content="Data-structures and algorithms in Standard ML. Notes from a lecture course given by Michael Fourman at the University of West Australia, Spring 1994." /> rel="start" type="text/html" href="/mfourman/index.html" title="Michael Fourman" />

CS201 mid-term examination(60 minutes)

Answer all four questions.

    1. Give SML definitions of the list functions
            map: (’a -> ’b) -> ’a list -> ’b list and
            filter: (’a -> bool) -> ’a list -> ’a list.
    2. The function fmap combines the actions of these two functions. It is defined by
      fun fmap  f g = (filter  f) o (map  g)
      What is the type of this function?
    3. Prove that the two expressions (map f) o (map g) and map (f o g) are always equivalent if f and g are pure functions, i.e. involving no exceptions or other side-effects.
  1. The following datatype can be used to represent trees where nodes can have an arbitrary number of children.
    datatype  ’a Tree  = Tree  of ’a * ’a  Tree list
    1. What tree does the following expression denote (i.e draw a picture):
      Tree(1, [Tree(2, [ ]), Tree(3, [Tree(4,[ ])])])
    2. Define a function to calculate the number of leaves in such trees.
    3. We can assign a level to each node in the tree as follows. The node at the root is at level 1. Its children are at level 2. Their children are at level 3 and so on. Suppose we are interested in trees where a node at level n always has exactly n children if it is not a leaf. Define a function to check whether a given tree has this property.
  2. Give the responses of the ML system to the following sequence of declarations
  3. The following function for exploring
    local fun listall [] acc = acc  
            | listall (T (a,children) :: trees) acc = listall(children @ trees) (a :: acc)  
       fun dfs t = listall t []  

  4. Write a function nodes: tree -¿ int -¿ int such that nodes n t gives the number of nodes of depth n in the tree t.
  5. fun accsum (Lf a, acc) =  a + acc  
      | accsum (Nd(l,v,r), acc) = accsum(l, accsum(r, v + acc))  
    fun sumtree (Lf a) = a  
      | sumtree (Nd(l,v,r)) = sumtree l + v + sumtree r

    Show, by tree induction, that accsum(t, acc) = sumtree t + acc

  6. Complexity??

Part 2 (90 minutes)

Answer any two of the following four questions.1

  1. A priority queue is similar to a normal queue except that each item has a priority associated with it. When retrieving an element the one with the highest priority is chosen. If more than one element has this priority then the one that was inserted first is chosen. We can use the following signatures to define such queues.
    signature Q_ELMT =  
        type T  
        val  priority : T -> int  
    signature PQUEUE =  
        type T  
        structure Element: Q_ELMT  
        val empty: T  
        val insert: T * Element.T -> T  
        exception Empty  
        val remove: T -> (Element.T * T)  

    1. Provide an implementation of the functor
      functor PQueue(E: QxELMT):   PQUEUE    = struct ... end
    2. Use this functor to build a structure for manipulating priority queues of strings, where shorter strings have higher priority than larger ones.
    3. Use your solution to (b) to implement a sort function on lists of strings.
    4. Modify your code (and the signatures provided) so that the remove function removes all occurrences of the element at the head of the queue. The result of the call should be the element, the number of times it appeared in the queue, and the queue that results from its removal.