Quick Revision Questions

Q1 Which ordering of the '4 Elements of Simple Design' is from high value to low value according to the author (at the beginning of the article)?

Passes tests, Maximizes Clarity, Minimizes Duplication, Has Fewer Elements
Minimizes Duplication, Passes tests, Has Fewer Elements, Maximizes Clarity
Minimizes Duplication, Maximizes Clarity, Has Fewer Elements, Passes Tests
Passes tests, Minimizes Duplication, Maximizes Clarity, Has Fewer Elements

Q2Why does the author then strike out "Passes tests" and "has fewer elements"?

Minimising the number of elements is an integral part of programming; it doesn't matter whether tests are passed, provided the other three desiderata are achieved
Getting tests to pass is an integral part of programming and doesn't need to be stated; number of elements doesn't matter if duplication is minimised and clarity maximised
Getting tests to pass is an integral part of programming and doesn't need to be stated; the clearest duplication-free design always has the smallest possible number of elements anyway
Passing tests is over-rated; minimising duplication and maximising reinforce one another and should get all your attention

Q3 Which of the following is NOT a stage that names tend to go through to improve clarity?

Meaningful or Intention Revealing
Accurate but Vague