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Satellite (visible spectrum) image taken over Africa.

args[0] (avs1)

The original image.

args[0] (avs2)

A scaled version of avs1.

args[0] (avi2cls1)

The labeled image resulting from classifying the multi-spectral image composed of air2 and avs2 into two distinct spectral classes.

args[0] (avi2lab1)

The result of applying connected components labeling to avi2cls1.

args[0] (avi2lab2)

A grayscale version of cls1lab1.

args[0] (avi2cls2)

The labeled image resulting from classifying the multi-spectral image composed of air2 and avs2 into four distinct spectral classes.

args[0] (avi2cls4)

A grayscale version of avi2cls2.

args[0] (avi2lab3)

The result of applying connected components labeling to avi2cls2.

args[0] (avi2lab4)

A grayscale version of cls2lab2.

args[0] (avi2cls3)

The labeled image resulting from classifying the multi-spectral image composed of air2 and avs2 into six distinct spectral classes.

args[0] (avi2cls5)

A grayscale version of avi2cls3.


©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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