from __future__ import division from pprint import pprint from collections import defaultdict import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import nltk from nltk.corpus import treebank import lab3_fix from lab3_fix import parse_grammar from import rdparser_app as rd def production_distribution(psents): """ Creates a frequency distribution of lexical and non-lexical (grammatical) productions """ lexdict = defaultdict(int) nonlexdict = defaultdict(int) for psent in psents: for production in if production.is_lexical(): pass # students replace this else: pass # students replace this return lexdict, nonlexdict #This function takes a single parsed sentence, #and prints the parse along with the list of all productions used in it. def print_parse_info(psent): print("\nFirst parsed sentence:\n{}".format(psent)) print("\nProductions in the first sentence:") pprint( #This function is not used in the current version of the lab, but you can #play with it if you want. Unfortunately, for me it is giving an error #from the nltk libraries. It still outputs the parse but also the error, #so the output is a bit messy. #What you'll see in the output (besides the error) is a trace of the actions #of the parser (Expand, Match, or + to indicate a completed parse) and, #if the parse was successful, you will also see the Tree that was found. #This function returns a generator object. If you call the next() method #on that, it will return the next parse (if any), and the next, and so on. e.g., # # pgen = recursive_descent_parser(g, s) #will print first parse # #will print next parse if there's another def recursive_descent_parser(grammar, sentence): """ recursive_descent_parser takes grammar and sentence as input and parses the sentence according to the grammar using recursive descent parsing technique. """ # Loads the Recursive Descent Parser with the grammar provided rdp = nltk.RecursiveDescentParser(grammar, trace=2) # Parses the sentence and saves the generator object 'parse' parse = rdp.parse(sentence.split()) # calling next() on the generator returns the next (here, first) parse return def app(grammar,sent): """ Create a recursive descent parser demo, using a simple grammar and text. """ rd.RecursiveDescentApp(grammar, sent.split()).mainloop() ## Main body of code ## grammar1=parse_grammar(""" # Grammatical productions. S -> NP VP NP -> Pro | Det N | N Det -> Art VP -> V | V NP | V NP PP PP -> Prep NP # Lexical productions. Pro -> "i" | "we" | "you" | "he" | "she" | "him" | "her" Art -> "a" | "an" | "the" Prep -> "with" | "in" N -> "salad" | "fork" | "mushrooms" V -> "eat" | "eats" | "ate" | "see" | "saw" | "prefer" | "sneezed" Vi -> "sneezed" | "ran" Vt -> "eat" | "eats" | "ate" | "see" | "saw" | "prefer" Vp -> "eat" | "eats" | "ate" | "see" | "saw" | "prefer" """) sentence1 = "he ate salad" app(grammar1, sentence1) #sentence2 = "he ate salad with mushrooms" #sentence3 = "he ate salad with a fork" # Extracting tagged sentences using NLTK libraries #psents = treebank.parsed_sents() # print info for the 0'th parsed sentence #print_parse_info(psents[0])