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non parametric measures:

Non parametric models for the texture are expressed in terms of histograms. Some of the well known dissimilarity measures for histograms are the following. where $K_{1}(n;T_{1})$ and $K_{2}(n;T_{2})$ are the two distributions and $1\leq p\leq\infty$. $L_{1}$computes the city block or Manhattan distance, $L_{2}$ is the Euclidean distance and finally $L_{\infty}$measures the maximal difference. where $K(n)=[K_{1}(n;T_{1})+K_{2}(n;T_{2})]/2$ is the mean histogram. The main disadvantage of $\chi^{2}$distance is that it yields inaccurate results with low number of observations. Moreover no bin in the histograms can have zero counts. it can be shown that $L\geq0$. For two discrete distribution the integration becomes a summation over the bins of $K_{1}(n;T_{1})$ and $K_{2}(n;T_{2})$. where $A=[a_{ij}]$ is a $N\times N$ matrix and $a_{ij}$is the similarity coefficient between indices (bins) $i$ and $j$. $aij$ is given by $a_{ij}=1-d_{ij}/d_{max}$and $d_{ij}=\left\vert K_{1}(i;T_{1})-K_{2}(j;T_{2})\right\vert$and denotes the similarity between bins $i$ and $j$.

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Ali Shahrokni 2004-06-21