functor DATAOPT( structure F:FlowSig structure S:sig type Item type Set val empty : Set val member: Set -> Item -> bool val insert: Set -> Item -> Set val contains : Set -> Set -> bool val sing : Item -> Set val union : Set -> Set -> Set val image : (Item -> Set) -> (Set -> Set) end structure D: sig type Key type Item type Dict exception Lookup val empty : Dict val lookup: Dict -> Key -> Item val enter : ((Key * Item) * Dict) -> Dict end structure Basic: sig val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list val member : ''a list -> ''a -> bool val delete : ''a -> ''a list -> ''a list exception Lookup val lookup : (''a * 'b) list -> ''a -> 'b val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a end sharing type S.Item = string and type D.Key = F.G.Vertex = int and type D.Item = S.Set) : sig structure OF: FlowSig val dataOpt : F.G.Graph -> OF.G.Graph end = struct structure OF = struct structure B = F.B structure C = F.C structure G = struct type Vertex = int datatype Graph = FG of( Vertex * ( Vertex list * (B.Block * C.Cond) ) ) list fun vertices (FG g) = map #1 g fun adj (FG g) v = #1(Basic.lookup g v) end fun data (G.FG g) v = #2(Basic.lookup g v) end open F.B fun entry dict k = (D.lookup dict k; true) handle D.Lookup => false fun leaves (x *** y) = S.union (leaves x) (leaves y) | leaves (x --- y) = S.union (leaves x) (leaves y) | leaves (x +++ y) = S.union (leaves x) (leaves y) | leaves (x /// y) = S.union (leaves x) (leaves y) | leaves (Id x) = S.sing x | leaves (Lit _) = S.empty fun dataOpt g = let val set = Basic.fold S.insert S.empty val all = Basic.fold (fn s => fn j => S.union s let val Block b = #1( g j) in set (map #1 b) end ) S.empty (F.G.vertices g) fun depends j x = let val Block b = #1( g j) in leaves (Basic.lookup b x) handle Basic.Lookup => S.sing x end fun outputs odict n = D.lookup odict n handle Lookup => all fun inputs odict n = S.image (depends n) (outputs odict n) (* if odict gives the required outputs of a block, inputs odict gives required inputs *) fun onestep x outputs = S.image (depends x) outputs fun reaches x outputs = let val onemore = onestep x outputs in if S.contains onemore outputs then outputs else reaches x (S.union onemore outputs) end local open F.C in fun s (Lit _) = [] | s (Id x) = [x] fun cvars j = case #2( g j) of (x <<< y) => s x @ s y | (x <<= y) => s x @ s y | (x >>= y) => s x @ s y | (x >>> y) => s x @ s y | (x === y) => s x @ s y | (x !!= y) => s x @ s y | _ => [] end fun outputs _ [] dict = dict | outputs path (h :: t) dict = outputs path t (if entry dict h then dict else if Basic.member path h then doloop path h dict else case F.G.adj g h of [] => (D.enter((h,all),dict)) (* all required at termination *) | a => let val dict' = outputs (h :: path) a dict val oh = Basic.fold (fn s => fn j => S.union s (inputs dict' j)) S.empty a val ch = set(cvars h) in D.enter((h, S.union ch oh),dict') end ) and doloop path h dict = let val a = F.G.adj g h in if Basic.member a h then case Basic.delete h a of [] => D.enter((h,all), dict) | [n] => let val dict' = outputs path [n] dict in D.enter((h,reaches h (onestep h (inputs dict' n))), dict') end else D.enter((h,all), dict) end val needed = outputs [] [0] D.empty fun prune j (Block b, c) = let val reqj = S.member (D.lookup needed j) in (Block (Basic.filter (reqj o #1) b), c) end in OF.G.FG(map (fn j => (j, (F.G.adj g j, prune j ( g j)))) (F.G.vertices g)) end end