/* Travel Accounting Program Dwayne Phillips November 1992 Command Line: travel [return] Purpose: This program performs the same function as the travel accounting system used by the secretaries on the Wang Alliance system prior to January 1993. It takes input concerning a person's trip, stores that to a file for later use, calculates the money due or due back, and prints an accounting. It's major advantages are: (1) no more Wang, and (2) it saves the accounting data to a disk for later retrieval, editing, and printing. The Wang program did not save the accounting to disk so you could not edit it. This program will run on the UNIX workstations and (with a minor change) on an IBM PC or clone. It is written entirely in C and is basic terminal and file input and output. Files: The program uses two files: (1) the data file, and (2) a print file. Data File The data file contains the accounting data entered on a traveller. This data contains information about the traveller, advances, and expenses. Each travel accounting has certain data items associated with it. These include: Name - name of the person traveling (1) ORN - ORN for this travel accounting (1) Cash advance amount (1) GTR or Ticket Advance Amount - (1,many) Transportation Costs (1,many) Mode Carrier Travel Class Amount Itenerary (1,many) Depart Date Leaving Location Depart Time Depart Via Arrive Date Arrive Location Arrive Time Daily Expense (1,many) Max Lodging MIE Actual Lodging POV Miles POV Description Rental Car Rental Car Description Taxi Taxi Description Parking Parking Description Official Phone Official Phone Description Other Expenses Other Description Rental Car (1) Personal Mileage Total Mileage Total Gas I store these items in a data file in the following order: name - L chars ORN - L chars cash_advance - long GTR - struct GTR_struct ts - struct trans_struct its - struct itinerary_struct ds - struct daily_struct rs - struct rental_struct Print File This program prints the results in a nice looking form just like the Wang program did. Since the workstations are on a network with many different printers, the program "prints" to a temporary print file, and then uses the "system" command to print that file to a network printer. The use enters the name of the desired netowrk printer. Linked Lists: Most of the information about the traveller is kept in linked lists of structures. This is because you do not know how many pieces of data the traveller will have when the program starts. Therefore, you use a linked list and allocate new nodes in the list as you need them. I always create at least one blank struct in the linked list. That way, you can write something to the data file and read something back. Money: All money in this progam is kept in penneys using a long variable. There are routines that transform this penney value to a float value for keyboard input and display and print output. POV: The POV money is kept in a long, but it is in penneys times ten. This will accomodate fractions of cents. For example, POV=265 for 26.5 cents a mile. The POV calculations take this into account and divide by 10 at the appropriate time. Possibile Changes: There are three global variables you will need to change in the future. These are (1) MIE rates and (2) POV_RATE. These change from time to time with inflation and you must update them. They are in the define area before the main program. UNIX and DOS Versions: This program is very basic C and will run on UNIX and DOS platforms (and probably others too). You must set the values of the UNIX_SYSTEM and DOS_SYSTEM global variables before compiling. Just set them to 1 and 0. These are in the define area fbefore the main program. Revision History: Version 1 - February 1993 Version 1.01 - 9 February 1993 Made a small change to get_money so it would not lose a penney. Version 1.1 - 12 February 1993 Added the rental car structure. Previous versions did not do this because the secrataries did not need it. They changed their minds, so I added it. Version 1.2 - 22 February 1993 Made a change in the print_daily subroutine. If your actual lodging exceeds the max allowed lodging, then you must use the max lodging in calculations. Version 1.3 - 20 April 1993 Made several changes: (1) Added 3 more MIE values. Earlier versions only used MIE1 and MIE2. This version uses MIE1 through MIE5. This is because our organization changed the meals and incidental expense rates for the cities. So, I added a couple of lines of code to the MIE loop in the routines edit_daily_expenses and get_daily_expenses. DP - 4-15-93 (2) The program now displays the name of the date file right after it closes that file. This will help the user know where the data is stored. (3) The DOS_SYSTEM version of the program gets the data file name directly from the user for new cases. When the user enters a file name, the program checks for the existance of that file. If it already exists, the program asks for another file name. (4) Changed several edit functions so you can skip to the end of a long linked list. The changes were in edit_trans_cost edit_intinerary edit_daily_expenses Version 1.4 - 8 September 1993 I changed all occurences of SAD to CAC to reflect our new division name. */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE Includes and data structures */ #include #include #include #include #define L 100 #define LPP 66 #define TAB 5 #define END_OF_LIST 0x00 /* Here are the money values that change with inflation. Recall, the POV_RATE is in cents times ten. The MIE rates are in cents. Changed from 3 MIE rates to 5 MIE rates - DP - 4/15/93 */ #define MIE1 0 #define MIE2 2600 #define MIE3 3000 #define MIE4 3400 #define MIE5 3800 #define POV_RATE 250 /* Here are the globals you set before compiling for UNIX or DOS. */ #define UNIX_SYSTEM 1 #define DOS_SYSTEM 0 /* Here are the structures. Most of these are for linked lists that the program creates dynamically as it goes along. */ /* The Month-Day-Year Structure */ struct MDY_struct{ short month; short day; short year; }; /* The Transportation Cost Structure */ struct trans_struct{ char mode[L]; char carrier[L]; char travel_class[L]; long amount; struct trans_struct *next; }; /* The Itenerary Structure */ struct itinerary_struct{ struct MDY_struct depart_date; char leave_loc[L]; long depart_time; char depart_via[L]; struct MDY_struct arrive_date; char arrive_loc[L]; long arrive_time; struct itinerary_struct *next; }; /* The Daily Expense Structure */ struct daily_struct{ struct MDY_struct today; long max_lodging; long mie; long actual_lodging; long pov_miles; char pov_desc[L]; long rental_car; char rental_car_desc[L]; long taxi; char taxi_desc[L]; long parking; char parking_desc[L]; long phone; char phone_desc[L]; long other; char other_desc[L]; struct daily_struct *next; }; /* The GTR Advance Structure */ struct GTR_struct{ long GTR; struct GTR_struct *next; }; /* The Rental Car Structure */ struct rental_struct{ long personal_mileage; long total_mileage; long total_gas; }; /* Here are the functions I needed to define. */ float dollars_of(); long calculate_mie(); long get_money(); long pennies_of(); struct GTR_struct * get_GTRs(); struct trans_struct * get_transportation_cost(); struct itinerary_struct * get_itinerarys(); struct daily_struct * get_daily_expenses(); struct rental_struct * get_rental_expenses(); struct GTR_struct * retrieve_GTRs(); struct trans_struct * retrieve_transportation_cost(); struct itinerary_struct * retrieve_itinerarys(); struct daily_struct * retrieve_daily_expenses(); struct rental_struct * retrieve_rental_expenses(); struct itinerary_struct * traverse_itinerary(); /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE main */ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int choice, i, not_finished = 1, lines=0; long cash_advance; /* the cash advance */ short days=0; char data_file_name[L], date_string[L], name[L], ORN[L], print[L], print_file_name[L], printer_name[L], r[L]; /* Declare the two files */ FILE *data_file, *print_file; /* Declare the pointers for the linked lists. */ struct GTR_struct *GTR; struct trans_struct *ts; struct itinerary_struct *its; struct daily_struct *ds; struct rental_struct *rs; struct MDY_struct first_day, last_day; get_date(date_string); GTR = END_OF_LIST; ts = END_OF_LIST; its = END_OF_LIST; ds = END_OF_LIST; rs = END_OF_LIST; /* Start the basic loop which continues until the user says quit. */ while(not_finished){ show_main_menu(); gets(r); choice = atoi(r); switch(choice){ case 0: printf("\nTHE END\n\n"); not_finished = 0; break; /* Process new travel accounting */ case 1: printf("\ncase 1"); /* Get the input from the user */ /* get traveller's name and ORN */ get_name(name); get_orn(ORN); get_data_file_name(name, date_string, data_file_name); data_file = fopen(data_file_name, "w"); if(data_file == '\0'){ printf("\nERROR: Could not create data file %s", data_file_name); exit(-1); } /* ends opening data file */ /* get the Cash Advance */ printf("\n\tCash Advance Amount? "); cash_advance = get_money(); /* get the GTR or Ticket Advance(s) */ GTR = get_GTRs(); /* get the transportation cost structure(s) */ ts = get_transportation_cost(); /* get the itinerary structure(s) */ its = get_itinerarys(); get_first_last_dates(its, &first_day, &last_day); /* get the daily expenses */ ds = get_daily_expenses(&first_day, &last_day, &days); /* get the rental car expenses if any */ rs = get_rental_expenses(); /* save the data to the data file */ fwrite(name, (L*sizeof(char)), 1, data_file); fwrite(ORN, (L*sizeof(char)), 1, data_file); fwrite(&cash_advance, sizeof(long), 1, data_file); save_GTRs(GTR, data_file); save_transportation_cost(ts, data_file); save_itinerarys(its, data_file); save_daily_expenses(ds, data_file); save_rental_expenses(rs, data_file); fclose(data_file); printf("\n\nWrote your data to file: %s", data_file_name); printf("\nDo you want to print? (y or n)"); gets(print); if(print[0] == 'y' || print[0] == 'Y'){ tmpnam(print_file_name); print_file = fopen(print_file_name, "wt"); if(print_file == '\0'){ printf("\nERROR Could not open print file %s", print_file_name); exit(2); } /* ends if could not open print file */ get_first_last_dates(its, &first_day, &last_day); print_accounting(date_string, name, ORN, days, &lines, print_file, &first_day, &last_day, cash_advance, GTR, ts, its, ds, rs); lines = 0; fclose(print_file); if(UNIX_SYSTEM){ printf("\nEnter the name of the printer:"); printf(" (e.g. GE02_SPARC, ps1, ps, etc.)"); printf("\n __________\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); gets(printer_name); sprintf(r, "lpr -P%s %s", printer_name, print_file_name); } if(DOS_SYSTEM) sprintf(r, "type %s > prn", print_file_name); system(r); unlink(print_file_name); } /* ends if yes print */ break; /* Process old travel accounting */ case 2: printf("\ncase 2"); printf("\nEnter the data file name:"); printf("______________________________"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(data_file_name); data_file = fopen(data_file_name, "r"); if(data_file == '\0'){ printf("\nERROR: Could not open data file %s", data_file_name); exit(-1); } /* ends opening data file */ fread(name, (L*sizeof(char)), 1, data_file); fread(ORN, (L*sizeof(char)), 1, data_file); fread(&cash_advance, sizeof(long), 1, data_file); GTR = retrieve_GTRs(data_file); ts = retrieve_transportation_cost(data_file); its = retrieve_itinerarys(data_file); ds = retrieve_daily_expenses(data_file, &days); rs = retrieve_rental_expenses(data_file); fclose(data_file); printf("\nDo you want to edit "); printf("this accounting? (y or n)"); gets(r); if(r[0] == 'y' || r[0] == 'Y'){ review_accounting(name, ORN, &cash_advance, GTR, ts, its, ds, rs); } /* ends edit accounting */ printf("\nDo you want to print? (y or n)"); gets(print); if(print[0] == 'y' || print[0] == 'Y'){ tmpnam(print_file_name); print_file = fopen(print_file_name, "wt"); if(print_file == '\0'){ printf("\nERROR Could not open print file %s", print_file_name); exit(2); } /* ends if could not open print file */ get_first_last_dates(its, &first_day, &last_day); print_accounting(date_string, name, ORN, days, &lines, print_file, &first_day, &last_day, cash_advance, GTR, ts, its, ds, rs); lines = 0; fclose(print_file); if(UNIX_SYSTEM){ printf("\nEnter the name of the printer:"); printf(" (e.g. GE02_SPARC, ps1, ps, etc.)"); printf("\n __________\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); gets(printer_name); sprintf(r, "lpr -P%s %s", printer_name, print_file_name); } if(DOS_SYSTEM) sprintf(r, "type %s > prn", print_file_name); system(r); unlink(print_file_name); } /* ends if yes print */ printf("\nDo you want to save "); printf("this edited accounting? (y or n)"); gets(r); if(r[0] == 'y' || r[0] == 'Y'){ get_data_file_name(name, date_string, data_file_name); data_file = fopen(data_file_name, "w"); if(data_file == '\0'){ printf("\nERROR: Could not create data file %s", data_file_name); exit(-1); } /* ends opening data file */ /* save the data to the data file */ fwrite(name, (L*sizeof(char)), 1, data_file); fwrite(ORN, (L*sizeof(char)), 1, data_file); fwrite(&cash_advance, sizeof(long), 1, data_file); save_GTRs(GTR, data_file); save_transportation_cost(ts, data_file); save_itinerarys(its, data_file); save_daily_expenses(ds, data_file); fclose(data_file); printf("\n\nWrote your data to file: %s", data_file_name); } /* ends if save edited accounting */ break; default: printf("\n\nSorry, cannot understand your "); printf("choice, try again."); break; } /* ends switch choice */ } /* ends while not_finished */ /* free up the memory you allocated */ free(GTR); free(ts); free(its); free(ds); } /* ends main */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE review_accounting This function is the main routine for the review process. It shows menus, interprets the responses and calls other functions to make changes as desired. */ review_accounting(name, ORN, cash_advance, GTR, ts, its, ds, rs) char name[], ORN[]; long *cash_advance; struct daily_struct *ds; struct GTR_struct *GTR; struct itinerary_struct *its; struct trans_struct *ts; struct rental_struct *rs; { char r[L]; int choice, not_finished = 1; while(not_finished){ show_review_menu(); gets(r); choice = atoi(r); switch(choice){ case 0: not_finished = 0; break; case 1: /* name and ORN */ edit_name_orn(name, ORN); break; case 2: /* cash advance */ edit_cash_advance(cash_advance); break; case 3: /* GTR */ edit_GTRs(GTR); break; case 4: /* Transportation cost */ edit_trans_cost(ts); break; case 5: /* Itenerary */ edit_itinerary(its); break; case 6: /* Daily Expenses */ edit_daily_expenses(ds); break; case 7: /* Rental Car Use */ edit_rental_expenses(rs); break; default: printf("\n\nSorry, cannot understand your"); printf(" choice, try again."); break; } /* ends switch choice */ } /* ends while not_finished */ } /* ends review_accounting */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE edit_name_orn This function allows the user to edit the traveller's name and ORN. */ edit_name_orn(name, ORN) char name[], ORN[]; { char r[L]; int choice, not_finished = 1; while(not_finished){ printf("\n"); printf("\n\t1. Name is %s", name); printf("\n\t2. ORN is %s", ORN); printf("\n\n\tEnter number to make a change, 0 to quit"); printf("\n\t__\b\b"); gets(r); choice = atoi(r); switch(choice){ case 0: not_finished = 0; break; case 1: get_name(name); break; case 2: get_orn(ORN); break; default: printf("\n\nSorry, cannot understand your"); printf(" choice, try again."); break; } /* ends switch choice */ } /* ends not_finished */ } /* ends edit_name_ORN */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE edit_cash_advance This function allows the user to edit the cash advance. */ edit_cash_advance(cash_advance) long *cash_advance; { char r[L]; int choice, not_finished = 1; long temp; temp = *cash_advance; while(not_finished){ printf("\n"); printf("\n\t1. Cash advance is $%8.2f", dollars_of(temp)); printf("\n\n\tEnter number to make a change, 0 to quit"); printf("\n\t__\b\b"); gets(r); choice = atoi(r); switch(choice){ case 0: not_finished = 0; break; case 1: printf("\n\tCash Advance Amount? "); temp = get_money(); break; default: printf("\n\nSorry, cannot understand your"); printf(" choice, try again."); break; } /* ends switch choice */ } /* ends while not_finished */ *cash_advance = temp; } /* ends edit_cash_advance */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE edit_GTRs This function allows the user to edit the GTRs. */ edit_GTRs(GTR) struct GTR_struct *GTR; { char r[L]; int choice, not_finished = 1; long temp; struct GTR_struct *g; g = GTR; while(not_finished){ printf("\n"); printf("\n\t1. GTR is $%8.2f", dollars_of(g->GTR)); printf("\n\n\tEnter 1 to change this GTR"); printf("\n\tEnter 2 to go on to next GTR"); printf("\n\t__\b\b"); gets(r); choice = atoi(r); if(choice == 1){ printf("\nEnter new GTR:________\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); temp = get_money(); g->GTR = temp; } /* ends if choice == 1 */ if(choice == 2){ if(g->next == END_OF_LIST){ printf("\nNo more advances to edit"); not_finished = 0; } /* ends if END_OF_LIST */ else g = g->next; } /* ends if choice == 2 */ } /* ends while not_finished */ } /* ends edit_GTRs */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE edit_trans_cost This function allows the user to edit the transportation costs. */ edit_trans_cost(ts) struct trans_struct *ts; { char r[L]; int choice, j, not_finished = 1; struct trans_struct *t; t = ts; while(not_finished){ printf("\n"); printf("\n\t1. Mode: %s", t->mode); printf("\n\t2. Carrier: %s", t->carrier); printf("\n\t3. Class: %s", t->travel_class); printf("\n\t4. Amount: $%8.2f", dollars_of(t->amount)); printf("\n\t5. Go on to the next transportation"); printf("\n\t6. Quit editing transportation costs"); printf("\n"); printf("\n\tEnter the number to change:__\b\b"); gets(r); choice = atoi(r); switch(choice){ case 1: printf("\n\tMode:______________________________"); printf("(enter 0 to quit)"); for(j=0; j<47; j++) printf("\b"); gets(t->mode); break; case 2: printf("\n\tCarrier:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(t->carrier); break; case 3: printf("\n\tTravel Class:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(t->travel_class); break; case 4: printf("\n\tAmount:"); t->amount = get_money(); break; case 5: if(t->next == END_OF_LIST){ printf("\n\nNo more to edit"); not_finished = 0; } /* ends if END_OF_LIST */ else t = t->next; break; case 6: not_finished = 0; break; default: printf("\n\nSorry, cannot understand your"); printf(" choice, try again."); break; } /* ends switch choice */ } /* ends while not_finished */ } /* ends edit_trans_cost */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE edit_itinerary This function allows the user to edit the itinerary. */ edit_itinerary(its) struct itinerary_struct *its; { char r[L], s[L]; int choice, i, not_finished = 1; struct itinerary_struct *t; struct MDY_struct dummy; t = its; while(not_finished){ printf("\n"); printf("\n\t1. Departure: %2d-%2d-%2d", t->depart_date.month, t->depart_date.day, t->depart_date.year); printf("\n\t2. Leaving: %s", t->leave_loc); printf("\n\t3. Time: %ld", t->depart_time); printf("\n\t4. Via: %s", t->depart_via); printf("\n\t5. Arrival: %2d-%2d-%2d", t->arrive_date.month, t->arrive_date.day, t->arrive_date.year); printf("\n\t6. Arriving: %s", t->arrive_loc); printf("\n\t7. Time: %ld", t->arrive_time); printf("\n\t8. Go on to the next itinerary."); printf("\n\t9. Quit editing itinerary"); printf("\n"); printf("\n\tEnter the number to change:__\b\b"); gets(r); choice = atoi(r); switch(choice){ case 1: printf("\nEnter the new departure date"); get_mdy(&dummy); t->depart_date.month = dummy.month; t->depart_date.day = dummy.day ; t->depart_date.year = dummy.year ; break; case 2: printf("\nLeaving:______________________________"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(t->leave_loc); break; case 3: printf("\nAt:____ (24 hour time - no colon)"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(s); t->depart_time = atoi(s); break; case 4: printf("\nVia:______________________________"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(t->depart_via); break; case 5: printf("\nARRIVAL"); get_mdy(&dummy); t->arrive_date.month = dummy.month; t->arrive_date.day = dummy.day; t->arrive_date.year = dummy.year; break; case 6: printf("\nArriving:______________________________"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(t->arrive_loc); break; case 7: printf("\nAt:____ (24 hour time - no colon)"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(s); t->arrive_time = atoi(s); break; case 8: if(t->next == END_OF_LIST){ printf("\nNo more itinerarys"); not_finished = 0; } /* ends if END_OF_LIST */ else t = t->next; break; case 9: not_finished = 0; break; default: printf("\n\nSorry, cannot understand your"); printf(" choice, try again."); break; } /* ends switch choice */ } /* ends while not_finished */ } /* ends edit_itinerary */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE edit_daily_expenses This function allows the user to edit the daily expenses. */ edit_daily_expenses(ds) struct daily_struct *ds; { char r[L], s[L]; int choice, j, not_done, not_finished = 1; struct daily_struct *t; struct MDY_struct dummy; t = ds; while(not_finished){ printf("\n"); printf("\n\t1. Today is: %2d-%2d-%2d", t->today.month, t->today.day, t->today.year); printf("\n\t2. Maximum Lodging: $%8.2f", dollars_of(t->max_lodging)); printf("\n\t3. M&IE: $%8.2f", dollars_of(t->mie)); printf("\n\t4. Actual Lodging: $%8.2f", dollars_of(t->actual_lodging)); printf("\n\t5. POV Miles: %ld", t->pov_miles); printf("\n\t6. POV Description: %s", t->pov_desc); printf("\n\t7. Rental Car Cost: $%8.2f", dollars_of(t->rental_car)); printf("\n\t8. Rental Car Description: %s", t->rental_car_desc); printf("\n\t9. Taxi Cost: $%8.2f", dollars_of(t->taxi)); printf("\n\t10. Taxi Description: %s ", t->taxi_desc); printf("\n\t11. Parking Cost: $%8.2f", dollars_of(t->parking)); printf("\n\t12. Parking Description: %s", t->parking_desc); printf("\n\t13. Telephone Cost: $%8.2f", dollars_of(t->phone)); printf("\n\t14. Telephone Description: %s", t->phone_desc); printf("\n\t15. Other Cost: $%8.2f", dollars_of(t->other)); printf("\n\t16. Other Description: %s", t->other_desc); printf("\n\t17. Go on to the next day's expenses"); printf("\n\t18. Quit editing daily expenses"); printf("\n"); printf("\n\tEnter the number to change:__\b\b"); gets(r); choice = atoi(r); switch(choice){ case 1: printf("\nEnter date:"); get_mdy(&dummy); t->today.month = dummy.month; t->today.day = dummy.day; t->today.year = dummy.year; break; case 2: printf("\nMax Lodging at TDY Point:_____\b\b\b\b\b"); t->max_lodging = get_money(); break; case 3: not_done = 1; while(not_done){ printf("\nM&IE at TDY Point:_____\b\b\b\b\b"); t->mie = get_money(); /* change - added 3 MIE values here 4-15-93 - DP */ if(t->mie != MIE1 && t->mie != MIE2 && t->mie != MIE3 && t->mie != MIE4 && t->mie != MIE5){ printf("\nMust equal"); show_money(MIE1); printf(", "); show_money(MIE2); printf(", "); show_money(MIE3); printf(", "); show_money(MIE4); printf(", "); show_money(MIE5); } /* ends if MIE values */ else not_done = 0; } /* ends M&IE loop */ break; case 4: printf("\nActual Lodging:_____\b\b\b\b\b"); t->actual_lodging = get_money(); break; case 5: printf("\nPOV Miles:_____\b\b\b\b\b"); gets(s); t->pov_miles = atoi(s); break; case 6: printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(t->pov_desc); break; case 7: printf("\nRental Car:______\b\b\b\b\b\b"); t->rental_car = get_money(); break; case 8: printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(t->rental_car_desc); break; case 9: printf("\nTaxi:______\b\b\b\b\b\b"); t->taxi = get_money(); break; case 10: printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(t->taxi_desc); break; case 11: printf("\nParking:______\b\b\b\b\b\b"); t->parking = get_money(); break; case 12: printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(t->parking_desc); break; case 13: printf("\nOfficial Phone:______\b\b\b\b\b\b"); t->phone = get_money(); break; case 14: printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(t->phone_desc); break; case 15: printf("\nOther:______\b\b\b\b\b\b"); t->other = get_money(); break; case 16: printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(t->other_desc); break; case 17: if(t->next == END_OF_LIST){ printf("\nNo more daily expenses"); not_finished = 0; } /* ends if END_OF_LIST */ else t = t->next; break; case 18: not_finished = 0; break; default: printf("\n\nSorry, cannot understand your"); printf(" choice, try again."); break; } /* ends switch choice */ } /* ends while not_finished */ } /* ends edit_daily_expenses */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE edit_rental_expenses This function allows the user to edit the rental car personal use information. */ edit_rental_expenses(rs) struct rental_struct *rs; { char r[L], s[L]; int choice, not_finished = 1; long temp; while(not_finished){ printf("\n\t1. Personal mileage is %ld", rs->personal_mileage); printf("\n\t2. Total mileage is %ld", rs->total_mileage); printf("\n\t3. Total gas is $%8.2f", dollars_of(rs->total_gas)); printf("\n\n\tEnter number to make a change, 0 to quit"); printf("\n\t__\b\b"); gets(r); choice = atoi(r); switch(choice){ case 0: not_finished = 0; break; case 1: printf("\nPersonal Mileage:________\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); gets(s); rs->personal_mileage = atoi(s); break; case 2: printf("\nTotal Rental Car Mileage:"); printf("________\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); gets(s); rs->total_mileage = atoi(s); break; case 3: printf("\nTotal Gas:$________\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); temp = get_money(); rs->total_gas = temp; break; default: printf("\n\nSorry, cannot understand your "); printf("choice, try again."); break; } /* ends switch choice */ } /* ends while not_finished */ } /* ends edit_rental_expenses */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE show_main_menu This function shows the main menu on the screen. */ show_main_menu() { printf("\n"); printf("\n\tTravel Accounting System - CAC - "); printf("Version 1.3 - April 1993"); printf("\n"); printf("\n1. Process new accounting"); printf("\n2. Review or print old accounting"); printf("\n"); printf("\n Enter 0 to quit"); printf("\n\n"); } /* ends show_main_menu */ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE show_review_menu This function shows the review menu on the screen. */ show_review_menu() { printf("\n"); printf("\nDo you want to review or change:"); printf("\n\t1. Traveller's name and ORN"); printf("\n\t2. Cash advance"); printf("\n\t3. GTR or Ticket advance amount"); printf("\n\t4. Transportation costs "); printf("\n\t5. Itinerary"); printf("\n\t6. Daily expenses"); printf("\n\t7. Rental Car Personal Use"); printf("\n\t\tEnter 0 to quit"); printf("\n\n__\b\b"); } /* ends show_review_menu */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_mdy Interact with the user to get the month-day-year structure. */ get_mdy(a) struct MDY_struct *a; { char r[L]; printf("\nEnter month number:"); gets(r); a->month = atoi(r); if(a->month != -1){ printf("Enter day number:"); gets(r); a->day = atoi(r); printf("Enter year number (two digit):"); gets(r); a->year = atoi(r); } } /* ends get_mdy */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_name Interact with the user to get the name of the traveller. */ get_name(a) char a[]; { int i; printf("\n\t\tName:______________________________"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(a); } /* ends get_name */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_data_file_name Use the name of the traveller and the date to create a file name for the data file. If you are using a DOS system, the user will enter the file name by hand. */ get_data_file_name(name, date_string, file_name) char date_string[], file_name[], name[]; { char s[L], s2[L]; FILE *fp; int i, j, k, looking; s2[0] = '\0'; if(UNIX_SYSTEM){ /* find first non-blank character in the name */ i=0; while(name[i] == ' ') i++; /* copy non-blank characters from name */ j=0; while(name[i] != '\0' && name[i] != '\n'){ if(name[i] == ' ') file_name[j] = '.'; else file_name[j] = name[i]; j++; i++; } /* remove any extra periods */ while(file_name[j-1] == '.') j--; file_name[j++] = '.'; file_name[j] = '\0'; strcat(file_name, date_string); looking = 1; k = 0; strcpy(s2, file_name); while(looking){ fp = fopen(s2, "rt"); if(fp == '\0') looking = 0; else{ fclose(fp); sprintf(s, ".%d", ++k); strcpy(s2, file_name); strcat(s2, s); } /* ends else tried another name */ } /* ends while looking */ strcpy(file_name, s2); } /* ends if UNIX_SYSTEM */ if(DOS_SYSTEM){ looking = 1; while(looking){ printf("\n\nEnter the name of the file you"); printf("\nwant to use as the data file: "); gets(s2); fp = fopen(s2, "r"); if(fp == '\0') looking = 0; else{ fclose(fp); printf("\nFile %s already exists", s2); printf("\nTry another file name"); } /* ends else tried another name */ } /* ends while looking */ strcpy(file_name, s2); } /* ends if DOS_SYSTEM */ } /* ends get_data_file_name */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_orn Interact with the user to get the ORN. */ get_orn(a) char a[]; { int i; printf("\n\t\tORN:______________________________"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(a); } /* ends get_orn */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_money This function interacts with the user to get a money value. It gets it as a float and returns it to the caller as a long. */ long get_money() { char r[L]; float f; long l; gets(r); f = atof(r); f = f + 0.005; l = pennies_of(f); return(l); } /* ends get_money */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_number This functions prompts the user with the string given in the input, reads an integer from the keyboard, and returns that integer to the calling function. */ get_number(s) char s[]; { char r[80]; int result; printf("\n\t%s: ", s); gets(r); result = atoi(r); return(result); } /* ends get_number */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_transportation_cost This function gets the transportation cost structures. */ struct trans_struct * get_transportation_cost() { char s[L]; int first=1, j, not_done=1; struct trans_struct *current, *new1, *result; while(not_done){ printf("\n\tMode:______________________________"); printf("(enter 0 to quit)"); for(j=0; j<47; j++) printf("\b"); gets(s); if(s[0] == '0'){ not_done = 0; /* if the user enters 0 on the first try, then create at least one instance of the struct to pass back. */ if(first){ first = 0; new1 = (struct trans_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct trans_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; result = new1; strcpy(result->mode, s); } /* ends if first */ } /* ends if s[0] == '0' */ else{ /* get data */ new1 = (struct trans_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct trans_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; if(first){ result = new1; current = new1; first = 0; } else{ current->next = new1; current = new1; } strcpy(current->mode, s); printf("\n\tCarrier:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(current->carrier); printf("\n\tTravel Class:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(current->travel_class); printf("\n\tAmount:"); current->amount = get_money(); } /* ends else get data */ } /* ends while not_done */ return(result); } /* ends get_transportation_cost */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_GTRs This function gets the GTR advances. */ struct GTR_struct * get_GTRs() { int first=1, not_done=1; long a; struct GTR_struct *current, *new1, *result; while(not_done){ printf("\nGTR or Ticket Advance Amount:"); a = get_money(); if(a == 0){ not_done = 0; /* if the user enters 0 on the first try, then create at least one instance of the struct to pass back. */ if(first){ first = 0; new1 = (struct GTR_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct GTR_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; new1->GTR = 0; result = new1; } /* ends if first == 1 */ } /* ends if a == 0 */ else{ /* get data */ new1 = (struct GTR_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct GTR_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; if(first){ result = new1; current = new1; first = 0; } else{ current->next = new1; current = new1; } current->GTR = a; } /* ends else get data */ } /* ends while not_done */ return(result); } /* ends get_GTRs */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_itinerarys This function gets the itinerary for the traveler. */ struct itinerary_struct * get_itinerarys() { char s[L]; int i, first=1, not_done=1; struct MDY_struct dummy; struct itinerary_struct *current, *new1, *result; while(not_done){ printf("\n\t\tItinerary:"); printf("\n\t\t(enter -1 for month to quit)"); printf("\nDEPARTURE"); get_mdy(&dummy); if(dummy.month == -1){ not_done = 0; /* if the user enters 0 on the first try, then create at least one instance of the struct to pass back. */ if(first){ first = 0; new1 = (struct itinerary_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct itinerary_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; result = new1; result->depart_date.month = -1; } /* ends if first */ } /* ends if dummy.month == -1 */ else{ /* get data */ new1 = (struct itinerary_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct itinerary_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; /* If first time through, then set the result pointer to the new struct. */ if(first){ result = new1; current = new1; first = 0; } else{ current->next = new1; current = new1; } current->depart_date.month = dummy.month; current->depart_date.day = dummy.day; current->depart_date.year = dummy.year; printf("\nLeaving:______________________________"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(current->leave_loc); printf("\nAt:____ (24 hour time - no colon)"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(s); current->depart_time = atoi(s); printf("\nVia:______________________________"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(current->depart_via); printf("\nARRIVAL"); get_mdy(&dummy); current->arrive_date.month = dummy.month; current->arrive_date.day = dummy.day; current->arrive_date.year = dummy.year; printf("\nArriving:______________________________"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(current->arrive_loc); printf("\nAt:____ (24 hour time - no colon)"); for(i=0; i<30; i++) printf("\b"); gets(s); current->arrive_time = atoi(s); } /* ends else get the data */ } /* ends while not_done */ return(result); } /* ends get_intenerarys */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_daily_expenses This function runs through the days of the trip and gets all the expenses and descriptions. */ struct daily_struct * get_daily_expenses(first_day, last_day, days) short *days; struct MDY_struct *first_day, *last_day; { char s[L]; int j, looping = 1, not_done = 1; struct daily_struct *current, *new1, *result; struct MDY_struct dummy, next_day; new1 = (struct daily_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct daily_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; result = new1; current = new1; *days = *days + 1; current->today.month = first_day->month; current->today.day = first_day->day; current->today.year = first_day->year; while(looping){ dummy.month = current->today.month; dummy.day = current->today.day; dummy.year = current->today.year; printf("\nDaily Expense"); show_mdy(&dummy); printf("\nMax Lodging at TDY Point:_____\b\b\b\b\b"); current->max_lodging = get_money(); not_done = 1; while(not_done){ printf("\nM&IE at TDY Point:_____\b\b\b\b\b"); current->mie = get_money(); /* change - added 3 MIE values here 4-15-93 - DP */ if(current->mie != MIE1 && current->mie != MIE2 && current->mie != MIE3 && current->mie != MIE4 && current->mie != MIE5){ printf("\nMust equal"); show_money(MIE1); printf(", "); show_money(MIE2); printf(", "); show_money(MIE3); printf(", "); show_money(MIE4); printf(", "); show_money(MIE5); } /* ends if MIE values */ else not_done = 0; } /* ends M&IE loop */ printf("\nActual Lodging:_____\b\b\b\b\b"); current->actual_lodging = get_money(); printf("\nPOV Miles:_____\b\b\b\b\b"); gets(s); current->pov_miles = atoi(s); printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(current->pov_desc); printf("\nRental Car:______\b\b\b\b\b\b"); current->rental_car = get_money(); printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(current->rental_car_desc); printf("\nTaxi:______\b\b\b\b\b\b"); current->taxi = get_money(); printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(current->taxi_desc); printf("\nParking:______\b\b\b\b\b\b"); current->parking = get_money(); printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(current->parking_desc); printf("\nOfficial Phone:______\b\b\b\b\b\b"); current->phone = get_money(); printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(current->phone_desc); printf("\nOther:______\b\b\b\b\b\b"); current->other = get_money(); printf("\nDesc:______________________________"); for(j=0; j<30; j++) printf("\b"); gets(current->other_desc); /* now test for the end */ if(current->today.month == last_day->month && current->today.day == last_day->day && current->today.year == last_day->year) looping = 0; else{ new1 = (struct daily_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct daily_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; current->next = new1; current = new1; *days = *days + 1; tomorrow_is(&dummy, &next_day); current->today.month = next_day.month; current->today.day = next_day.day; current->today.year = next_day.year; } /* ends else not done looping */ } /* ends loop over the days */ return(result); } /* ends get_daily_expenses */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_rental_expenses This function gets the personal rental car costs from the user. There is only one struct. This is not a linked list. */ struct rental_struct * get_rental_expenses() { char s[L]; long temp; struct rental_struct *result; result = (struct rental_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct rental_struct)); printf("\n"); printf("\nYou will be asked to sign a statement"); printf(" certifying personal"); printf("\nuse of your vehicle. If you did not"); printf("\nhave any personal use of the vehicle,"); printf("\nanswer 0 to the following three questions."); printf("\n"); printf("\nPersonal Mileage:________\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); gets(s); result->personal_mileage = atoi(s); printf("\nTotal Gas:$________\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); temp = get_money(); result->total_gas = temp; printf("\nTotal Rental Car Mileage:"); printf("________\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); gets(s); result->total_mileage = atoi(s); return(result); } /* ends get_rental_expense */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_first_last_dates This function traverses the itinerary linked list and returns the first departure date and the last arrival date. */ get_first_last_dates(its, first_day, last_day) struct itinerary_struct *its; struct MDY_struct *first_day, *last_day; { int not_finished = 1; struct itinerary_struct *a; a = its; first_day->month = a->depart_date.month; first_day->day = a->depart_date.day; first_day->year = a->depart_date.year; while(not_finished){ if(a->next == END_OF_LIST) not_finished = 0; else{ a = a->next; } } /* ends while */ last_day->month = a->arrive_date.month; last_day->day = a->arrive_date.day; last_day->year = a->arrive_date.year; } /* ends get_first_last_dates */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE get_date This function reads the date and time and returns the date in short form in a char array. */ get_date(date_string) char date_string[]; { struct tm *time_of_day; long seconds; time(&seconds); time_of_day = localtime(&seconds); sprintf(date_string, "%d-%d-%d", time_of_day->tm_mon+1, time_of_day->tm_mday, time_of_day->tm_year); } /* ends get_date */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE save_GTRs This function saves the GTR linked list to the data file. You will always save at least one struct to the data file. */ save_GTRs(GTR, data_file) FILE *data_file; struct GTR_struct *GTR; { struct GTR_struct *current; current = GTR; while(current != END_OF_LIST){ fwrite(current, sizeof(struct GTR_struct), 1, data_file); current = current->next; } /* ends while */ } /* ends save_GTRs */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE save_transportation_cost This function saves the transportation cost linked list to the data file. You will always save at least one struct to the data file. */ save_transportation_cost(tc, data_file) FILE *data_file; struct trans_struct *tc; { struct trans_struct *current; current = tc; while(current != END_OF_LIST){ fwrite(current, sizeof(struct trans_struct), 1, data_file); current = current->next; } /* ends while */ } /* ends save_transportation_cost */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE save_itinerarys This function saves the itinerary linked list to the data file. You will always save at least one struct to the data file. */ save_itinerarys(its, data_file) FILE *data_file; struct itinerary_struct *its; { struct itinerary_struct *current; current = its; while(current != END_OF_LIST){ fwrite(current, sizeof(struct itinerary_struct), 1, data_file); current = current->next; } /* ends while */ } /* ends save_itinerarys */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE save_daily_expenses This function saves the daily expense linked list to the data file. You will always save at least one struct to the data file. */ save_daily_expenses(ds, data_file) FILE *data_file; struct daily_struct *ds; { struct daily_struct *current; current = ds; while(current != END_OF_LIST){ fwrite(current, sizeof(struct daily_struct), 1, data_file); current = current->next; } /* ends while */ } /* ends save_daily_expenses */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE save_rental_expenses This function saves the rental car expenses to the data file. There is only one struct. This is not a linked list. */ save_rental_expenses(rs, data_file) FILE *data_file; struct rental_struct *rs; { fwrite(rs, sizeof(struct rental_struct), 1, data_file); } /* ends save_rental_expenses */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE retrieve_GTRs This function reads the GTR linked list from disk. You will always read at least one struct from disk. It returns the pointer to the front of the list. */ struct GTR_struct * retrieve_GTRs(data_file) FILE *data_file; { int first=1, not_done=1; struct GTR_struct *current, *new1, *result; while(not_done){ new1 = (struct GTR_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct GTR_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; if(first){ first = 0; result = new1; current = new1; } else{ current->next = new1; current = new1; } fread(current, sizeof(struct GTR_struct), 1, data_file); if(current->next == END_OF_LIST) not_done = 0; } /* ends while not_done */ return(result); } /* ends retrieve_GTRs */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE retrieve_transportation_cost This function reads the transportation cost linked list from disk. You will always read at least one struct from disk. It returns the pointer to the front of the list. */ struct trans_struct * retrieve_transportation_cost(data_file) FILE *data_file; { int first=1, not_done=1; struct trans_struct *current, *new1, *result; while(not_done){ new1 = (struct trans_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct trans_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; if(first){ first = 0; result = new1; current = new1; } else{ current->next = new1; current = new1; } fread(current, sizeof(struct trans_struct), 1, data_file); if(current->next == END_OF_LIST) not_done = 0; } /* ends while not_done */ return(result); } /* ends retrieve_transportation_cost */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE retrieve_itinerarys This function reads the itinerary linked list from disk. You will always read at least one struct from disk. It returns the pointer to the front of the list. */ struct itinerary_struct * retrieve_itinerarys(data_file) FILE *data_file; { int first=1, not_done=1; struct itinerary_struct *current, *new1, *result; while(not_done){ new1 = (struct itinerary_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct itinerary_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; if(first){ first = 0; result = new1; current = new1; } else{ current->next = new1; current = new1; } fread(current, sizeof(struct itinerary_struct), 1, data_file); if(current->next == END_OF_LIST) not_done = 0; } /* ends while not_done */ return(result); } /* ends retrieve_itinerarys */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE retrieve_daily_expenses This function reads the daily expense linked list from disk. You will always read at least one struct from disk. It returns the pointer to the front of the list. */ struct daily_struct * retrieve_daily_expenses(data_file, days) FILE *data_file; short *days; { int first=1, not_done=1; struct daily_struct *current, *new1, *result; while(not_done){ new1 = (struct daily_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct daily_struct)); new1->next = END_OF_LIST; if(first){ first = 0; result = new1; current = new1; } else{ current->next = new1; current = new1; } fread(current, sizeof(struct daily_struct), 1, data_file); *days = *days + 1; if(current->next == END_OF_LIST) not_done = 0; } /* ends while not_done */ return(result); } /* ends retrieve_daily_expenses */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE retrieve_rental_expenses This function reads the rental car expenses from disk. There is only one struct on the disk. This is not a linked list. */ struct rental_struct * retrieve_rental_expenses(data_file) FILE *data_file; { struct rental_struct *result; result = (struct rental_struct *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct rental_struct)); fread(result, sizeof(struct rental_struct), 1, data_file); return(result); } /* ends retrieve_rental_expenses */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE print_accounting This function is the main printing routine. It calls several other routines to print the complete final travel accounting. */ print_accounting(date_string, name, ORN, days, lines, output_file, first_day, last_day, cash_advance, GTR, ts, its, ds, rs) char date_string[], name[], ORN[]; FILE *output_file; int *lines; long cash_advance; short days; struct daily_struct *ds; struct GTR_struct *GTR; struct itinerary_struct *its; struct MDY_struct *first_day, *last_day; struct trans_struct *ts; struct rental_struct *rs; { long personal_use = 0, total_advance = 0, total_daily_cost = 0, total_expenses = 0, total_trans_cost = 0; blank_line(output_file); *lines = *lines + 1; print_header(output_file); *lines = *lines + 1; blank_line(output_file); *lines = *lines + 1; blank_line(output_file); *lines = *lines + 1; print_title(ORN, name, date_string, first_day, last_day, output_file); *lines = *lines + 4; print_advances(output_file, lines, cash_advance, GTR, &total_advance); print_equal(5, 70, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_trans_cost(output_file, lines, ts, &total_trans_cost); print_equal(5, 70, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_itinerary(output_file, lines, its); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_equal(5, 70, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_daily(output_file, lines, ds, &total_daily_cost, first_day, last_day, its); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_equal(5, 70, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_rental_car(rs, output_file, lines, name, &personal_use); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_equal(5, 70, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); total_expenses = total_trans_cost + total_daily_cost; total_expenses = total_expenses - personal_use; print_bottom_line(output_file, lines, total_advance, total_expenses, total_trans_cost, total_daily_cost); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_dash(5, 70, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_certification(output_file, lines, name); pad_final_page(output_file, lines); } /* ends print_accounting */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE print_title This function prints the title on the first page of the accounting report. */ print_title(ORN, name, date_string, first_day, last_day, output_file) char date_string[], name[], ORN[]; FILE *output_file; struct MDY_struct *first_day, *last_day; { char s[L]; sprintf(s, "ORN %s\n", ORN); insert_spaces(s, 40); fputs(s, output_file); sprintf(s, "Travel Summary for %s Submitted %s\n", name, date_string); insert_spaces(s, 10); fputs(s, output_file); blank_line(output_file); sprintf(s, "Beginning %d-%d-%d, and Ending %d-%d-%d\n", first_day->month, first_day->day, first_day->year, last_day->month, last_day->day, last_day->year); insert_spaces(s, 5); fputs(s, output_file); } /* ends print_title */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE print_advances This function prints the cash, GTR, and total advances. */ print_advances(output_file, lines, cash_advance, GTR, total) FILE *output_file; int *lines; long cash_advance, *total; struct GTR_struct *GTR; { char s[L]; long t=0; struct GTR_struct *g; blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s, "CASH ADVANCE $%8.2f\n", dollars_of(cash_advance)); insert_spaces(s, 25); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); g = GTR; *total = *total + g->GTR; while(g->next != END_OF_LIST){ g = g->next; *total = *total + g->GTR; } /* ends while */ t = *total; sprintf(s, "GTR and TICKET ADVANCES $%8.2f\n", dollars_of(t)); insert_spaces(s, 25); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); *total = *total + cash_advance; t = *total; sprintf(s, "TOTAL ADVANCE $%8.2f\n", dollars_of(t)); insert_spaces(s, 35); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends print_advances */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE print_trans_cost This function prints the transportation cost. */ print_trans_cost(output_file, lines, ts, total) FILE *output_file; int *lines; long *total; struct trans_struct *ts; { char s1[L], s2[L], s3[L]; long t = 0; struct trans_struct *tt; tt = ts; t = t + tt->amount; while(tt->next != END_OF_LIST){ tt = tt->next; t = t + tt->amount; } /* ends while */ *total = t; sprintf(s1, "Transportation Costs\n"); insert_spaces(s1, 20); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "Mode Carrier Class\n"); insert_spaces(s1, 10); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_dash(8, 60, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); tt = ts; while(tt != END_OF_LIST){ sprintf(s1, "%s", tt->mode); append_spaces(s1, 12); insert_spaces(s1, 8); sprintf(s2, "%s", tt->carrier); append_spaces(s2, 20); sprintf(s3, "%s", tt->travel_class); append_spaces(s3, 10); strcat(s1, s2); strcat(s1, s3); sprintf(s3, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(tt->amount)); strcat(s1, s3); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); tt = tt->next; } /* ends while */ blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(t)); insert_spaces(s1, 70); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends print_trans_cost */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE print_itinerary This function prints the itinerary. */ print_itinerary(output_file, lines, its) FILE *output_file; int *lines; struct itinerary_struct *its; { char s1[L], s2[L]; struct itinerary_struct *ii; sprintf(s1, "Itinerary\n"); insert_spaces(s1, 30); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); ii = its; while(ii != END_OF_LIST){ sprintf(s1, "Date %2d-%2d-%2d Leaving %s", ii->depart_date.month, ii->depart_date.day, ii->depart_date.year, ii->leave_loc); append_spaces(s1, 40); insert_spaces(s1, 5); sprintf(s2, " At %4ld Via %s\n", ii->depart_time, ii->depart_via); strcat(s1, s2); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, " %2d-%2d-%2d Arriving %s", ii->arrive_date.month, ii->arrive_date.day, ii->arrive_date.year, ii->arrive_loc); append_spaces(s1, 40); insert_spaces(s1, 5); sprintf(s2, " At %4ld\n", ii->arrive_time); strcat(s1, s2); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_dash(8, 60, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); ii = ii->next; } /* ends while */ } /* ends print_itinerary */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE print_daily This function prints out the daily expenses and lodging. It also calculates the expenses etc. */ print_daily(output_file, lines, ds, total, first_day, last_day, its) FILE *output_file; int *lines; long *total; struct daily_struct *ds; struct itinerary_struct *its; struct MDY_struct *first_day, *last_day; { char s1[L], s2[L], s3[L], statement[L]; long allowed_mie = 0, today = 0, pov_cost = 0; struct daily_struct *dd; struct itinerary_struct *ii; sprintf(s1, "Daily Expenses - Lodgings +\n"); insert_spaces(s1, 20); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "Date\n"); insert_spaces(s1, 5); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); dd = ds; ii = its; while(dd != END_OF_LIST){ today = 0; pov_cost = 0; allowed_mie = 0; sprintf(s1, "%2d-%2d-%2d M&IE $%8.2f", dd->today.month, dd->today.day, dd->today.year, dollars_of(dd->mie)); insert_spaces(s1, 5); allowed_mie = calculate_mie(dd, ii, first_day, last_day, statement); sprintf(s2, " %s M&IE ALLOWED", statement); strcat(s1, s2); append_spaces(s1, 59); sprintf(s3, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(allowed_mie)); strcat(s1, s3); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); today = today + allowed_mie; *total = *total + allowed_mie; blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "Maximum Lodging $%8.2f\n", dollars_of(dd->max_lodging)); insert_spaces(s1, 14); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); if(dd->actual_lodging > 0){ /* change 2-22-93 - you must check to ensure actual lodging does not exceed max allowed lodging. */ if(dd->actual_lodging <= dd->max_lodging){ today = today + dd->actual_lodging; *total = *total + dd->actual_lodging; } else{ today = today + dd->max_lodging; *total = *total + dd->max_lodging; } sprintf(s1, "Actual Lodging $%8.2f", dollars_of(dd->actual_lodging)); append_spaces(s1, 45); insert_spaces(s1, 14); if(dd->actual_lodging <= dd->max_lodging) sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(dd->actual_lodging)); else sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(dd->max_lodging)); strcat(s1, s2); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends if lodging > 0 */ if(dd->pov_miles > 0){ pov_cost = dd->pov_miles * POV_RATE /10; today = today + pov_cost; *total = *total + pov_cost; sprintf(s1, "POV - %ld miles at 0.%d per miles", dd->pov_miles, POV_RATE); append_spaces(s1, 45); insert_spaces(s1, 14); sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(pov_cost)); strcat(s1, s2); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "Description: %s\n", dd->pov_desc); insert_spaces(s1, 18); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends if pov_miles > 0 */ if(dd->rental_car > 0){ today = today + dd->rental_car; *total = *total + dd->rental_car; sprintf(s1, "Rental Car"); append_spaces(s1, 45); insert_spaces(s1, 14); sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(dd->rental_car)); strcat(s1, s2); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "Description: %s\n", dd->rental_car_desc); insert_spaces(s1, 18); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends if rental_car > 0 */ if(dd->taxi > 0){ today = today + dd->taxi; *total = *total + dd->taxi; sprintf(s1, "Taxi"); append_spaces(s1, 45); insert_spaces(s1, 14); sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(dd->taxi)); strcat(s1, s2); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "Description: %s\n", dd->taxi_desc); insert_spaces(s1, 18); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends if taxi > 0 */ if(dd->parking > 0){ today = today + dd->parking; *total = *total + dd->parking; sprintf(s1, "Parking"); append_spaces(s1, 45); insert_spaces(s1, 14); sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(dd->parking)); strcat(s1, s2); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "Description: %s\n", dd->parking_desc); insert_spaces(s1, 18); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends if parking > 0 */ if(dd->phone > 0){ today = today + dd->phone; *total = *total + dd->phone; sprintf(s1, "Official Phone"); append_spaces(s1, 45); insert_spaces(s1, 14); sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(dd->phone)); strcat(s1, s2); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "Description: %s\n", dd->phone_desc); insert_spaces(s1, 18); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends if phone > 0 */ if(dd->other > 0){ today = today + dd->other; *total = *total + dd->other; sprintf(s1, "Other"); append_spaces(s1, 45); insert_spaces(s1, 14); sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(dd->other)); strcat(s1, s2); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "Description: %s\n", dd->other_desc); insert_spaces(s1, 18); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends if phone > 0 */ sprintf(s1, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(today)); insert_spaces(s1, 70); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_dash(8, 60, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); dd = dd->next; ii = its; } /* ends while */ } /* ends print_daily */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE print_rental_car This function prints the rental car statement. */ print_rental_car(rs, output_file, lines, name, personal_use) char name[]; FILE *output_file; int *lines; long *personal_use; struct rental_struct *rs; { char s1[L], s2[L]; blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "I hereby verify that, except as noted below,"); sprintf(s2," no personal use was\n"); strcat(s1, s2); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "made of the rental vehicle. *NOTE*"); sprintf(s2," A detailed justification for\n"); strcat(s1, s2); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "rental of a vehicle other than Class"); sprintf(s2," A Subcompact required.\n"); strcat(s1, s2); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_dash(50, 20, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "%s\n", name); insert_spaces(s1, 50); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "TOTAL GAS $%8.2f\n", dollars_of(rs->total_gas)); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "PERSONAL MILES %ld\n", rs->personal_mileage); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "TOTAL MILES %ld\n", rs->total_mileage); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); if(rs->total_mileage == 0) *personal_use = 0; else *personal_use = (rs->total_gas * rs->personal_mileage) /rs->total_mileage; sprintf(s1, "PERSONAL USE OF RENTAL CAR"); append_spaces(s1, 55); insert_spaces(s1, 8); sprintf(s2, " ($%8.2f)\n", dollars_of(*personal_use)); strcat(s1, s2); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* end print_rental_car */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE print_bottom_line This function prints the bottom line, i.e. the amount due the traveler or due back. */ print_bottom_line(output_file, lines, total_advance, total_expenses, total_trans_cost, total_daily_cost) FILE *output_file; int *lines; long total_advance, total_expenses, total_trans_cost, total_daily_cost; { char s[L], s2[L]; long total; total = total_advance - total_expenses; sprintf(s, "TOTAL EXPENSES $%8.2f\n", dollars_of(total_expenses)); insert_spaces(s, 50); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); print_dash(50, 30, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); if(total < 0){ total = total * (-1); sprintf(s, "Due Traveler $%8.2f\n", dollars_of(total)); insert_spaces(s, 50); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); total = total * (-1); } else{ sprintf(s, "Traveler to Owe $%8.2f\n", dollars_of(total)); insert_spaces(s, 50); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } print_dash(50, 30, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s, "TRANSPORTATION PAID BY TRAVELER"); append_spaces(s, 50); insert_spaces(s, 8); sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(total_trans_cost)); strcat(s, s2); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s, "PER DIEM AND OTHER EXPENSES"); append_spaces(s, 50); insert_spaces(s, 8); sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(total_daily_cost)); strcat(s, s2); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s, "TOTAL EXPENSES CLAIMED"); insert_spaces(s, 31); append_spaces(s, 50); sprintf(s2, " $%8.2f\n", dollars_of(total_expenses)); strcat(s, s2); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s, "LESS ADVANCE OF FUNDS RECEIVED"); append_spaces(s, 50); insert_spaces(s, 8); sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(total_advance)); strcat(s, s2); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s, "BALANCE DUE TRAVELER"); append_spaces(s, 50); insert_spaces(s, 8); if(total < 0){ total = total * (-1); sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(total)); total = total * (-1); } else sprintf(s2, "$ 0.00\n"); strcat(s, s2); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s, "EXCESS ADVANCE TO BE REFUNDED"); append_spaces(s, 50); insert_spaces(s, 8); if(total >= 0){ sprintf(s2, "$%8.2f\n", dollars_of(total)); } else sprintf(s2, "$ 0.00\n"); strcat(s, s2); fputs(s, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends print_bottom_line */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE print_certification This function prints the final certification. */ print_certification(output_file, lines, name) char name[]; FILE *output_file; int *lines; { char s1[L], s2[L]; blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "I certify that this voucher and any"); sprintf(s2," attachments are correct.\n"); strcat(s1, s2); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "Quarters and meals were not furnished"); sprintf(s2," by the Government. No\n"); strcat(s1, s2); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "leave was taken except as noted above"); sprintf(s2," and no payment of credit\n"); strcat(s1, s2); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "has been received."); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); blank_line(output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "__________ ____________________\n"); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); sprintf(s1, "DATE %s\n", name); insert_spaces(s1, 8); fputs(s1, output_file); increment(lines, output_file); } /* ends print_certification */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE print_dash This function prints dashes to the output file. It prints n leading spaces and m dashes. */ print_dash(n, m, output_file) FILE *output_file; int n, m; { int i; char s[L]; for(i=0; imonth == dd->today.month && first_day->day == dd->today.day && first_day->year == dd->today.year){ /* at this point, ii equals the start of the itinerary structure linked list. So, use it as is. */ if(ii->depart_time < 600){ result = dd->mie; strcpy(statement, "FULL "); } if(ii->depart_time >= 600 && ii->depart_time < 1200){ result = (((dd->mie)*3)/4); strcpy(statement, "3/4 "); } if(ii->depart_time >= 1200 && ii->depart_time < 1800){ result = (((dd->mie)*2)/4); strcpy(statement, "2/4 "); } if(ii->depart_time >= 1800 && ii->depart_time < 2400){ result = (((dd->mie)*1)/4); strcpy(statement, "1/4 "); } return(result); } /* ends if today is the first day of the trip */ if( last_day->month == dd->today.month && last_day->day == dd->today.day && last_day->year == dd->today.year){ /* at this point, ii equals the start of the itinerary structure linked list. So, travel to the end of the linked list and use the last day of the itinerary. */ ii = traverse_itinerary(ii); if(ii->arrive_time > 1800){ result = dd->mie; strcpy(statement, "FULL "); } if(ii->arrive_time > 1200 && ii->arrive_time <= 1800){ result = (((dd->mie)*3)/4); strcpy(statement, "3/4 "); } if(ii->arrive_time > 600 && ii->arrive_time <= 1200){ result = (((dd->mie)*2)/4); strcpy(statement, "1/2 "); } if(ii->arrive_time > 0 && ii->arrive_time <= 600){ result = (((dd->mie)*1)/4); strcpy(statement, "1/4 "); } return(result); } /* ends if today is the last day of the trip */ /* At this point, today is in the middle of the trip, so you get full MI&E */ result = dd->mie; strcpy(statement, "FULL "); return(result); } /* ends calculate_mie */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE increment This function increments the line counter, checks for end of page condition, and makes a new page if necessary. */ increment(lines, output_file) int *lines; FILE *output_file; { *lines = *lines + 1; if(*lines >= LPP-4) make_new_page(output_file, lines); } /* ends increment */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE blank_line This function prints a blank line to the output file. */ blank_line(output_file) FILE *output_file; { fputs("\n", output_file); } /* ends blank_line */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE make_new_page This function prints the bottom of one page and the top of the next. */ make_new_page(output_file, lines) int *lines; FILE *output_file; { blank_line(output_file); blank_line(output_file); print_footer(output_file); blank_line(output_file); print_header(output_file); blank_line(output_file); blank_line(output_file); *lines = 4; } /* ends make_new_page */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE pad_final_page This function pads the final page of the report with blank lines and a footer. */ pad_final_page(output_file, lines) FILE *output_file; int *lines; { while(*lines < LPP-4){ blank_line(output_file); *lines = *lines + 1; } print_footer(output_file); } /* ends pad_final_page */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE insert_spaces This function inserts spaces at the beginning of a string. */ insert_spaces(s, n) char s[]; int n; { char ss[L]; int i; for(i=0; imonth, a->day, a->year); } /* ends show_mdy */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE show_money This function displays a money value to the screen. It takes in a long, converts it to a float and displays it. */ show_money(a) long a; { float f; f = dollars_of(a); printf("$%7.2f", f); } /* ends show_money */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE pennies_of Convert money, expressed in dollars and cents in a float, to pennies in a long. */ long pennies_of(f) float f; { long result; result = 100*f; return(result); } /* ends pennies_of */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE dollars_of Convert money, expressed in pennies in a long, to a dollars and cents in a float. */ float dollars_of(n) long n; { float result; result = (float)(n)/100.0; return(result); } /* ends dollars_of */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE traverse_itinerary This function traverses the linked list of intenerary_structs. At the end, it returns the last node in the list. */ struct itinerary_struct * traverse_itinerary(its) struct itinerary_struct *its; { struct itinerary_struct *i; i = its; while(i->next != END_OF_LIST) i = i->next; return(i); } /* ends traverse_itinerary */ /*****************************************************/ /*****************************************************/ /*PAGE tomorrow_is This function takes in a date structure and returns the proper date for tomorrow. */ tomorrow_is(today, tomorrow) struct MDY_struct *today, *tomorrow; { short last_day; if(today->month == 1 || today->month == 3 || today->month == 5 || today->month == 7 || today->month == 8 || today->month == 10 || today->month == 12){ if(today->day == 31){ tomorrow->day = 1; tomorrow->month = (today->month+1)%12; tomorrow->year = today->year; if(today->month == 12) tomorrow->year = today->year+1; } /* ends if last day of the month */ else{ tomorrow->day = today->day + 1; tomorrow->month = today->month; tomorrow->year = today->year; } /* ends else not the last day of the month */ } /* ends the 31 day months */ if(today->month == 4 || today->month == 6 || today->month == 9 || today->month == 11){ if(today->day == 30){ tomorrow->day = 1; tomorrow->month = today->month+1; tomorrow->year = today->year; } /* ends if last day of the month */ else{ tomorrow->day = today->day + 1; tomorrow->month = today->month; tomorrow->year = today->year; } /* ends else not the last day of the month */ } /* ends the 30 day months */ if(today->month == 2){ last_day = 28; if(today->year == 92 || today->year == 96 || today->year == 0 || today->year == 4 || today->year == 8 || today->year == 16 || today->year == 20 || today->year == 24) last_day = 29; if(today->day == last_day){ tomorrow->day = 1; tomorrow->month = today->month+1; tomorrow->year = today->year; } /* ends if last day of the month */ else{ tomorrow->day = today->day + 1; tomorrow->month = today->month; tomorrow->year = today->year; } /* ends else not the last day of the month */ } /* ends February */ } /* ends tomorrow_is */