import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.Color; import*; import*; import java.util.*; /** *Histogram creates a histogram of a specified image array and returns an *grey_scales*hist_height image array to represent the histogram * *@author Bob Fisher *@author Tim Sharman *@author Nathalie Cammas *@version August 1999 *@version August 2000 */ public class Histogram extends Thread{ //no of grey-scale values private final int grey_scales = 256; private final int hist_height = 256; // histogram colors private final int fgcolor = 0xff000000; private final int bgcolor = 0xffffffff; //width and height of the image private int i_w=0; private int i_h=0; //pixel arrays for input image and histogram private int [] hist_1d; private int [] src_1d; //width of histogram. public int hist_w = 256; //array for histogram bins private double [] hist_values; /** *Creates a 256*256 image array for the histogram of the specified image array *@param src Image array to be turned into a histogram *@param width The width of the input image *@param height The height of the input image *@return An image array representing the histogram of the input image */ public int[] histogram(int [] src, int width, int height){ i_w = width; i_h = height; src_1d = new int[i_w * i_h]; src_1d = src; hist_1d = new int[hist_w*i_h]; int gs = grey_scales; hist_values = new double[gs]; //histogram "normalisation" double increment = 1.0/256.0; //the grayscale value appearing more often. double max_value = 0.0; //to spread over 256 vertical values of histogram int scale_factor = 0; int blue; int l = hist_1d.length; int n = 1; for(int i=0; imax_value)?hist_values[blue]:max_value; } scale_factor = (int) Math.floor(i_h / max_value); for(int i=0;i 0){ hist_1d[(l - gs*n) + i] = fgcolor; hist_values[i] -= 1; n++; } n=1; } return hist_1d ; } /** *Calculates the peak value of the histogram *@param the image *@param the width of the image *@param the height of the image *@return the peak value in the histogram */ public int peak (int [] src, int width, int height){ int result = 0; i_w = width; i_h = height; src_1d = new int[i_w * i_h]; src_1d = src; hist_1d = new int[hist_w*i_h]; int gs = grey_scales; hist_values = new double[gs]; //histogram "normalisation" double increment = 1.0/256.0; //the grayscale value appearing more often. double max_value = 0.0; //to spread over 256 vertical values of histogram int scale_factor = 0; int blue; int l = hist_1d.length; int n = 1; for(int i=0; imax_value)?hist_values[blue]:max_value; } for (int i = 0; imax_value)?hist_values[blue]:max_value; } return max_value * 256; } /** *Calculates the histogram and scales it. *@param the image *@param the width of the image *@param the height of the image *@param the value to set the histogram maximum *@return the int array containing the histogram scaled */ public int[] histogramScale(int [] src, int width, int height, double max){ i_w = width; src_1d = src; hist_1d = new int[grey_scales*hist_height]; hist_values = new double[grey_scales]; //histogram "normalisation" //to spread over hist_height vertical values of histogram double increment = ((double)hist_height)/max; int blue; for(int i=0; i hist_height) { hist_values[i] = hist_height; } n=1; while (hist_values[i] > 0){ hist_1d[(hist_1d.length - grey_scales*n) + i] = fgcolor; hist_values[i] -= 1; n++; } } return hist_1d ; } }