Computer Animation and Visualisation: Assignment 1

Skinning a character

Students (both UG4 and Msc students) must implement linear blending skinning.
  • A C++ program to load and visualize the data, is included in the archive. You may start from that. Functions of homogeneous transformations are also included in them.
  • Download the data and demo program from here
  • Also check the notes from the Lab session [PDF ]
  • Submit by the following command: submit cav 1 [your files].
  • Requirements

  • Use the animation and skeleton data to display the skeleton performing an animation.
  • Deform the polygon data so that it appears like the character is animating.
  • Place your files in a single directory, and call the informatics electronic submission script for this course as follows (man submit for further details):
  • You may try to create your own keyframe animation for controlling the character, or you may let the user interactively change the posture by pressing some keys.
  • Regarding the Rigging, simple linear blending is enough.
  • Please attach a README file that explains about your source code and what you have actually done.
  • You must program in C / C++ and OpenGL. The program must run on DICE.
  • Bonus marks

  • Bonus marks will be given if you use more complex methods for the skinning (such as Dual Quaternions), or implement relevant techniques such as inverse kinematics, or motion blending.
  • If you are interested, you can also use animation software such as Maya or MotionBuilder (go check the autodesk website ) - the academic version can be obtained free.

    Deadline 17th February, 2014 4:00PM
    Tutor : Daniel Holden :
  • All practical work is covered by the school policy on plagiarism and students are advised to be fully aware of this when submitting practical work.
  • All practical work is also covered by the late submission policy.