EduSymp pre-proceedings and programme
Here you will find, for convenience, pre-proceedings copies of the papers
accepted to EduSymp
at MODELS'13, along with a draft programme.
The post-proceedings is now also
- 8.30 Welcome and introductions.
- 8.45 Making UML "hip": A First Experience Report on Using Modern Teaching Tools for Object-Oriented Modelling
Marion Brandsteidl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Petra Brosch, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Martina Seidl, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
- 9.10 Using Model-Driven Development Tools for Object-Oriented Modeling Education
Seiko Akayama, Kyushu University, Japan
Kenji Hisazum, Kyushu University, Japan
Syuhei Hiya, Kyushu University, Japan
Akira Fukuda, Kyushu University, Japan
- 9.35 Evaluation of Students' Modeling and Programming
Birgit Demuth, TU Dresden, Germany
Sebastian Goetz, TU Dresden, Germany
Harry Sneed, Anecon GmbH, Germany
Uwe Schmidt, TU Dresden, Germany
- 10.00 Break
- 10.30 Multi-faceted Practical Modeling Education for Software Engineering
Suraj Kothari, Iowa State University, United States
Jeremias Sauceda, EnSoft Corp, United States
- 10.55 Assessing software design skills and their relation with reasoning skills
Dave Stikkolorum, Leiden University, Netherlands
Claire Stevenson, Leiden University, Netherlands
Michel Chaudron, Chalmers and Gothenborg University, Sweden
- 11.20 Introduction to the afternoon. Guided
brainstorm/discussion/paper planning concerning the use of tools in
modelling and design education.
- 12.00 Lunch
- 13.30 Discussion and work towards a collaborative paper. The idea is
that we bring together the whole group's ideas, opinions and experience on
the use of tools in modelling education, pros and cons, options, open
problems, etc., and start to write a paper for the proceedings, having
those who stay for the afternoon as authors.
- End, time indeterminate, probably by mid-afternoon.