%biopepa.independent.replications: 1 %biopepa.show.all.replications: false %biopepa.simulation.stoptime: 1 %stochkit.opt.progress.interval: 100 %CIRCADIAN CLOCK MODEL Akman et al. 2008 %version with auxiliary species to avoid the use of integrals %Notation is the one used in the Bio-PEPA Workbench %all enzymes and inhibtors are represented as generic modifiers %****************************************************** %definition of kinetic laws %****************************************************** %Transcription of MF, with inhibition by PF and activation by PWL transcription_MF_1 = [(a1*PWL^n)/((1+(PF/b1)^g)*(PWL^n + b2^n))]; %Transcription of MF, with inhibition by PF and activation by PW transcription_MF_2 = [(a2*PW^m)/((1+(PF/b3)^h)*(PW^m + b4^m))]; %degradation of MF degradation_MF =[d1*(MF/(MF + b5))]; %Translation of E1F from MF (instead of translation of PF from MF) translation_E1F =[a3*MF]; %Transformation of E1F into E2F/creation of E2F: E1F -> E2F %In the SBML of another paper is different (see other model) transformation_E1F_E2F =[f1*E1F]; %degradation E1F(not sure) degradation_E1F =[gamma1*E1F]; %degradation of E2F degradation_E2F =[gamma1*E2F]; %Transformation/Creation of PF from E2F transformation_E2F_PF =[f1*E2F]; %degradation of PF degradation_PF =[d2*(PF/(PF + b6))]; %transcription of MW transcription_MW_1 =[a4]; %transcription of MW activated by PWL transcription_MW_2 =[(a5*PWL^k)/(PWL^k + b7^k)]; %degradation of MW degradation_MW =[d3*(MW/(MW + b8))]; %Translation of E1W from MW translation_E1W =[a6*MW]; %Translation of E1W Modified enhanced by PF translation_E1W_2=[a7*PF*MW]; %Transformation of E1W into E2W transformation_E1W_E2W=[f2*E1W]; %degradation E1W degradation_E1W= [gamma2*E1W]; %degradation of E2W degradation_E2W=[gamma2*E2W]; %Creation of PF/transformation of E2W into PF transformation_E2W_PW=[f2*E2W]; %transformation from PW to PWL after light influence transformation=[amp*theta( ((time - period*floor(time/period)) - tdawn)*(tdusk - (time - period*floor(time/period))) )*r1*PW]; %transformation inverse transformation_inverse=[r2*PWL]; %degradation of PW degradation_PW = [d4*(PW/(PW + b9))]; %degradation of PWL degradation_PWL=[d5*(PWL/(PWL + b10))]; %*************************************************** %Definition of species %*************************************************** %frq mRNA MF = transcription_MF_1>> + transcription_MF_2>> + degradation_MF<< + (translation_E1F,1)(.) ; %FRQ protein PF = (transcription_MF_1,1)(.) + (transcription_MF_2,1)(.) + transformation_E2F_PF>> + degradation_PF<< + (translation_E1W_2,1)(.) ; %Auxiliary species E1F E1F = translation_E1F>> + transformation_E1F_E2F<< + degradation_E1F<< ; %Auxiliary species E2F E2F = transformation_E2F_PF<< + transformation_E1F_E2F>> + degradation_E2F<< ; % wc-1 mRNA MW = transcription_MW_1>> + transcription_MW_2>> + degradation_MW<< + (translation_E1W,1)(.) + (translation_E1W_2,1)(.) ; %WC-1 protein PW = (transcription_MF_2,1)(.) + transformation_E2W_PW>> + transformation<< + transformation_inverse>> + degradation_PW<< ; %Auxiliary species E1W E1W = translation_E1W>> + translation_E1W_2>> + transformation_E1W_E2W<< + degradation_E1W<< ; %Auxiliary species E2W E2W = transformation_E2W_PW<< + transformation_E1W_E2W>> + degradation_E2W<< ; %WC-1 protein enhanced by light PWL = (transcription_MF_1,1)(.) + (transcription_MW_2,1)(.) + transformation>> + transformation_inverse<< + degradation_PWL<< ; res = (degradation_MF,1)(.) + (degradation_PF,1)(.) + (degradation_E1F,1)(.) + (degradation_E2F,1)(.) + (degradation_MW,1)(.) + (degradation_PW,1)(.) + (degradation_PWL,1)(.) + (degradation_E1W,1)(.) + (degradation_E2W,1)(.) + (transcription_MW_1,1)(.) ; %**************************************** %System equation %**************************************** MF <> E1F <> E2F <> PF<> MW <> PW <> PWL <> E1W <> E2W %LD: 6-12-6 %EVENTS = [ %(event_dusk, t= 6, theta = thetaamp, 0); %(event_dawn, t= 18, theta = 0, 0); %(event_dusk2, t= 30, theta = thetaamp, 0); %(event_dawn2, t= 42, theta = 0, 0); %(event_dusk3, t= 54, theta = thetaamp, 0); %(event_dawn3, t= 66, theta = 0, 0); %(event_dusk4, t= 78, theta = thetaamp, 0); %(event_dawn4, t= 80, theta = 0, 0); %(event_dusk5, t= 92, theta = thetaamp, 0); %(event_dawn5, t= 104, theta = 0, 0) % ]