Sannella. \newblock {ThreadSafe}: Static analysis for {Java} concurrency. \newblock {\em Electronic Communications of the EASST}, 72, 2015. \bibitem[ASS89]{SannellaDT:modular-rule-bases89} Jaume Agust{\'\i}, Carlos Sierra, and Donald Sannella. \newblock Adding generic modules to flat rule-based languages: A low-cost approach. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 4th Intl.\ Symp.\ on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems}, pages 43--51. North Holland, 1989. \bibitem[BKL{\etalchar{+}}91]{SannellaDT:compass-bibliography91} Michel Bidoit, Hans-J{\"o}rg Kreowski, Pierre Lescanne, Fernando Orejas, and Donald Sannella, editors. \newblock {\em Algebraic System Specification and Development: A Survey and Annotated Bibliography}, volume 501 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}. \newblock Springer, 1991. \bibitem[BMS80]{SannellaDT:hope80} Rod Burstall, David MacQueen, and Donald Sannella. \newblock {HOPE}: An experimental applicative language. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 1980 {LISP} Conference}, pages 136--143, 1980. \bibitem[BSD{\etalchar{+}}88]{SannellaDT:proving-logic-programs88} Alan Bundy, Donald Sannella, Roberto Desimone, Fausto Giunchiglia, Frank van Harmelen, Jane Hesketh, Peter Madden, Alan Smaill, Andrew Stevens, and Lincoln Wallen. \newblock Proving properties of logic programs: A progress report. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 1988 Alvey Technical Conference}, pages 153--156, 1988. \bibitem[BST99]{SannellaDT:arch-specs98} Michel Bidoit, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Architectural specifications in {CASL}. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 7th Intl.\ Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST'98)}, volume 1548 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 341--357. Springer, 1999. \newblock \textbf{An extended version appeared in \cite{SannellaDT:arch-specs01}}. \bibitem[BST02a]{SannellaDT:arch-specs01} Michel Bidoit, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Architectural specifications in {CASL}. \newblock {\em Formal Aspects of Computing}, 13:252--273, 2002. \bibitem[BST02b]{SannellaDT:global-dev02} Michel Bidoit, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Global development via local observational construction steps. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 27th Intl.\ Symp.\ on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science}, volume 2420 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 1--24. Springer, 2002. \newblock \textbf{An extended version appeared in \cite{SannellaDT:obs-interp-casl-specs08}}. \bibitem[BST04]{SannellaDT:component-oriented04} Michel Bidoit, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Toward component-oriented formal software development: An algebraic approach. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 9th Monterey Workshop, Radical Innovations of Software and Systems Engineering in the Future}, volume 2941 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 75--90. Springer, 2004. \bibitem[BST08]{SannellaDT:obs-interp-casl-specs08} Michel Bidoit, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Observational interpretation of {CASL} specifications. \newblock {\em Mathematical Structures in Computer Science}, 18:325--371, 2008. \bibitem[HKS03]{SannellaDT:simulation-relations03} Jo~Hannay, {Shin-ya} Katsumata, and Donald Sannella. \newblock Semantic and syntactic approaches to simulation relations. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 28th Intl.\ Symp.\ on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science}, volume 2747 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 68--91. Springer, 2003. \bibitem[HLST00]{SannellaDT:constructive-refinement00} Furio Honsell, John Longley, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Constructive data refinement in typed lambda calculus. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 3rd Intl.\ Conf.\ on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures. European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software ({ETAPS} 2000)}, volume 1784 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 161--176. Springer, 2000. \bibitem[HS95]{SannellaDT:behavioural-abstraction-hol95} Martin Hofmann and Donald Sannella. \newblock On behavioural abstraction and behavioural satisfaction in higher-order logic. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 20th Colloq.\ on Trees in Algebra and Programming. Intl.\ Joint Conf.