5.1 A simple model of one species decay

The simple.biopepa model, shown in Figure 14, contains just a single species $S$, which is only involved in the $\mathit{decay}$ reaction. The $\mathit{decay}$ reaction is governed by a kinetic parameter $k$, which controls the rate of decay. The parameter $k$ has been given the constant value 1. The rate of the $\mathit{decay}$ also depends on the quantity of $S$ available. The kinetic law for the $\mathit{decay}$ reaction is the product of $k$ and $S$. $S$ is decreased (<<) by the decay reaction.

This is a simple but well-formed Bio-PEPA model. It passes the static analysis checks which are built into the Bio-PEPA Eclipse Plug-in. For example, everything which is used has also been declared (the Bio-PEPA Eclipse Plug-in would generate an error otherwise) and everything which has been declared has also been used (the Bio-PEPA Eclipse Plug-in would generate a warning otherwise).