- Address:
- School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
Informatics Forum 5.15
10 Crichton Street
Edinburgh, EH8 9AB
Scotland, United Kingdom
Email: If you aren't a robot, and/or you are equipped with a parser
that can handle long-range dependencies, you will be able to email me
at an address formed by concatenating my surname, the "at" thingy, the
first three letters of the thing that the address above says I'm in
the school of, and the string dot ed dot ac dot uk
Tel: +44 (131) 650 4631
FAX: +44 (131) 650 6626
- My calendar::
- I tend to be in seminars 11:00-12:00 and 4-6 Thursdays, and
11:00-12:30 Fridays. Most other times I'm at my desk.
Mark Steedman is Professor of Cognitive Science in the School of
Informatics, working in Computational
Linguistics, Artificial
Intelligence, and Cognitive
Science, on Generation of Meaningful
Intonation for Speech by Artificial Agents, The Communicative Use of Gesture, Tense and
Aspect, and
Wide coverage parsing and robust semantics for Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG).
Also interested in Computational Musical
Analysis and Combinatory Logic.
Affiliated to the Institute
for Language, Cognition, and Computation (ILCC)
within the Division of Informatics, and to the Centre for Speech
Technology Research (CSTR)
and the interdisciplinary Human Communications
Research Center (HCRC).
the CCG software
Read it at last in
Here are some
Recent Papers and a CV.
Here is a photograph of me Processing Crossing Dependencies
at Aravind Joshi's Festschrift in 2013.
The weather in Europe is like this.
I'm also an adjunct
professor in Computer and Information Science at the University of
Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The weather there is like this today.
The weather in-between
is like this
Here is
something really useful.
In Memoriam: Christopher Longuet-Higgins (1923--2004)
Mark Steedman