functor LOOPOPT(F:FlowSig) : sig structure OF: FlowSig val loopOpt : F.G.Graph -> OF.G.Graph end = struct exception Lookup fun lookup ((k,e) :: t) k' = if k = k' then e else lookup t k' | lookup [] _ = raise Lookup fun remove ((k,e)::t) k' = if k = k' then t else (k,e) :: remove t k' | remove [] _ = [] fun enter ((k,e),d) = (k,e) :: remove d k fun member (h :: t) x = x = h orelse member t x | member [] _ = false fun swap(x,y) = (y,x) structure OF = struct structure B = F.B structure C = F.C structure G = struct type Vertex = int datatype Graph = FG of( Vertex * ( Vertex list * (B.Block * C.Cond) ) ) list fun vertices (FG g) = map #1 g fun adj (FG g) v = #1(lookup g v) end fun data (G.FG g) v = #2(lookup g v) end open F.B fun splitBlock (Block b) = let val changed = map #1 b val final = map swap b fun isInv (Lit _) = true | isInv (Id x) = not(member changed x) | isInv (x *** y) = isInv x andalso isInv y | isInv (x --- y) = isInv x andalso isInv y | isInv (x +++ y) = isInv x andalso isInv y | isInv (x /// y) = isInv x andalso isInv y fun lv n = "!"^Prelude.stringOfInt n fun factorInv pre t e = (* pre = precomputed, t = temporary, e = expression *) case e of Lit _ => (pre, t, e) | Id _ => (pre, t, e) | _ => if isInv e then (pre, t, Id(lookup pre e)) handle Lookup => (enter((e, lv t), pre), t+1, Id(lv t)) else let fun preComp x f y = let val (pre', t', ex) = factorInv pre t x val (pre'', t'', ey) = factorInv pre' t' y in (pre'', t'', f(ex, ey)) end in case e of (x *** y ) => preComp x op*** y | (x +++ y ) => preComp x op+++ y | (x --- y ) => preComp x op--- y | (x /// y ) => preComp x op/// y end handle Match => (pre, t, e) fun splitList (pre, t, (s, e) :: ss, loop) = let val (pre', t', e') = factorInv pre t e in splitList(pre', t', ss, (s, e') :: loop) end | splitList (pre, _, [], loop) = (Block (map swap pre), Block loop) in splitList ([], 0, b, []) end fun loopOpt fg = let fun optimise [] = [] | optimise (h :: t) = if member (F.G.adj fg h) h then let val (b,c) = fg h val h' = ~(h+1) fun knot [] = [] | knot (x :: y) = (if x=h then h' else x) :: knot y val a = knot( F.G.adj fg h ) val (n,l) = splitBlock b in (h, ([h'], (n, F.C.TRUE))) :: (h', (a, (l, c))) :: optimise t end else (h, (F.G.adj fg h, fg h)) :: optimise t in OF.G.FG( optimise (F.G.vertices fg) ) end end