import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.lang.Math; /** * Distance is an algorithm to create a distance transform grey level image * from a binary image. * * @author Simon Horne. */ public class Distance extends Thread { /** * 2D array representing the new grey level image produced. */ int [][] greyLevel; /** * Hash table representing original foreground edge pixels. */ HashSet oldForegroundEdge; /** * Hash table representing original background edge pixels. */ HashSet oldBackgroundEdge; /** * Default no-args constructor. */ public Distance() { } /** * Performs a single thinning and colours the thinned pixels accordingly. * * @param binary The BinaryFast representation of the input image. * @param i The grey-level with which to colour the thinned pixels. * @return The BinaryFast representation of the thinned image. */ public BinaryFast distanceSingleIteration(BinaryFast binary, int i){ Iterator it; Point p; it = binary.foregroundEdgePixels.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ p = new Point((Point); binary.backgroundEdgePixels.add(p); binary.removePixel(p); greyLevel[p.x][p.y]=i; } binary.generateForegroundEdgeFromBackgroundEdge(); return binary; } /** * Takes a BinaryFast representation and produces a distance transform * with the grey-level image stored in the BinaryFast pixels 2D array. * * @param binary The input image. * @return The output grey-level image. */ public BinaryFast distance_image (BinaryFast binary, double scale, double offset) { greyLevel = new int [binary.w][binary.h]; int i=1; int grey, colour; oldForegroundEdge = new HashSet(binary.foregroundEdgePixels); oldBackgroundEdge = new HashSet(binary.backgroundEdgePixels); for(int n=0;n0){ binary = distanceSingleIteration(binary,i); ++i; } if(i<2)i=2;//Stops division by 0 in bad cases due to non-binary images for(int n=0;n255){ grey = 255; }else if(grey<0){ grey = 0; } colour = new Color(grey,grey,grey).getRGB(); binary.pixels[m][n] = colour; } } binary.foregroundEdgePixels = new HashSet(oldForegroundEdge); binary.backgroundEdgePixels = new HashSet(oldBackgroundEdge); return binary; } }