\ on Theory and Practice of Software Development ({TAPSOFT}'95)}, volume 915 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 247--261. Springer, 1995. \newblock \textbf{The final full version of this is \cite{SannellaDT:behavioural-abstraction-hol96}}. \bibitem[HS96]{SannellaDT:behavioural-abstraction-hol96} Martin Hofmann and Donald Sannella. \newblock On behavioural abstraction and behavioural satisfaction in higher-order logic. \newblock {\em Theoretical Computer Science}, 167:3--45, 1996. \bibitem[HS99]{SannellaDT:prelogical-relations99} Furio Honsell and Donald Sannella. \newblock Pre-logical relations. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ Computer Science Logic, CSL'99}, volume 1683 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 546--561. Springer, 1999. \newblock \textbf{The final full version of this is \cite{SannellaDT:prelogical-relations00}}. \bibitem[HS02]{SannellaDT:prelogical-relations00} Furio Honsell and Donald Sannella. \newblock Prelogical relations. \newblock {\em Information and Computation}, 178:23--43, 2002. \bibitem[HST89a]{SannellaDT:logic-representation89} Robert Harper, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Logic representation in {LF}. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 3rd Summer Conf.\ on Category Theory and Computer Science}, volume 389 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 250--272. Springer, 1989. \bibitem[HST89b]{SannellaDT:structure-representation89} Robert Harper, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Structure and representation in {LF}. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 4th {IEEE} Symp.\ on Logic in Computer Science}, pages 226--237, 1989. \newblock \textbf{Extended abstract; the final full version of this is \cite{SannellaDT:structured-presentations94}}. \bibitem[HST89c]{SannellaDT:structure-representation89a} Robert Harper, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Structure and representation in {LF}. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 1989 Workshop on Programming Logic}, pages 232--257, 1989. \newblock \textbf{Extended abstract; the final full version of this is \cite{SannellaDT:structured-presentations94}}. \bibitem[HST94]{SannellaDT:structured-presentations94} Robert Harper, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Structured presentations and logic representations. \newblock {\em Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, 67:113--160, 1994. \bibitem[KBS91]{SannellaDT:spectral91} Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner and Donald Sannella. \newblock Structuring specifications in-the-large and in-the-small: Higher-order functions, dependent types and inheritance in {SPECTRAL}. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ Colloq.\ on Combining Paradigms for Software Development. Intl.\ Joint Conf.\ on Theory and Practice of Software Development ({TAPSOFT}'91)}, volume 494 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 103--120. Springer, 1991. \bibitem[KS98]{SannellaDT:eml-reflections98} Stefan Kahrs and Donald Sannella. \newblock Reflections on the design of a specification language. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ Intl.\ Colloq.\ on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering. European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software ({ETAPS}'98)}, volume 1382 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 154--170. Springer, 1998. \bibitem[KST94a]{SannellaDT:eml-definition94} Stefan Kahrs, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock The definition of {E}xtended {ML}. \newblock Report {ECS}-{LFCS}-94-300, University of Edinburgh, 1994. \bibitem[KST94b]{SannellaDT:eml-interfaces94} Stefan Kahrs, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Interfaces and {E}xtended {ML}. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ {ACM} Workshop on Interface Definition Languages}, pages 111--118. {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Notices 29(8), 1994. \bibitem[KST94c]{SannellaDT:eml-gentle-intro93} Stefan Kahrs, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock The semantics of {E}xtended {ML}: A gentle introduction. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ Intl.\ Workshop on Semantics of Specification Languages}, Workshops in Computing, pages 186--215. Springer, 1994. \newblock \textbf{An extended and improved version is \cite{SannellaDT:eml-gentle-intro97}}. \bibitem[KST97a]{SannellaDT:eml-gentle-intro97} Stefan Kahrs, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock The definition of {E}xtended {ML}: A gentle introduction. \newblock {\em Theoretical Computer Science}, 173:445--484, 1997. \newblock \textbf{The published version contains two typos: p461, rule at bottom: second gamma should be gamma'; p462, rule in middle: second premise should start with E}. \bibitem[KST97b]{SannellaDT:eml-definition97} Stefan Kahrs, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock The definition of {E}xtended {ML}, version 1.21. \newblock