import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import javax.swing.*; /** *ImageDiv is an algorithm to divide two images *@author:Judy Robertson, SELLIC OnLine *@author Neil Brown, DAI *@author Timothy Sharman *@see code.iface.imagediv */ public class ImageDiv extends Thread{ //the width of the input images in pixels private int i1_w; private int i2_w; //the width and height of the output image private int d_w; private int d_h; private int[] dest_1d; private boolean is_colored; /** *Constructs a new ImageDiv *@param firstwidth The width of the first image *@param secondwidth The width of the second image */ public ImageDiv(int firstwidth, int secondwidth){ i1_w = firstwidth; i2_w = secondwidth; } /** *Applies the image Div operator on the specified image arrays, with the *specified offset and scale value *@param src1_1d The first source image as a pixel array *@param src2_1d The second source image as a pixel array *@param width width of the destination image in pixels *@param height height of the destination image in pixels *@param oset The offset value *@param scale The scale value *@param reverse Reverse the order of the division *@return A pixel array containing one image divided by the other */ //Bob's image product algorithm.. /*a) assume the image is grey level (hence RR=GG=BB) b) use value &0x000000ff to get the BB value c) do this for both input images d) apply the operation (eg Div) e) add 128 and then scale f) clip to lie from 0 to 255. Call this value 0xCD g) create int value 0xffCDCDCD */ public int [] doDiv(int [] src1_1d, int [] src2_1d, int width, int height, float oset, float scale, boolean reverse) { int place1 = -1; int place2 = -1; int src1rgb = 0; int src2rgb = 0; int result = 0; //Get size of image and make 1d_arrays d_w = width; d_h = height; dest_1d = new int[d_w*d_h]; boolean firstwider = false; boolean secondwider = false; int wrap; if (i1_w > d_w){ wrap = ((i1_w + 1) - d_w); firstwider = true; } else if (i2_w > d_w){ wrap = ((i2_w + 1) - d_w); secondwider = true; } else { wrap = 0; } //if you know there is no wrap around, you can save yourself some time if (wrap == 0) { for (int i=0; i< dest_1d. length ; i++){ src2rgb = src2_1d[i] & 0x000000ff; src1rgb = src1_1d[i] & 0x000000ff; if( !reverse ) { result = (int) ((scale * ((float) src2rgb / (float) src1rgb ))+oset); } else { result = (int) ((scale * ((float) src1rgb / (float) src2rgb ))+oset); } //clip to 0 ... 256 if (result < 0){ result = 0; } else if (result > 255){ result = 255; } //create an int value for dest_1d dest_1d[i ] = 0xff000000 | (result + (result << 16) + (result << 8)); } return dest_1d; } else { // wrap != 0 for (int i=0; i< dest_1d. length ; i++){ //we might need to skip out some pixels which aren't in the overlap area if ((i %d_w ) == 0 ) { if ( i == 0 ){ place1 = 0; place2 = 0; } else if (secondwider) { place2 = place2 + wrap; place1 ++; } else { place1 = place1 + wrap; place2 ++; } } else{ place2 ++; place1 ++; } src2rgb = src2_1d[place2] & 0x000000ff; src1rgb = src1_1d[place1] & 0x000000ff; if( !reverse ) { if (src1rgb == 0) src1rgb = 1; result = (int) ((scale * ((float) src2rgb / (float) src1rgb ))+oset); } else { if (src2rgb == 0) src2rgb = 1; result = (int) ((scale * ((float) src1rgb / (float) src2rgb ))+oset); } //clip to 0 ... 256 if (result < 0){ result = 0; } else if (result > 255){ result = 255; } //create an int value for dest_1d dest_1d[i ] = 0xff000000 | (result + (result << 16) + (result << 8)); } return dest_1d; } } /** *Divides the specified input image by the constant, also adds offset *no need for scaling in this example. * *@param src1_1d The input pixel array *@param constant The constant value to divide every pixel in the input array by *@param width width of the destination image in pixels *@param height height of the destination image in pixels *@param oset The offset value *@param scale The scale value *@return A pixel array of the input array divided by the constant */ public int [] doDiv(int [] src1_1d, float constant, int width, int height, float oset, float scale, boolean reverse ) { //Get size of image and make 1d_arrays d_w = width; d_h = height; dest_1d = new int[d_w*d_h]; int src1rgb; int result = 0; //now do the division on the input image if (reverse) { if (constant == 0 ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,("Constant can't be 0"),("Error!"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); constant=1; } else { for (int i=0; i< src1_1d. length; i++){ src1rgb = src1_1d[i] & 0x000000ff; result = (int) ( scale * ((float) src1rgb / constant ) + oset); if (result > 255){ result = 255; } if (result < 0){ result = 0; } dest_1d[i] = 0xff000000 | (result + (result << 16) + (result << 8)); } } } else { for (int i=0; i< src1_1d. length; i++){ src1rgb = src1_1d[i] & 0x000000ff; result = (int) ( scale * (constant / (float) src1rgb ) + oset); if (result > 255){ result = 255; } if (result < 0){ result = 0; } dest_1d[i] = 0xff000000 | (result + (result << 16) + (result << 8)); } } return dest_1d; } }