SDM: Towards Model-Driven Digital Twin Engineering... by Bordeleau et al.

SDM: Towards Model-Driven Digital Twin Engineering... by Bordeleau et al.

No automatic checking of these - if you can't answer these, it's a sign you need to check back in the paper.

Quick questions

  1. What is a digital twin?
  2. Why is model-driven engineering relevant to digital twins?
  3. According to the paper, what are the three major challenges of digital twins to which MDE might contribute? Explain briefly in your own words.
  4. Think about a setting in which a digital twin might be used: describe the potential usefulness of the DT and any challenges.
  5. What can you remember about the open research challenges the authors identify, and how can you relate these to anything else you know? (Very open-ended I know - I don't expect you to memorise the whole paper!)