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The Algorithms

In our performance evaluation study, we currently consider five alternative algorithms: by Sethi and Jain [11] (SJ87), Hwang [7] (HW89), Salari and Sethi [10] (SS90), Rangarajan and Shah [9] (RS91), and the IPAN group [3,4] (IP97). These algorithms have already been implemented and tested. Other techniques will be added when available. The five implemented algorithms are summarized below. In each case, a smoothness-based cost function is defined for 3 points from 3 consecutive frames. Different linking strategies are applied to find the correspondences and optimize the trajectories.

A very schematic description of sophisticated algorithms is only given here. The reader is referred to the original papers for detailed, authentic presentation. The IPAN Tracker is described in full detail in section 4.


Dmitry Chetverikov