import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.lang.Math.*; /** *ImageLabel is an algorithm that applies Connected Component Labeling *alogrithm to an input image. Only mono images are catered for. *@author:Neil Brown, DAI *@author:Judy Robertson, SELLIC OnLine *@see code.iface.imagelabel */ public class ImageLabel extends Thread{ //the width of the input image in pixels private int i1_w; //the width and height of the output image private int d_w; private int d_h; private int[] dest_1d; private int labels[]; private int numberOfLabels; private boolean labelsValid = false; /** *Constructs a new Image Operator *@param firstwidth The width of the input image */ public ImageLabel( int firstwidth ){ i1_w = firstwidth; } /** * getNeighbours will get the pixel value of i's neighbour that's ox and oy * away from i, if the point is outside the image, then 0 is returned. * This version gets from source image. */ private int getNeighbours( int [] src1d, int i, int ox, int oy ){ int x, y, result; x = ( i % d_w ) + ox; // d_w and d_h are assumed to be set to the y = ( i / d_w ) + oy; // width and height of scr1d if( ( x < 0 ) || ( x >= d_w ) || ( y < 0 ) || ( y >= d_h ) ) { result = 0; } else { result = src1d[ y * d_w + x ] & 0x000000ff; } return result; } /** * getNeighbourd will get the pixel value of i's neighbour that's ox and oy * away from i, if the point is outside the image, then 0 is returned. * This version gets from destination image. */ private int getNeighbourd( int [] src1d, int i, int ox, int oy ){ int x, y, result; x = ( i % d_w ) + ox; // d_w and d_h are assumed to be set to the y = ( i / d_w ) + oy; // width and height of scr1d if( ( x < 0 ) || ( x >= d_w ) || ( y < 0 ) || ( y >= d_h ) ) { result = 0; } else { result = src1d[ y * d_w + x ]; } return result; } /** * Associate(equivalence) a with b. * a should be less than b to give some ordering (sorting) * if b is already associated with some other value, then propagate * down the list. */ private void associate( int a, int b ) { if( a > b ) { associate( b, a ); return; } if( ( a == b ) || ( labels[ b ] == a ) ) return; if( labels[ b ] == b ) { labels[ b ] = a; } else { associate( labels[ b ], a ); if (labels[ b ] > a) { //***rbf new labels[ b ] = a; } } } /** * Reduces the number of labels. */ private int reduce( int a ){ if( labels[ a ] == a ){ return a; } else { return reduce( labels[ a ] ); } } /** *doLabel applies the Labeling alogrithm plus offset and scaling *The input image is expected to be 8-bit mono 0=black everything else=white *@param src1_1d The input pixel array *@param width width of the destination image in pixels *@param height height of the destination image in pixels *@return A pixel array containing the labelled image */ //NB For images 0,0 is the top left corner. public int [] doLabel(int [] src1_1d, int width, int height){ int nextlabel = 1; int nbs[] = new int[ 4 ]; int nbls[] = new int[ 4 ]; //Get size of image and make 1d_arrays d_w = width; d_h = height; dest_1d = new int[d_w*d_h]; labels = new int[d_w*d_h / 2]; // the most labels there can be is 1/2 of the points in checkerboard int src1rgb; int result = 0; int px, py, count, found; labelsValid = false; // only set to true once we've complete the task //initialise labels for (int i=0; i 76=3 //done in reverse order to preserve sorting for( int i= labels.length -1; i > 0; i-- ){ labels[ i ] = reduce( i ); } /*now labels will look something like 1=1 2=2 3=2 4=2 5=5.. 76=5 77=5 this needs to be condensed down again, so that there is no wasted space eg in the above, the labels 3 and 4 are not used instead it jumps to 5. */ int condensed[] = new int[ nextlabel ]; // cant be more than nextlabel labels count = 0; for (int i=0; i< nextlabel; i++){ if( i == labels[ i ] ) condensed[ i ] = count++; } // Record the number of labels numberOfLabels = count - 1; // now run back through our preliminary results, replacing the raw label // with the reduced and condensed one, and do the scaling and offsets too //Now generate an array of colours which will be used to label the image int [] labelColors = new int[numberOfLabels+1]; //Variable used to check if the color generated is acceptable boolean acceptColor = false; for(int i = 0; i < labelColors.length; i++){ acceptColor = false; while(!acceptColor){ double tmp = Math. random(); labelColors[i] = (int)(tmp * 16777215); if(((labelColors[i] & 0x000000ff) < 200) && (((labelColors[i] & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) < 64) && (((labelColors[i] & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) < 64)){ //Color to be rejected so don't set acceptColor } else{ acceptColor = true; } } if (i == 0) labelColors[i] = 0; } for (int i=0; i< src1_1d. length; i++){ result = condensed[ labels[ dest_1d[ i ] ] ]; //result = (int) ( scale * (float) result + oset ); //truncate if necessary //if( result > 255 ) result = 255; //if( result < 0 ) result = 0; //produce grayscale //dest_1d[i] = 0xff000000 | (result + (result << 16) + (result << 8)); dest_1d[i] = labelColors[result] + 0xff000000; } labelsValid = true; // only set to true now we've complete the task return dest_1d; } /** *getColours *@return the number of unique, non zero colours. -1 if not valid */ public int getColours() { if( labelsValid ) { return numberOfLabels; } else { return -1; } } /** * Returns the number of labels. */ public int getNumberOfLabels() { return numberOfLabels; } }