tengtex.tex -- TengTeX for TeX typesetting in Feanorian tengwar tengtex.sty -- TengTeX for LaTeX typesetting in Feanorian tengwar ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.10, 22 September 2000 Version 1.01, 22 September 1996 Version 1.00, 22 September 1994 The package contains the following files: (TeX sources) readme.txt This file. tengtex.tex TeX style sheet. tengtex.sty LaTeX style sheet. tengdoc.tex User's manual in LaTeX. vanda.tex Pseudo-copyright oath (in English and Quenya). (MF sources for Computer Modern/Roman Tengwar) tiad.mf Family definitions. tiada.mf Accents. tiadd.mf Digits. tiadl.mf Primary letters for Computer Modern Tengwar. tiadladd.mf Primary letters for Computer Roman Tengwar. tiadp.mf Punctuation. tiads.mf Secondary tengwar. tiadr10.mf Regular typeface. tiadssbx10.mf Sans serif boldface extended. tiadtt10.mf Typewriter. (Others) tengdoc.dvi User's manual in Device Independent form. tengdoc.pdf Ditto in Portable Document Format. tengdoc.ps Ditto in PostScript format. To compile the manual you need to do one of the following things: * Get the Sauter distribution and then run MetaFont on tiadr10.mf and LaTeX on tengdoc.tex or * Get Julian Bradfield's teng10.mf or Michael Urban's tengwar.mf, run MetaFont on it, uncomment line 19 or 20 of tengdoc.tex and then run LaTeX on it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Differences between Version 1.10 and Version 1.01: * Scaling has been added. * The Computer Modern/Roman Tengwar family has been added. Computer Modern Tengwar is now TengTeX's default. * Some subtle errors in the macro definitions have been corrected. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Differences between Version 1.01 and Version 1.00: * The style sheet has been adapted to LaTeX2e. * Some subtle errors in the macro definitions have been corrected. * The Quenya text of the pseudo-copyright oath has been reworked in accordance with the designer's current idea of the language. Ivan A Derzhanski iad@math.bas.bg Department of Mathematical Linguistics Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 8 Acad G Bonchev St, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria