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Circle filled with holes.

args[0] (art4)

The original image.

args[0] (art4neg1)

Negative of art4

args[0] (art4clo1)

Result of closing art4 with a disk of diameter 22.

args[0] (art4ctr1)

Result of translating art4 in order to center the image subject.

args[0] (art4trn1)

Result of translating art4ctr1 by 150 pixels in the x and y directions.

args[0] (art4trn2)

Result of translating art4ctr1 by 150 pixels in the x and y directions, and wrapping the result.

args[0] (art4trn3)

Result of translating art4ctr1 by 35 pixels in the x direction and 37 pixels in the y direction.

args[0] (art7add1)

Result of pixel adding


to art4trn3.

args[0] (art4rot1)

Result of rotating art4ctr1 by 180 degrees about the image center.

args[0] (art4ref1)

Result of reflecting art4ctr1 about a vertical axis through the image center.

args[0] (art4dil1)

Result of dilating art4.

args[0] (art4dil2)

Result of dilating art4neg1.


home left right up

©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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