Stage Three
- Relaxation

The selection of all the true matches is achieved using a relaxation procedure. Although it would be quicker to just perform step (a) below, automatically assuming the first match to be the correct one, it only takes 2-3 iterations before the relaxation method produces a better representation. The relaxation using iteration involves the following steps,

For each left image primitive the potentially matching right image primitive with the largest matching strength is selected.
If this right primitive has not taken part in any other potential match with a higher matching strength then the match is accepted.
Neither of the participants in the accepted match may be considered in any other further match (uniqueness constraint).
As matches are accepted other matches with lower strength values will appear as the new highest strength value, hence the need for iteration to allow all "true" matches to percolate through and be accepted.

[ Stage Two - Calculate match strengths | Depth Recovery ]

Comments to: Sarah Price at ICBL.