Joint PAPM-PROBMIV 2001 Workshop
                  (Process Algebra and Performance Modelling,
                    Probabilistic Methods in Verification)
               Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH)
                               Aachen, Germany
                            September 12-14, 2001
                        Co-located with MMB and PNPM
   Probability is widely used in the design and analysis of software and
   hardware systems, as a means to derive efficient algorithms (e.g.
   randomization), as a model for unreliable or unpredictable behavior
   (as in the study of fault-tolerant systems and computer networks), and
   as a tool to study performance and dependability properties. The aim
   of the PAPM-PROBMIV workshop is to gather researchers working across
   the whole spectrum of techniques for the modeling, specification,
   analysis and verification of probabilistic systems. Suggested, but not
   exclusive, topics of interest for submissions include:

     * Specification, models and semantics of probabilistic systems
       (including but not limited to process algebras, Petri nets,
       probabilistic automata, probabilistic logics, probabilistic
       extensions of temporal logic and mu-calculus, automata-based
       models and specification methods, and specialized techniques for
       the specification of performance and reliability properties).

     * Analysis and verification techniques for probabilistic systems
       (such as performance and reliability analysis, model-checking,
       dynamic programming, symbolic methods, compositional and modular
       techniques). The interplay between functional (non-probabilistic)
       and probabilistic analysis.

     * Probabilistic methods for the verification of non-probabilistic

     * Tools and case studies (computer networks and communication
       systems, distributed systems, reliability and performance
       analysis, safety-critical systems, as well as applications of
       probabilistic modeling, specification, and analysis techniques to
       domains other than software and hardware systems, such as
       computational biology, decision making, etc.).
   The PAPM-PROBMIV 2001 Workshop results from the combination of the two
     * PAPM: Process Algebras and Performance Modeling.
     * PROBMIV: Probabilistic Methods in Verification.
   PAPM-PROBMIV 2001 is part of a multi-conference and it is held
   together with
     * MMB 2001, the 11th GI/ITG Workshop on Measurement, Modelling, and
       Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems.
     * PNPM 2001, the 2001 IEEE Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance
Paper Submission
   Paper submissions should present original research, described in
   sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the
   contribution. The results must be unpublished and not submitted for
   publication elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or
   workshops. Tool papers should describe a tool that has already been
   implemented. Some aspects of the tool or of its application areas
   should be new with respect to other papers describing the same tool,
   and they should be relevant to the topics of this workshop. The
   deadline for submission is March 23, 2001. The submissions should be
   typeset in font size at least 10pt, and it should not exceed twelve
   (12) pages, including title page and references. Submissions departing
   significantly from these guidelines risk rejection.
   Paper submission will be electronic; the accepted formats are
   Postscript and PDF. Please send the uuencoded or mimencoded files to the address, telephone number,
   and email address of the corresponding author should be indicated on
   the submission. One author of each accepted paper will be expected to
   present it at the workshop.

   The proceedings of the PAPM-PROBMIV 2001 workshop will be published
   as a volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series,
   published by Springer Verlag. Both the regular and tool papers that
   are accepted will be included in the proceedings.

Tool Session

   There will be a joint session of PAPM-PROBMIV, MMB, and PNPM dedicated
   to tool presentations. Tool presentations will be about ten minutes
   long. People interested in presenting and demonstrating a tool can
   send a description of the tool (up to six pages) to the tool session
   chair Peter Kemper (

   Accepted tool descriptions will be distributed to all workshop
   attendees (but will not be part of the PAPM-PROBMIV proceedings).
Invited Speakers
   There will be three invited speakers at the PAPM-PROBMIV workshop:

     * Shankar Sastry
     * Markus Siegle
     * Frits Vaandrager
   Moreover, the PAPM-PROBMIV schedule will enable participants to attend
   the invited talks at the co-located workshops MMB and PNPM.
Invited Introductory Lectures
   The workshop will feature invited introductory lectures and invited
   speakers. The following lectures are already scheduled:

     * Joost-Pieter Katoen: Probabilistic verification of Markov chains
     * Marina Ribaudo: An introduction to stochastic process algebras
     * Roberto Segala: Nondeterminism in probabilistic verification
Important Dates
   Paper submission: April 7, 2001
   Notification to authors: May 14, 2001
   Camera ready version: June 10, 2001
   Workshop: September 12-14, 2001
Program Committee

   Luca de Alfaro (chair), UC Berkeley
   Stephen Gilmore (chair), U. of Edinburgh
   Gianfranco Ciardo, College of William & Mary
   Rance Cleaveland, SUNY Stony Brook
   Roberto Gorrieri, University of Bologna
   Boudewijn Haverkort, University of Aachen
   Ulrich Herzog, University of Erlangen
   Michael Huth, Kansas State University
   Radha Jagadeesan, Loyola University
   Joost-Pieter Katoen, University of Twente
   Leila Kloul, University of Versailles
   Kim Larsen, University of Aalborg
   Corrado Priami, University of Verona
   Marina Ribaudo, University of Turin
   Roberto Segala, University of Bologna
   Moshe Vardi, Rice University
General Chair

   Boudewijn Haverkort, University of Aachen
Tool Session Chair

   Peter Kemper, University of Dortmund
PAPM Steering Committee

   Ed Brinksma, University of Twente
   Roberto Gorrieri, University of Bologna
   Ulrich Herzog, University of Erlangen
   Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh
PROBMIV Steering Committee

   Marta Kwiatkowska (chair), U. of Birmingham
   Luca de Alfaro, UC Berkeley
   Rajeev Alur, University of Pennsylvania
   Christel Baier, University of Mannheim
   Michael Huth, Kansas State University
   Joost-Pieter Katoen, University of Twente
   Prakash Panangaden, McGill University
   Roberto Segala, University of Bologna

For further information, please send email to