CAVIAR: Context Aware Vision using Image-based Active Recognition
CAVIAR is funded by the EC's Information Society Technology's
programme project IST 2001 37540.
The main objective of CAVIAR is to
address the scientific question:
rich local image descriptions from foveal and other image sensors,
selected by a hierarchal visual attention process and
guided and processed using task, scene, function and object contextual
knowledge improve image-based recognition processes?
This is clearly addressing issues central to the cognitive vision approach.
The two applications that the project will address are:
City centre surveillance: Many large cities have nighttime
crime and antisocial behaviour problems, such as drunkenness, fights,
vandalism, breaking and entering shop windows, etc. Often these cities
have video cameras already installed, but what is lacking is a semi-automatic
analysis of the video stream. Such analysis could detect unusual events, such
as patterns of running people, converging people, or stationary people, and
then alert human security staff.
Marketers are interested in the behaviour of potential customers in
a commercial setting, such as what sequence of locations do they visit,
how long they stop at particular locations, what behavioural options do
typical customers take, etc. Automatic analysis of customer behaviour
could enable evaluation of shop layouts, changing displays and the effect of
promotional materials.
A more detailed summary of the project objectives.
The project started on October 1, 2002 and continues until September 30, 2005.
To address the main scientific question, the project will
research methods for:
Foveated and other feature extraction and grouping,
Integrating feature, object and top-down priming for spatial and
temporal attention,
Representing and recognising objects, contexts and situations,
Learning instances of the representations from visual evidence
Reactive and top-down control of the recognition process.
We will integrate the results in a complete
closed-loop object and situation recognition system.
Project activities, achievements, and news.
PPT/PDF slides from the final project presentation/review:
- Overview, all workpackages except for WP1 and WP5, administrative details (PDF)
- WP1: Active image acquisition and description (PDF)
- WP4+5: Acquiring and using models for contexts, situations and control of
perception (PDF)
You can also find some:
- Publically downloadable benchmark datasets
- Project publications
- Results examples
- Performance statistics
- HAREM05: Human Activity Modelling and Recognition, Oxford, UK, Sept 9, 2005.
- PETS04: Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance, Prague, Czech Republic, May 10, 2004.
- VSCA03: Computer Vision System Control Architectures, Graz, Austria, March 31, 2003.
The CAVIAR team leaders are:
More information about the scientists working on the project.
At the moment, there are
no open posts.
Robert Fisher
School of Informatics
Univ. of Edinburgh
Room 2107D, James Clerk Maxwell Building
The King's Buildings
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, United Kingdom
Phone: (44)-131-651-3441 (direct line)
Phone: (44)-131-651-3443 (secretary)
Fax: (44)-131-651-3435