SDM: A Hitchhiker's Guide... by Combemale et al.

SDM: A Hitchhiker's Guide... by Combemale et al.

No automatic checking of these - if you can't answer these, it's a sign you need to check back in the paper.

Quick questions

  1. In what year, and what journal, was the paper published?
  2. What is the acronymic name of the framework described here? What does the acronym stand for? What is the purpose of the framework?
  3. According to the paper, what are the three roles a model can play?
  4. Describe one instantiation of the framework. Check you understand how it fits with the framework itself, and compare it with what you understand about the setting. (To stop anyone worrying, no, I don't expect you to memorise all of the instantiations! But checking that you thoroughly understand at least one is probably the best way to check that you've got a grip of the rather abstract framework.)