import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.lang.Math; /** * Scale is an algorithm to alter the size of an image * @author:Craig Strachan after Judy Robertson, SELLIC Online * @see code.iface.scale */ public class Scale extends Thread { public Scale() { } private int [] gradeline(int end1, int end2, int scalef) { /* Given two points 2 * scalef apart in an image, interpolates * between those points and returns the result in an int array */ int [] result = new int [2 * scalef]; Color cend1, cend2; double red_grad, green_grad, blue_grad; int red, green, blue; result[0] = end1; result[(2 * scalef) - 1] = end2; cend1 = new Color(end1); cend2 = new Color(end2); if (cend1.getRed() == cend2.getRed()) { red_grad = 0.0; } else if (cend1.getRed() > cend2.getRed()) { red_grad = ((cend2.getRed() - cend1.getRed()) + 1) / (2 * (scalef -1)); } else { red_grad = ((cend2.getRed() - cend1.getRed()) - 1) / (2 * (scalef - 1)); } if (cend1.getGreen() == cend2.getGreen()) { green_grad = 0.0; } else if (cend1.getGreen() > cend2.getGreen()) { green_grad = ((cend2.getGreen() - cend1.getGreen()) + 1) / (2 * (scalef -1)); } else { green_grad = ((cend2.getGreen() - cend1.getGreen()) - 1) / (2 * (scalef - 1)); } if (cend1.getBlue() == cend2.getBlue()) { blue_grad = 0.0; } else if (cend1.getBlue() > cend2.getBlue()) { blue_grad = ((cend2.getBlue() - cend1.getBlue()) + 1) / (2 * (scalef -1)); } else { blue_grad = ((cend2.getBlue() - cend1.getBlue()) - 1) / (2 * (scalef - 1)); } for (int i = 1; i < ((2 * scalef) - 2); i++) { red = (int) Math.rint ((double) i * red_grad) + cend1.getRed(); green = (int) Math.rint ((double) i * green_grad) + cend1.getGreen(); blue = (int) Math.rint ((double) i * blue_grad) + cend1.getBlue(); Color tmp = new Color(red, green, blue); result[i] = tmp.getRGB(); } return result; } /* gradline */ /** *Give an image of width src_width contained in int array src *returns the rectangle with top left corner at x,y and with width *width and height height contained in that image as an int array *@param src The input image array *@param src_width The width of the input image array *@param x The x co-ordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle *@param y The y co-ordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle *@param width The width of the rectangle *@param height The height of the rectangle *@return The rectangle taken from the image */ public int [] getrect (int [] src, int src_width, int x, int y, int width, int height) { int [] result = new int [width * height]; int k = 0; for (int j = y; j < y + height; j++) { for (int i = x; i < x + width; i++) { result [k++] = src[(j * src_width) + i]; } } return result; } /* getrect */ private int get_point(int x, int y, int width, int [] src_bitmap) { /* * returns the value of a int bitmap with width width at point * x, y; */ return src_bitmap[(y * width) + x]; } /* get_point */ private void put_point(int point, int x, int y, int width, int [] bitmap) { /* * Sets point x,y of the bitmap bitmap to have the value of point. */ bitmap [(y * width) + x] = point; } /* put_point */ /** *Reduces an image by a factor of scalefactor using the sample method *@param src The input image array *@param orig_w The width of the input image *@param orig_h The height of the input image *@param scalefactor The amount the image is to be shrunk *@return The shrunken image array */ public int [] shrink_sample (int [] src, int orig_w, int orig_h, int scalefactor) { /* Reduces an image by a factor of scalefactor using the sample * method */ int new_w = orig_w / scalefactor; int new_h = orig_h / scalefactor; int [] result = new int [new_w * new_h]; int [] sample; int sample_point; for (int i = 0; i < (orig_h - scalefactor); i = i + scalefactor) { for (int j = 0; j < (orig_w - scalefactor); j = j + scalefactor) { sample = getrect (src, orig_w, j, i, scalefactor, scalefactor); /* sample is simply the top left pixel */ sample_point = sample[0]; result [((i / scalefactor) * new_w) + (j / scalefactor)] = sample_point; } } return