function id = obtain_gpu_lock_id(no_error) %OBTAIN_GPU_LOCK_ID get a free Nvidia GPU id to use and lock it % % id = obtain_gpu_lock_id([no_error]); % % Inputs: % no_error - if true, return id=-1 rather than throwing an error % Default: false. % % Outputs: % id 1x1 Integer id of free GPU. % % This is a discretionary locking scheme. It doesn't actually know anything % about the real usage of GPUs. % % The lock will automatically be freed on ending the Matlab session. % Iain Murray, November 2009, January 2011 % Find gpu_lock utility in set place: % gpu_lock = '/u/murray/bin/'; % Toronto gpu_lock = '/afs/'; % Edinburgh if ~exist(gpu_lock, 'file') % Or find it in the same directory as this m-file. me = mfilename('fullpath'); my_dir = me(1:find(me == filesep, 1, 'last')); gpu_lock = [my_dir, '']; if ~exist(gpu_lock, 'file') error('Cannot find utility'); end end if ~exist('no_error', 'var') no_error = false; end [status, result] = system(['exec ', gpu_lock, ' --id']); if (status ~= 0) result = '-1'; end id = str2num(result); if (~no_error) && (id == -1) error('Was unable to lock a free GPU id.') end