Revised version of \cite{SannellaDT:eml-definition94}, 1997. \bibitem[MHST03]{SannellaDT:proof-theory04} Till Mossakowski, Anne Haxthausen, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock {CASL} --- the common algebraic specification language: Semantics and proof theory. \newblock {\em Computing and Informatics}, 22:285--321, 2003. \newblock \textbf{An extended version appeared in \cite{SannellaDT:proof-theory08}}. \bibitem[MHST08]{SannellaDT:proof-theory08} Till Mossakowski, Anne Haxthausen, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock {CASL} --- the common algebraic specification language. \newblock In Dines Bj{\o}rner and Martin Henson, editors, {\em Logics of Specification Languages}, pages 241--298. Springer, 2008. \bibitem[MPST14]{SannellaDT:parchments14} Till Mossakowski, Wies{\l}aw Paw{\l}owski, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Parchments for {CafeOBJ} logics. \newblock In {\em Specification, Algebra, and Software: Essays Dedicated to Kokichi Futatsugi}, volume 8373 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 66--91. Springer, 2014. \bibitem[MS85]{SannellaDT:completeness85} David MacQueen and Donald Sannella. \newblock Completeness of proof systems for equational specifications. \newblock {\em {IEEE} Trans.\ on Software Engineering}, {SE}-11(5):454--461, 1985. \bibitem[MS02]{SannellaDT:unit-testing02} Patricia~D.L. Machado and Donald Sannella. \newblock Unit testing for {CASL} architectural specifications. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 27th Intl.\ Symp.\ on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science}, volume 2420 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 506--518. Springer, 2002. \bibitem[MST04]{SannellaDT:casl-refinement04} Till Mossakowski, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock A simple refinement language for {CASL}. \newblock In {\em Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: Selected Papers from WADT 2004}, volume 3423 of {\em LNCS}, pages 162--185. Springer, 2004. \bibitem[MST15]{SannellaDT:alg-constructions15} Grzegorz Marczy{\'n}ski, Donald Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Algebraic constructions: a simple framework for complex dependencies and parameterisation. \newblock {\em International Journal of Software and Informatics}, 9(2):117--139, 2015. \bibitem[PPST00]{SannellaDT:lax-logical-relations00} Gordon Plotkin, John Power, Donald Sannella, and Robert Tennent. \newblock Lax logical relations. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 27th Intl.\ Colloq.\ on Automata, Languages and Programming}, volume 1853 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 85--102. Springer, 2000. \bibitem[RS02]{SannellaDT:burstall-festschrift02} David Rydeheard and Donald Sannella. \newblock Preface to a collection of papers and memoirs celebrating the contribution of {R}od {B}urstall to advances in {C}omputer {S}cience. \newblock {\em Formal Aspects of Computing}, 13:187--193, 2002. \bibitem[San82]{SannellaDT:phd82} Donald Sannella. \newblock {\em Semantics, Implementation and Pragmatics of {C}lear, a Program Specification Language}. \newblock PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh, 1982. \newblock Report CST-17-82. \bibitem[San83]{SannellaDT:behavioural-abstraction83} Donald Sannella. \newblock Behavioural abstraction and algebraic specification. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 1983 Workshop on Semantics of Programming Languages}, pages 153--166, 1983. \bibitem[San84]{SannellaDT:clear-semantics84} Donald Sannella. \newblock A set-theoretic semantics for {C}lear. \newblock {\em Acta Informatica}, 21:443--472, 1984. \bibitem[San87]{SannellaDT:eml-tutorial87} Donald Sannella. \newblock Formal specification of {ML} programs. \newblock In {\em Jornadas Rank Xerox Sobre Inteligencia Artificial Razonamiento Automatizado}, pages 79--98, 1987. \bibitem[San88a]{SannellaDT:lfcs-newsletter-survey88} Donald Sannella. \newblock Algebraic specification and formal program development: Motivation, present state and future prospects. \newblock {\em {LFCS} Newsletter}, 1:7--10, 1988. \bibitem[San88b]{SannellaDT:exam-questions88} Donald Sannella. \newblock Edinburgh {U}niversity postgraduate examination questions in computation theory, 1978--1988. \newblock Report {ECS}-{LFCS}-88-64, University of Edinburgh, 1988. \bibitem[San91]{SannellaDT:eml-working-programmer91} Donald Sannella. \newblock Formal program development in {E}xtended {ML} for the working programmer. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 3rd {BCS}/{FACS} Workshop on Refinement}, Workshops in Computing, pages 99--130. Springer, 1991. \bibitem[San93]{SannellaDT:formal-methods-survey93} Donald Sannella. \newblock A survey of formal software development methods. \newblock In Richard Thayer and Andrew McGettrick, editors, {\em Software Engineering: A European Perspective}, pages 281--297. {IEEE} Computer Society Press, 1993. \bibitem[San97]{SannellaDT:future-of-TCS97} Donald Sannella. \newblock What does the future hold for theoretical computer science? \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 7th Intl.\ Joint Conf.\ on Theory and Practice of Software Development ({TAPSOFT}'97)}, volume 1214 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 15--19. Springer, 1997. \bibitem[San00a]{SannellaDT:refinement99} Donald Sannella. \newblock Algebraic specification and program development by stepwise refinement. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 9th Intl.\ Workshop on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation, {LOPSTR}'99}, volume 1817 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 1--9. Springer, 2000. \bibitem[San00b]{SannellaDT:cofi99} Donald Sannella. \newblock The {C}ommon {F}ramework {I}nitiative for algebraic specification and development of software. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 3rd Intl.\ Conf.\ on Perspectives of System Informatics (PSI'99)}, volume 1755 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 1--9. Springer, 2000. \bibitem[San01]{SannellaDT:cofi01} Donald Sannella. \newblock The {C}ommon {F}ramework {I}nitiative for algebraic specification and development of software: Recent progress. \newblock In {\em Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: Selected Papers from WADT 2001}, volume 2267 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 328--343. Springer, 2001. \bibitem[San04a]{SannellaDT:CASL-semantics-basic-specs04} Donald Sannella. \newblock {CASL} semantics: Basic specifications. \newblock In Peter Mosses, editor, {\em {CASL} Reference Manual}, volume 2960 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, chapter III.2, pages 125--170. Springer, 2004. \bibitem[San04b]{SannellaDT:CASL-semantics-intro04} Donald Sannella. \newblock {CASL} semantics: Introduction. \newblock In Peter Mosses, editor, {\em {CASL} Reference Manual}, volume 2960 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, chapter III.1, pages 117--123. Springer, 2004. \bibitem[SB83]{SannellaDT:structured-theories83} Donald Sannella and Rod Burstall. \newblock Structured theories in {LCF}. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 8th Colloq.\ on Trees in Algebra and Programming}, volume 159 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 377--391. Springer, 1983. \bibitem[SHA{\etalchar{+}}07]{SannellaDT:mrg-summary05} Donald Sannella, Martin Hofmann, David Aspinall, Stephen Gilmore, Ian Stark, Lennart Beringer, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Kenneth MacKenzie, Alberto Momigliano, and Olha Shkaravska. \newblock Mobile resource guarantees. \newblock In {\em Trends in Functional Programming}, volume~6, pages 211--226. Intellect, 2007. \bibitem[SST92]{SannellaDT:parameterisation-revisited92} Donald Sannella, Stefan Soko{\l}owski, and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Toward formal development of programs from algebraic specifications: Parameterisation revisited. \newblock {\em Acta Informatica}, 29(8):689--736, 1992. \bibitem[ST84]{SannellaDT:specs-arbitrary-institution84} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Building specifications in an arbitrary institution. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ Intl.\ Symp.\ on Semantics of Data Types}, volume 173 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 337--356. Springer, 1984. \newblock \textbf{An extended and improved version is \cite{SannellaDT:specs-arbitrary-institution88}}. \bibitem[ST85a]{SannellaDT:observational-equivalence85} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock On observational equivalence and algebraic specification. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 10th Colloq.\ on Trees in Algebra and Programming. Intl.\ Joint Conf.\ on Theory and Practice of Software Development ({TAPSOFT}'85)}, volume 185 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 308--322. Springer, 1985. \newblock \textbf{Extended abstract; the final full version of this is \cite{SannellaDT:observational-equivalence87}}. \bibitem[ST85b]{SannellaDT:eml-intro85} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Program specification and development in {S}tandard {ML}. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 12th {ACM} Symp.\ on Principles of Programming Languages}, pages 67--77, 1985. \bibitem[ST85c]{SannellaDT:thoughts85} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Some thoughts on algebraic specification. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 3rd Workshop on Theory and Applications of Abstract Data Types}, volume 116 of {\em Informatik-Fachberichte}, pages 31--38. Springer, 1985. \bibitem[ST86]{SannellaDT:eml-institution-independent86} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Extended {ML}: An institution-independent framework for formal program development. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ Workshop on Category Theory and Computer Programming}, volume 240 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 364--389. Springer, 1986. \bibitem[ST87a]{SannellaDT:observational-equivalence87} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock On observational equivalence and algebraic specification. \newblock {\em Journal of Computer and System Sciences}, 34:150--178, 1987. \bibitem[ST87b]{SannellaDT:implementations-revisited87} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Toward formal development of programs from algebraic specifications: Implementations revisited. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 12th Colloq.\ on Trees in Algebra and Programming. Intl.\ Joint Conf.\ on Theory and Practice of Software Development ({TAPSOFT}'87)}, volume 249 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 96--110. Springer, 1987. \newblock \textbf{Extended abstract; the final full version of this is \cite{SannellaDT:implementations-revisited88}}. \bibitem[ST88a]{SannellaDT:WADT88} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock {\em Recent Trends in Data Type Specification: 5th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types --- Selected Papers}, volume 332 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}. \newblock Springer, 1988. \bibitem[ST88b]{SannellaDT:specs-arbitrary-institution88} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Specifications in an arbitrary institution. \newblock {\em Information and Computation}, 76:165--210, 1988. \bibitem[ST88c]{SannellaDT:lfcs-newsletter-tools88} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Tools for formal program development: Some fantasies. \newblock {\em {LFCS} Newsletter}, 1:10--15, 1988. \bibitem[ST88d]{SannellaDT:implementations-revisited88} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Toward formal development of programs from algebraic specifications: Implementations revisited. \newblock {\em Acta Informatica}, 25:233--281, 1988. \bibitem[ST89]{SannellaDT:eml-methodology89} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Toward formal development of {ML} programs: Foundations and methodology. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ Colloq.\ on Current Issues in Programming Languages. Intl.\ Joint Conf.\ on Theory and Practice of Software Development ({TAPSOFT}'89)}, volume 352 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 375--389. Springer, 1989. \bibitem[ST91a]{SannellaDT:eml-overview91} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock {E}xtended {ML}: Past, present and future. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 7th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types}, volume 534 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 297--322. Springer, 1991. \bibitem[ST91b]{SannellaDT:asl+91} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock A kernel specification formalism with higher-order parameterisation. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 7th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types}, volume 534 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 274--296. Springer, 1991. \bibitem[ST92]{SannellaDT:model-theoretic-foundations92} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Toward formal development of programs from algebraic specifications: Model-theoretic foundations. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 19th Intl.\ Colloq.\ on Automata, Languages and Programming}, volume 623 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 656--671. Springer, 1992. \newblock \textbf{This is superceded by \cite{SannellaDT:essential-concepts97}}. \bibitem[ST93]{SannellaDT:real-problems93} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Algebraic specification and formal methods for program development: What are the real problems? \newblock In G.~Rozenberg and A.~Salomaa, editors, {\em Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science. Essays and Tutorials}, pages 115--120. World Scientific, 1993. \newblock Originally published in \emph{EATCS Bulletin} 41:134--137 (1990). \bibitem[ST96]{SannellaDT:mind-the-gap96} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Mind the gap! {A}bstract versus concrete models of specifications. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 21st Intl.\ Symp.