result; } /* shrink_sample */ /** *Reduces an image by a factor of scalefactor using the average method *@param src The input image array *@param orig_w The width of the input image *@param orig_h The height of the input image *@param scalefactor The amount the image is to be shrunk *@return The shrunken image array */ public int [] shrink_average (int [] src, int orig_w, int orig_h, int scalefactor) { int new_w = orig_w / scalefactor; int new_h = orig_h / scalefactor; int [] result = new int [new_w * new_h]; int [] sample; int sample_point; int red_sum, green_sum, blue_sum; Color colorpoint; if (scalefactor == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < orig_h*orig_w; i++) { result[i] = src[i]; } return result; } for (int i = 0; i < (orig_h - scalefactor); i = i + scalefactor) { for (int j = 0; j < (orig_w - scalefactor); j = j + scalefactor) { sample = getrect (src, orig_w, j, i, scalefactor, scalefactor); /* sample_point is the average of the pixels in the sample */ red_sum = 0; green_sum = 0; blue_sum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < (scalefactor * scalefactor) -1; k ++) { colorpoint = new Color(sample[k]); red_sum += colorpoint.getRed(); green_sum += colorpoint .getGreen(); blue_sum += colorpoint.getBlue(); } Color tmp = new Color ((red_sum / (scalefactor * scalefactor)), (green_sum / (scalefactor * scalefactor)), (blue_sum / (scalefactor* scalefactor))); sample_point = tmp.getRGB(); result [((i / scalefactor) * new_w) + (j / scalefactor)] = sample_point; } } return result; } /* shrink_sample */ /** *Grows an image by a factor of scalefactor using the replicate method *@param src The input image array *@param orig_w The width of the input image *@param orig_h The height of the input image *@param scalefactor The amount the image is to be grown *@return The grown image array */ public int [] grow_replicate(int [] src, int orig_w, int orig_h, int scalefactor) { int new_w = orig_w * scalefactor; int new_h = orig_h * scalefactor; int [] result = new int[new_w * new_h]; int sample; for (int i = 0; i < new_h; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < new_w; j++) { sample = src[(i / scalefactor) * orig_w + (j / scalefactor)]; result[i * new_w + j] = sample; } } return result; } /* grow_replicate */ /** *Grows an image by a factor of scalefactor using the interpolate method *@param src The input image array *@param orig_w The width of the input image *@param orig_h The height of the input image *@param scalefactor The amount the image is to be grown *@return The grown image array */ public int [] grow_interpolate (int [] src, int orig_w, int orig_h, int scalefactor) { int new_w = orig_w * scalefactor; int new_h = orig_h * scalefactor; int [] result = new int [new_w * new_h]; if (scalefactor == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < orig_h*orig_w; i++) { result[i] = src[i]; } return result; } for (int i = 0; i < (orig_h - 1); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < (orig_w -1); j++) { int [] line = gradeline(get_point(j, i, orig_w, src), get_point(j + 1, i, orig_w, src), scalefactor); for (int k = 0; k <= scalefactor; k++) { put_point(line[k], (j * scalefactor) + k, i * scalefactor, new_w, result); } line = gradeline(get_point(j, i, orig_w, src), get_point(j, i + 1, orig_w, src), scalefactor); for (int k = 0; k <= scalefactor; k++) { put_point(line[k], j * scalefactor, (i * scalefactor) + k, new_w, result); } line = gradeline(get_point(j + 1, i, orig_w, src), get_point(j + 1, i + 1, orig_w, src), scalefactor); for (int k = 0; k <= scalefactor; k++) { put_point(line[k], (j + 1) * scalefactor, (i * scalefactor) + k, new_w, result); } for (int k = 1; k <= scalefactor; k++) { line = gradeline(get_point((j * scalefactor), (i * scalefactor) + k, new_w, result), get_point((j + 1) * scalefactor, (i * scalefactor) + k, new_w, result), scalefactor); for (int l = 0; l <= scalefactor; l++) { put_point(line[l], (j * scalefactor) + l, (i * scalefactor) + k, new_w, result); } } } } return result; } /* grow_interpolate */ }