@Article{,esquivel-enhanced, author = {S. Esquivel and S. Ferrero and R. Gallard and C Salto and H Alfonso and M Schultz}, title = {Enhanced Evolutionary Algorithms for Single and Multiobjective Optimization in the Job Shop Scheduling Problem.}, journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems}, year = {2002}, volume = {15}, pages = {13-25}, url = {citeseer.csail.mit.edu/esquivel02enhanced.html} } @inproceedings{ agentmulopt:cec2002, author = {Krzysztof Socha and Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki}, title = {{A}gent-based {E}volutionary {M}ultiobjective {O}ptimisation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of CEC'02 -- Congress on Evolutionary Computation}, editor = {}, publisher = {}, volume = {1}, pages = {109-114}, ISBN = {0-7803-7281-6}, year = {2002}, month = {May}, location = {Honolulu, HI, USA}, url = {citeseer.csail.mit.edu/socha02agentbased.html} }