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Matrices are commonly used to represent transformations, which are discussed later. They are generally a two-dimensional representation with a given number of rows and columns. So, using standard nomenclature, an matrix has N rows and M columns, each entry of which is a number. An example matrix is:

One often summarizes the notation of a matrix by saying is , referring to the entry of the matrix ( i.e. the entry at the row and column).

For vision purposes, most arrays are square, meaning that they have the same number of rows and columns.

Multiplying, or finding the product of two matrices is a common operation. Let be a matrix and be a matrix. Then, the matrix that is their product is a matrix. If is and is , then the entries of are given by:

A special matrix is the identity matrix , which is a square matrix containing all zeros except along the top-left to bottom-right diagonal (called the main diagonal), which has the value one at each diagonal position. Here is the identity matrix:

The identity matrix is a special case of a diagonal matrix, which contains zeros at all locations except along the main diagonal. Here is a diagonal matrix:

For each matrix , there is a special matrix called the inverse of , and is often denoted . This matrix has the property:

In the case of matrices, if the matrix is:

then the inverse of is:

The product of matrices is not commutative, which means that, in general,

(although sometimes they are equal for particular matrices). However, matrix products are associative, which means:

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Bob Fisher
Wed Dec 17 16:49:57 GMT 1997