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The Stereo Image Catalogue contains a single dataset of static scene images (i.e. 11 images in total) with accurate descriptions of 3-D object locations. The images were collected at the Calibrated Imaging Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University and are freely available through public ftp. (These data are provided under Contract No. F49620-92-C-0073, ARPA Order No. 8875.)

Any publication which includes reproductions of these images or data, or parts thereof, must be accompanied by the following annotation: `Data for this research was partly provided by the Calibrated Imaging Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University, sponsored by DARPA, NSF, and NASA.'

Details about data acquisition and data representation are available in:


(where HIPRDIR is the directory where HIPR is installed). Also, individual camera calibration parameters, data points and ground truth coordinates for each scene/image may be obtained from HIPRDIR/images/stereo/calib and HIPRDIR/images/stereo/points.

args[0] (st00)

576×384 grayscale of center image with the ground truth points highlighted.

args[0] (st01)

576×384 grayscale of first stereo image.

args[0] (st02)

576×384 grayscale of second stereo image.

args[0] (st03)

576×384 grayscale of third stereo image.

args[0] (st04)

576×384 grayscale of fourth stereo image.

args[0] (st05)

576×384 grayscale of fifth stereo image.

args[0] (st06)

576×384 grayscale of sixth stereo image.

args[0] (st07)

576×384 grayscale of seventh stereo image.

args[0] (st08)

576×384 grayscale of eighth stereo image.

args[0] (st09)

576×384 grayscale of ninth stereo image.

args[0] (st10)

576×384 grayscale of tenth stereo image.

args[0] (st11)

576×384 grayscale of eleventh stereo image.


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©2003 R. Fisher, S. Perkins, A. Walker and E. Wolfart.

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