function samples = discreternd(num_samples, probs) %DISCRETERND draw samples from a discrete probability distribution % % samples = discreternd(num_samples, probs) % % Note that this function uses the obvious/naive cumulative algorithm, which is % O(KN). For intensive use, find an implementation of a better algorithm. See % Devroye's book % % for some better algorithms. Or try the GNU Scientific Library (GSL). % % Inputs: % num_samples 1x1 % probs Kx1 (will be normalized by this routine) % % Outputs: % samples Nx1 Discrete labels from 1..K % Iain Murray, November 2007 if ~exist('histc') persistent WARNED if isempty(WARNED) WARNED = 1; warning('Octave now comes with histc, so you could grab an implementation from the latest codebase.'); end probs = probs(:)'/sum(probs); samples = 1 + sum(bsxlt(cumsum(probs), rand(num_samples, 1)), 2); else cum_probs = cumsum(probs(:)/sum(probs)); [tots, samples] = histc(rand(num_samples, 1), [0;cum_probs]); end