functor FLOWTOCODE (structure F : FlowSig structure B2C : BlockToCodeSig sharing B2C.B = F.B and B2C.C = F.C) = struct local open F.C B2C fun length [] = 0 | length (_ :: t) = 1 + length t exception Lookup fun lookup [] _ = raise Lookup | lookup ((k,e) :: t) k' = if k = k' then e else lookup t k' fun remove x [] = [] | remove x (h :: t) = if x = h then t else h :: remove x t fun insert (x, d) = x :: remove x d fun relabel (code, labels) = let fun fixup labels (GOTO(FALSE,0)) = (GOTO(TRUE, Basic.length code)) | fixup labels (GOTO(c,d)) = GOTO(c,( lookup labels d handle Lookup => Basic.length code)) | fixup labels x = x in Code (map (fixup labels) code) end fun neg (x <<< y) = x >>= y | neg (x >>= y) = x <<< y | neg (x !!= y) = x === y | neg (x === y) = x !!= y | neg (x >>> y) = x <<= y | neg (x <<= y) = x >>> y | neg TRUE = FALSE | neg FALSE = TRUE in fun flowToCode (g:F.G.Graph) = let fun genBlocks [] (code, labels) = (code, labels) | genBlocks (h :: t) (code, labels) = let val (block, cond) = g h val succs = F.G.adj g h val Code blockCode = B2C.blockToCode block val labels' = insert((h, length code), labels) val code' = code @ blockCode fun done w = (lookup labels' w; true) handle Lookup => false fun gen w = (* generate w now unless it is already done *) if done w then genBlocks t (code' @ [GOTO(TRUE, w)], labels') else genBlocks (insert (w, t)) (code', labels') in case succs of [ ] => if t = [] then (code', labels') else genBlocks t (code' @ [GOTO(FALSE,0)], labels') (* this means we should insert a jump to the end of the code *) | [w] => if cond = TRUE then gen w else if cond = FALSE then if t = [] then (code', labels') else genBlocks t (code' @ [GOTO(FALSE,0)], labels') else if done w then if t = [] then (code' @ [GOTO(cond, w)], labels') else (code' @ [GOTO(cond, w), GOTO(FALSE,0)], labels') else genBlocks (insert(w,t)) (code' @ [GOTO(cond, w), GOTO(FALSE,0)], labels') | [w,x] =>if x = w then gen w else (case cond of TRUE => gen w | FALSE => gen x | _ => (case (done w, done x) of (true, false) => genBlocks (insert(x,t)) (code' @ [GOTO(cond, w)], labels') |(false,false) => genBlocks (insert(x,insert(w,t))) (code' @ [GOTO(cond, w)], labels') |(false, true) => genBlocks (insert(w,t)) (code' @ [GOTO(neg cond, x)], labels') |(true, true) => genBlocks t (code' @ [GOTO(cond,w), GOTO(TRUE,x)], labels') ) ) end in relabel( genBlocks [0] ([], []) ) end end end