Public Code for symbolic pattern recognition

  1. Representations for Symbolic Reasoning

    1. Blackboards
    2. Decision Trees
    3. Frames
    4. Graphs
    5. Languages, Formal and Informal
    6. Modal Logic
    7. Predicate calculus
    8. Production Rules
    9. Semantic Nets
    10. Situation Calculus
  2. Methods for Symbolic Reasoning

    1. Case-based Reasoning
    2. Graph matching
    3. Logic Programming
    4. Parsing
    5. Planning
    6. Rule matching
    7. Search
    8. Theorem Proving
  3. Applications

    1. Natural Language Processing
    2. Network Security

Details of the content

  1. Representations for Symbolic Reasoning

    1. Blackboards
      1. Simple Blackboard (SBB) system, Lisp, Daniel D. Corkill
      2. GBBopen, High-performance, blackboard system software
    2. Decision Trees
      1. C4.5 Tutorial (for UNIX), University of Regina
    3. Frames
      1. Flex toolkit, Free trial, Logic Programming Ltd
      2. Frame Systems, Mark Kantrowitz, Lisp
    4. Graphs
      1. The Boost Graph Library (BGL), C++
      2. Graphviz, Graph Visualization Software
    5. Languages, Formal and Informal
      1. JFLAP, graphical tool for FSAs
    6. Modal Logic
    7. Predicate calculus
      1. Tableau3, Java
    8. Production Rules
      1. polymake, C++, Perl
    9. Semantic Nets
      1. CommunSENS, Harry Fitie
      2. SNePS: Semantic Network Processing System, Shapiro, Choi, Zaidel, Lewocz, Kumar and Chalupsky, University at Buffalo, Lisp
      3. Software you can use for semantic networks, Dave Jonassen, University of Missouri
    10. Situation Calculus
  2. Methods for Symbolic Reasoning

    1. Case-based Reasoning
      1. Case-Based Reasoning Resources, David W. Aha
    2. Graph matching
      1. GMT - Graph Matching Toolkit, C++
    3. Logic Programming
      1. URANUS: Logic-Based Knowledge Representation Language, Hideyuki Nakashima, Lisp
      2. COLAB: Knowledge Representation and Compilation LaboratoryBoley, Hanschke, Hinkelmann and Meyer, Lisp
    4. Parsing
      1. C and C tools, Steve Clark and James Curran, C++
      2. The RASP System, Briscoe, Carroll and Watson, Linux
      3. NLP tools from Tsujii lab, University of Tokyo
    5. Planning
      1. AI Wiki: Planning, list of AI planners
    6. Rule matching
    7. Search
      1. Breadth First Search, Renaud Waldura, Java
      2. Depth First Search, C++
    8. Theorem Proving
      1. Theorem Proving Examples, John Harrison, Cambridge University
      2. HOL 4, Mowcow ML
      3. Isabelle, Larry Paulson and Tobias Nipkow
  3. Applications

    1. Natural Language Processing
      1. NLP tools from Tsujii lab, University of Tokyo
      2. LTG Tools, University of Edinburgh
    2. Network Security
      1. Snort Network Intrusion Prevention and Detection (rule matching)
    3. Clinical Decision Support
      1. The Tallis Toolset. Software and training materials to create, publish and enact clinical knowledge applications over the web.

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