import java.awt.*; import java.lang.Math; import java.lang.Object.*; import java.util.*; /** * Class BinaryFast is a representation of a binary image storing * the foreground and background edge pixels in hash tables for efficiency. * * @author Simon Horne. */ public class BinaryFast extends image{ /** * Background is black. */ public static final int background = (new Color(0,0,0)).getRGB(); /** * Foreground is white. */ public static final int foreground = (new Color(255,255,255)).getRGB(); /** * Width of the image. */ public int w; /** * Height of the image. */ public int h; /** * Size of the image (w*h), number of pixels. */ public int s; /** * The 2D array of all pixels. */ public int [][] pixels; /** * The hash set storing positions of foreground edge pixels as Points. */ public HashSet foregroundEdgePixels = new HashSet(); /** * The hash set storing positions of background edge pixels as Points. */ public HashSet backgroundEdgePixels = new HashSet(); /** Constructor taking an image and converting it to a BinaryFast image **/ public BinaryFast(image oldimage) { w = oldimage.getWidth(); h = oldimage.getHeight(); s = w*h; pixels = new int[w][h]; if (oldimage != null) { if (oldimage instanceof image1DInt) { /* To convert the values to a 2D array */ int [][]array2D = new int[w][h]; int []array1D = new int[s]; array1D = (int []) oldimage.getValues().clone(); for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { array2D[i][j] = array1D[(j*w)+i]; } } pixels = array2D; /* To convert the values to RGB reprensentation and binarise it*/ for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int grey = pixels[i][j]; if (grey >= 128) { grey = 255; pixels[i][j] = 0xffffffff;} else {grey = 0; pixels[i][j] = 0xff000000;} } } } else if (oldimage instanceof image2DDouble) { int []values1D = new int[s]; values1D = oldimage.getValues(); for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int grey = values1D[(j*w)+i]; if (grey >= 128) { grey = 255; } else grey = 0; pixels[i][j] = (new Color(grey,grey,grey)).getRGB(); } } } else if (oldimage instanceof image2DInt) { int []values1D = new int[s]; values1D = oldimage.getValues(); for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) { int grey = values1D[(j*w)+i]; if (grey >= 128) { grey = 255; } else grey = 0; pixels[i][j] = (new Color(grey,grey,grey)).getRGB(); } } } } generateForegroundEdge(); generateBackgroundEdgeFromForegroundEdge(); } /** * Constructor taking a 2D array of pixel values. * * @param p The 2D array of pixel values. * @param width The width of the image. * @param height The height of the image. */ public BinaryFast(int [][] p, int width, int height){ //constructor pixels = p; w = width; h = height; s = w*h; generateForegroundEdge(); //System.out.println( //"Foreground Edge Pixels "+foregroundEdgePixels.size()); generateBackgroundEdgeFromForegroundEdge(); //System.out.println( //"Background Edge Pixels "+backgroundEdgePixels.size()); } public BinaryFast(){ foregroundEdgePixels = new HashSet(); backgroundEdgePixels = new HashSet(); } public BinaryFast(BinaryFast oldBinary){ w = oldBinary.w; h = oldBinary.h; s = oldBinary.s; backgroundEdgePixels = new HashSet(); Iterator it1 = oldBinary.backgroundEdgePixels.iterator(); while(it1.hasNext()){ backgroundEdgePixels.add(; } foregroundEdgePixels = new HashSet(); Iterator it2 = oldBinary.foregroundEdgePixels.iterator(); while(it2.hasNext()){ foregroundEdgePixels.add(; } pixels = (int [][]) oldBinary.pixels.clone(); } /** * Removes a foreground pixel from the 2D array by setting its value * to background. * * @param p The point to be removed. */ public void removePixel(Point p){ pixels[p.x][p.y] = background; } /** * Adds a foreground pixel to the 2D array by setting its value * to foreground. * * @param p The point to be added. */ public void addPixel(Point p){ pixels[p.x][p.y] = foreground; } /** * Converts the 2D array into a 1D array of pixel values. * * @return The 1D array of pixel values. */ public int [] convertToArray(){ int [] p = new int [s]; for(int j=0;j=0)&&(p.x+i=0)&&(p.y+j=0)&&(p.x+i=0)&&(p.y+j=0)&&(p.x+i=0)&&(p.y+j