Theory and Practice of Algebraic Specification

Theory and Practice of Algebraic Specification

Time, place, news

This module runs in term 2. The official syllabus is here. Lectures take place in JCMB 2509 on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11.

Slides from lectures

I am going to be using extracts from Andrzej Tarlecki's slides for the Marktoberdorf 2002 summer school.

21 Jan 2003: lecture 1
23 Jan 2003: lecture 2
28 Jan 2003: lecture 3
30 Jan 2003: lecture 4
4 Feb 2003: lecture 5
6 Feb 2003: lecture 6
11 Feb 2003: no lecture
13 Feb 2003: no lecture
18 Feb 2003: no lecture
20 Feb 2003: lecture 7
25 Feb 2003: no lecture
27 Feb 2003: lecture 8


A. Tarlecki. Abstract specification theory: an overview. Marktoberdorf Summer School 2002.
This is the paper corresponding to the slides above.

D. Sannella and A. Tarlecki. Foundations of Algebraic Specification and Formal Program Development. Cambridge University Press, to appear.

The chapters that are ready are available at a URL that I don't want to make public - ask me if you want access. I am very interested in any comments and corrections you might have.

D. Sannella and A. Tarlecki. Essential concepts of algebraic specification and program development. Formal Aspects of Computing, 9:229-269, 1997.

The main ideas underlying work on the model-theoretic foundations of algebraic specification and formal program development are presented in an informal way. An attempt is made to offer an overall view, rather than new results, and to focus on the basic motivation behind the technicalities presented elsewhere.

E. Astesiano, H.-J. Kreowski and B. Krieg-Brückner, editors. Algebraic Foundations of Systems Specification. Springer, 1999.

A fairly up-to-date survey. The chapter on algebraic preliminaries is here and the chapter on institutions is here.

The Common Framework Initiative for algebraic specification and development

The CoFI webpage.

The CASL language summary and user manual (draft).

The CASL tool set CATS and the HOL-CASL theorem prover.

Don Sannella. Please mail me if you have any comments on this page.
Last modified: Fri Apr 20 13:06:05 BST 2007