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The following is a valid µOCCAM program that performs I/O. The program will take three values and return the maximum value. It makes use of IF statements.

Program file: /public/cs3/web/ipptests/

-- This program takes three numbers from the standard input
-- and outputs the largest of these three numbers

INT a:
INT b:
INT c:
INT max:

  stdin ? a -- Read in the first number
  stdin ? b -- Read in the second number
  stdin ? c -- Read in the third number
  max := a  -- Let the maximum value equal the first number
    b > max
      max := b-- If the second number is greater than the max value then
               -- the new max value should be equal to the second number
    c > max
      max := c-- If the third number is greater than the max value then
               -- the new max value should be equal to the third number
  stdout ! max

When provided with this input: /public/cs3/web/ipptests/


it should generate the following output: /public/cs3/web/ipptests/max.out

==> 9