@Book{DieterGollman, author = {Dieter Gollmann}, title = {Computer Security}, publisher = {Wiley}, year = 1999 } @Misc{motorola, author = {C. Caragiuli and D. Piazza and I. Mura and C. Chesta and G. Previti and M. DiFlorio}, title = {{DEGAS} deliverable {D24}: {Specification} in {UML} of case studies}, howpublished = {OMNYS,MTCI}, year = 2003, number = {WP7} } @InProceedings{ThomasVoting, author = {Nigel Thomas}, title = {Performability of a secure electronic voting algorithm}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Practical Applications of Stochastic Modelling}, pages = {81--93}, year = 2004, editor = {Jeremy Bradley and William Knottenbelt}, address = {London}, month = sep, publisher = {To appear in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science} } @InProceedings{KVM, author = {Yusuke Matsuoka and Patrick Schaumont and Kris Tiri and Ingrid Verbauwhede}, title = {Java Cryptography on {KVM} and its Performance and Security Optimization using HW/SW Co-design Techniques}, booktitle = {2004 International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis of Embedded Systems (CASES/04)}, pages = {303--311}, year = 2004, address = {Washington}, month = sep, publisher = {ACM Press} } @Article{key, author = {C. Boyd and A. Mathuria}, title = {Key establishment protocols for secure mobile communications: a critical survey}, journal = {Computer Communications}, year = 2000, volume = 23, pages = {575--587} } @InProceedings{LySaprotocols, author = {Chiara Bodei and Mikael Buchholtz and Michele Curti and Pierpaolo Degano and Flemming Nielson and Hanne Riis Nielson and Corrado Priami}, title = {On evaluating the performance of security protocols}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages}, OPTcrossref = {}, OPTkey = {}, OPTpages = {}, OPTyear = {2003}, OPTeditor = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTseries = {}, OPTaddress = {}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTorganization = {}, OPTpublisher = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} } @InProceedings{ForLySa, author = "M. Buchholtz and C. Montangero and L. Perrone and S. Semprini", title = "{For-LySa}: {UML} for Authentication Analysis", year = 2004, booktitle = "Proceedings of the second workshop on Global Computing", volume = 3267, series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", editor = "C. Priami and P. Quaglia", publisher = "Springer Verlag", pages = "92--105", url = "http://www.imm.dtu.dk/pubdb/p.php?3235", abstract = "The {DEGAS} project aims at enriching standard {UML-}centred development environments in such a way that the developers of global applications can exploit automated formal analyses with minimal overhead. In this paper, we present For-LySa, an instantiation of the {DEGAS} approach for authentication analysis, which exploits an existing analysis tool developed for the process calculus LySa. We discuss what information is needed for the analysis, and how to build the {UML} model of an authentication protocol in such a way that the needed information can be extracted from the model. We then present our prototype implementation and report on some promising results of its use." } @Misc{Buchholtz, author = {Mikael Buchholtz}, title = {{LySa} --- a process calculus}, howpublished = {Web site hosted by Informatics and Mathematical Modelling at the Technical University of Denmark}, month = apr, year = 2004, note = {\url{http://www.imm.dtu.dk/cs\_LySa/}} } @Misc{NetBeans, OPTauthor = {}, title = {{NetBeans.org}: open {IDE}}, howpublished = {Web site of the NetBeans project}, month = nov, year = 2004, note = {\url{http://www.netbeans.org/}} } @Misc{Eclipse, OPTauthor = {}, title = {{Eclipse.org}: open extensible {IDE}}, howpublished = {Eclipse Foundation Web site}, month = nov, year = 2004, note = {\url{http://www.eclipse.org/}} } @Misc{Poseidon, author = {Gentleware AG systems}, title = {{Poseidon for UML web site}}, month = nov, year = 2004, note = {\url{http://www.gentleware.com/}} } @Book{isi, author = {Isi Mitrani}, title = {Probabilistic Modelling}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = 1998 } @article{BAN, author = {M. Burrows and M. Abadi and R.M. Needham}, title = {A Logic of Authentication}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Computing Systems}, year = 1990, volume = 8, number = 1, pages = {18--36}, month = feb } @InProceedings{lopez-grao02:_from_uml_activ_diagr_stoch_petri_nets, author = {L{\'o}pez-Grao, J.P. and Merseguer, J. and Campos, J.}, title = {From {UML} Activity Diagrams to Stochastic {Petri} Nets: Application to Software Performance Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences}, pages = {405--409}, year = 2002, address = {Orlando, Florida}, month = oct, publisher = {CRC Press} } @Article{statecharts, author = {D. Harel}, title = {Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems}, journal = {Sci. Comput. Programming}, year = 1987, volume = 8, pages = {231--274} }