Tutorials on topics in machine learning
- Assessing and Comparing Classification Algorithms
- Cross Validation Andrew Moore
- The Many Faces of ROC Analysis in Machine Learning Peter A. Flach, ICML'04
- Classification
- Decision trees Andrew Moore
- Tutorial on Practical Prediction Theory for Classification John Langford, JMLR'05
- Tutorial on Fusion of Multiple Pattern Classifiers Fabio Roli AI-IA 2003
- Clustering
- Spectral Clustering Chris H.Q. Ding, ICML'04
- Data Mining
- A Data Mining tutorial Graham Williams, Markus Hegland and Stephen Roberts
- Data mining tutorial LIS - Rudjer Boskovic Institute
- Dimensionality reduction
- Principal Component Analysis and Matrix Factorizations for Learning Chris H.Q. Ding, ICML'05
- Spectral Methods for Dimensionality Reduction (part 1) (part 2) Lawrence Saul, 2005.
- Ensemble learning methods
- A tutorial on Boosting Yoav Freund and Robert Schapire
- Boosting tutorial Ron Meir
- Evolutionary Computation
- A Genetic Algorithm Tutorial Darrell Whitley
- Generative methods
- Graphical models and variational methods: Message-passing and relaxations (Martin Wainwright)
- A Brief Introduction to Graphical Models and Bayesian Networks Kevin Murphy, 1998
- Graphical models David Heckerman, UAI'99
- Nonparametric Bayesian Methods Michael I. Jordan NIPS'05
- Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning Zoubin Ghahramani, ICML'04
- Graphical models, exponential families, and variational inference (Martin Wainwright, Michael Jordan)
- Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning Radford Neal, NIPS'04
- Hidden Markov models
- A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in Speech Recognition Lawrence R. Rabiner, Proceedings of the IEEE, 1989
- Markov Random Fields and Stochastic Image Models Charles A. Bouman ICIP'95
- An Introduction to the Kalman Filter Greg Welch and Gary Bishop
- An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields for Relational Learning Charles Sutton and Andrew McCallum
- Learning theory
- Statistical Learning Theory Olivier Bousquet & Bernhard Schölkopf
- Complexity Theory and the No Free Lunch Theorem Darrell Whitley, Jean Paul Watson, 2005
- A Tutorial on Computational Learning Theory Vasant Honavar, 1997
- A Geometric Approach to Statistical Learning Theory Shahar Mendelson, NIPS'04
- VC-dimension for characterizing classifiers Andrew Moore
- Neural networks
- Independent Component Analysis Aapo Hyvärinen and Erkki Oja, in Neural Networks
- Neural Networks Ingrid F. Russell
- Introduction to Radial Basis Function Networks Mark J. L. Orr, 1996
- Parameter estimation/Optimization techniques
- Optimization for Kernel Methods S. Sathiya Keerthi in MLSS, Canberra'06
- Expectation-Maximization as lower bound maximization Thomas P. Minka, 1998
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Computer Vision
Song-Chun Zhu, Frank Dellaert and Zhuowen Tu, ICCV 2005
- Tutorial on variational approximation methods Tommi S. Jaakkola, NIPS'00
- Energy Based Models: Structured Learning Beyond Likelihoods Yann LeCun, NIPS'06
- Regression
- Advances in Gaussian Processes Carl Edward Rasmussen in NIPS 2006
- Reinforcement Learning / Q-learning
- Reinforcement Learning Satinder Singh NIPS'05
- Learning Representation And Behavior: Manifold and Spectral Methods for Markov Decision Processes and Reinforcement Learning Sridhar Mahadevan and Mauro Maggioni, ICML'06
- Towards Bayesian Reinforcement Learning Pascal Poupart, NIPS workshop'06
- Significant applications
- Grammar Induction: Techniques and Theory Colin de la Higuera and Tim Oates, ICML'06
- Bayesian Models of Human Learning and Inference J. Tenenbaum, NIPS'06
- Text mining and internet content filtering José María Gómez Hidalgo, ECML/PKDD'02
- Information Extraction, Theory and Practice Ronen Feldman, ICML'06
- Probabilistic mechanisms in human sensorimotor control Daniel Wolpert, NIPS'04
Online Video Tutorials
- Clustring
- Lectures on Clustering (Ulrike von Luxburg, 3:24')
- Game Theory & Clustering (Marcello Pelillo, 2:56')
- Clustering the Tagged Web (Hector Garcia-Molina, et. al., 0:30')
- Multi-Assignment Clustering for Boolean Data (Mario Frank, 0:25')
- Extracting Semantic Networks from Text via Relational Clustering (Pedro Domingos, Stanley Kok, 00:20')
- Ensemble Methods
- From Trees to Forests and Rule Sets - A Unified Overview of Ensemble Methods (Giovanni Seni, John Elder, 2:45')
- An Introduction to Ensemble and Boosting (Amir Saffari, 0:16')
- Overview of New Developments in Boosting (Joseph K. Bradley, 0:47')
- Large-Margin Thresholded Ensembles for Ordinal Regression (Hsuan-Tien Lin, 0:17')
- Identifying Feature Relevance using a Random Forest (Jeremy D. Rogers, 0:26')
- Markov Processes
- A Tutorial Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations: Continuous-time Gaussian Markov Processes (Chris William, 0:42')
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods (Christian Rober, 3:52')
- Sequential Monte Carlo methods (Arnaud Doucet, 2:16')
- Abstraction Augmented Markov Models (Adrian Silvescu, 0:21')
- Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (Ruslan Salakhutdinov, 0:24')
- Computational Learning Theory
- Online Learning and Game Theory (Adam Kalai, 1:37')
- Who is Afraid of Non-Convex Loss Functions? (Yann LeCun, 0:59')
- Online Learning and Bregman Divergences (Manfred K. Warmuth, 3:32')
- Graph complexity for structure and learning (John Shawe-Taylor, 0:32')
- Entropy Properties of a Decision Rule Class in Connection with machine learning abilities (Alexey Chervonenkis, 0:45')
- Neural Networks
- Neural control - Layers, Loops, Learning (Florentin Worgotter,0:58')
- Implications of decoding for theories of neural representation (James Haxby, 0:36')
- Exploring Spatially Embedded Artificial Neural Networks (Patricia Vargas, 0:57')
- Mixtures of Neural Nets (Edward Snelson, 0:30')
- Convolutional Object Finder, A Neural Architecture for Fast and Robust Object Detection (Christophe Garcia, 0:22')
- Reinforcement Learning
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning and Bayesian learning (Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, 0:20')
- Reinforcement learning (Scott Sanner, 5:09')
- Introduction to Reinforcement Learning (Csaba Szepesvar, 5:47')
- Model-Based Reinforcement Learning (Michael Littman, 1:54')
- Reinforcement Learning (Satinder Singh, 4:58')
- Regression
- Multiplicative Updates for L1-Regularized Linear and Logistic Regression (Lawrence Saul, 0:24')
- Tree Augmented Naive Bayes for Regression Using Mixtures of Truncated Exponentials: Application to Higher Education Management (Antonio Salmeron, 0:20')
- Large-Margin Thresholded Ensembles for Ordinal Regression (Hsuan-Tien Lin, 0:17')
- Utility-Based Regression (Luis Torgo, 0:02')
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© 2008 Robert Fisher