The Iterative Closest Point Algorithm

Robert B. Fisher

The ICP algorithm [1] is an iterative alignment algorithm that works in three phases: 1) establish correspondence between pairs of features in the two structures that are to be aligned based on proximity, 2) estimate the rigid transformation that best maps the first member of the pair onto the second and then 3) apply that transformation to all features in the first structure. These three steps are then reapplied until convergence is concluded. Although simple, the algorithm works quite effectively when given a good initial estimate.

More precisely, the point matching algorithm [6] is:

Rigid Iterative Closest Point Algorithm

Let tex2html_wrap_inline85 be a set of tex2html_wrap_inline87 points tex2html_wrap_inline89 and tex2html_wrap_inline91 be the model. Let tex2html_wrap_inline93 be the Euclidean distance between point tex2html_wrap_inline95 and tex2html_wrap_inline97. Let CP(tex2html_wrap_inline99) be the closest point in tex2html_wrap_inline91 to the scene point tex2html_wrap_inline103.

  1. Let tex2html_wrap_inline105 be an initial estimate of the rigid transformation.
  2. Repeat for tex2html_wrap_inline107 or until convergence:
    1. Compute the set of correspondences tex2html_wrap_inline109.
    2. Compute the new Euclidean transformation tex2html_wrap_inline111 that minimizes the mean square error between point pairs in tex2html_wrap_inline113.

The basic algorithm has been previously extended in a number of ways: 1) correspondence between a point and a tangent plane to overcome the lack of an exact correspondence between the two sets [3], 2) robustifying the algorithm to the influence of outliers and features lacking correspondences [7] [5], 3) using a weighted least-square error metric [4], and 4) matching between features using a metric trading off distance and feature similarity (based local shape invariances) [6]. All of these approaches assume a rigid Euclidean transformation between the corresponding features, whereas the method presented here uses projective correspondence.


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Bob Fisher
Fri Nov 16 18:22:31 GMT 2001