\ on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science}, volume 1113 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 114--134. Springer, 1996. \bibitem[ST97]{SannellaDT:essential-concepts97} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Essential concepts of algebraic specification and program development. \newblock {\em Formal Aspects of Computing}, 9:229--269, 1997. \bibitem[ST99a]{SannellaDT:alg-methods99} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Algebraic methods for specification and formal development of programs. \newblock {\em ACM Computing Surveys}, 31(3es), 1999. \bibitem[ST99b]{SannellaDT:prelimaries96} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Algebraic preliminaries. \newblock In Egidio Astesiano, Hans-J{\"o}rg Kreowski, and Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner, editors, {\em Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specification}, chapter~2. Springer, 1999. \bibitem[ST03]{SannellaDT:foundations03} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Foundations. \newblock In {\em {CASL} User Manual}, volume 2900 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, chapter~10, pages 125--129. Springer, 2003. \bibitem[ST04]{SannellaDT:CASL-semantics04} Donald Sannella and Andrzej {Tarlecki, editors}. \newblock {CASL} semantics. \newblock In Peter Mosses, editor, {\em {CASL} Reference Manual}, volume 2960 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 115--274. Springer, 2004. \bibitem[ST06]{SannellaDT:horizontal-composition06} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Horizontal composability revisited. \newblock In {\em Algebra, Meaning and Computation: Essays Dedicated to Joseph A. Goguen on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday}, volume 4060 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 296--316. Springer, 2006. \bibitem[ST08]{SannellaDT:observability08} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Observability concepts in abstract data type specification, 30 years later. \newblock In {\em Concurrency, Graphs and Models: Essays Dedicated to Ugo Montanari on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday}, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2008. \bibitem[ST12]{SannellaDT:FASFSD12} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock {\em Foundations of Algebraic Specification and Formal Software Development}. \newblock EATCS Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. Springer, 2012. \bibitem[ST14]{SannellaDT:prop-oriented-sem13} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock Property-oriented semantics of structured specifications. \newblock {\em Mathematical Structures in Computer Science}, 24(2):e240205, 37 pages, 2014. \bibitem[ST15]{SannellaDT:asl-legacy15} Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki. \newblock The foundational legacy of {ASL}. \newblock In {\em Software, Services and Systems: Essays Dedicated to Martin Wirsing on the Occasion of His Emeritation}, volume 8950 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 253--272. Springer, 2015. \bibitem[SW82]{SannellaDT:implementations82} Donald Sannella and Martin Wirsing. \newblock Implementation of parameterised specifications. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 9th Intl.\ Colloq.\ on Automata, Languages and Programming}, volume 140 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 473--488. Springer, 1982. \bibitem[SW83]{SannellaDT:asl83} Donald Sannella and Martin Wirsing. \newblock A kernel language for algebraic specification and implementation. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 1983 Intl.\ Conf.\ on Foundations of Computation Theory}, volume 158 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, pages 413--427. Springer, 1983. \bibitem[SW87]{SannellaDT:modular-prolog87} Donald Sannella and Lincoln Wallen. \newblock A calculus for the construction of modular {P}rolog programs. \newblock In {\em Proc.\ 1987 {IEEE} Symp.\ on Logic Programming}, pages 368--378, 1987. \newblock \textbf{Extended abstract; the final full version of this is \cite{SannellaDT:modular-prolog92}}. \bibitem[SW92]{SannellaDT:modular-prolog92} Donald Sannella and Lincoln Wallen. \newblock A calculus for the construction of modular {P}rolog programs. \newblock {\em Journal of Logic Programming}, 12:147--177, 1992. \bibitem[SW99]{SannellaDT:specification-languages96} Donald Sannella and Martin Wirsing. \newblock Specification languages. \newblock In Egidio Astesiano, Hans-J{\"o}rg Kreowski, and Bernd Krieg-Br{\"u}ckner, editors, {\em Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specification}, chapter~8. Springer, 1999. \bibitem[WS87]{SannellaDT:functional-programming-intro87} Martin Wirsing and Donald Sannella. \newblock Une introduction {\`a} la programmation fontionnelle: {HOPE} et {ML}. \newblock {\em Technique et Science Informatiques}, 6:517--525, 1987. \end{thebibliography}