Computer Animation and Visualisation: Assignment 2

Volume rendering with Transparency

Students are required to render 3D volume data using Composite Intensity Projection (CIP). Students must design and implement transfer functions to highlight materials of different density. Note: you must not use the 3D rendering functions of OpenGL (e.g. alpha blending). A basic program to load and visualize volume data is provided (click here). You may use it as a starting point. Example volume data is also provided (human head).
  • A basic program to load and visualize volume data is provided below. You may use it as a starting point. Example volume data is also provided (human head). demo program
  • Requirements

  • Produce a program to show the skin overlapped with the skeleton, by tuning the colour and opacity transfer functions.
  • Volume rendering by casting rays that are axis-aligned and clear visualization of the skin and the skeleton (x, y and z directions). (70 marks).
  • Bonus Marks (30 marks):
  • - Ray tracing in 3D.
  • - Comparison of ray casting: "Front-to-Back" CIP using empty-space leaping optimization, verses simple "Back-to-Front" CIP.
  • - Additional interfaces to change view points
  • - Focal distance.
  • - Transfer functions.
  • - Comparison of different schemes (shear warping / traversal vs. sampling, trilinear interpolation vs. nearest neighbour)
  • - Using enhanced methods e.g. local illumination and multidimensional transfer functions using gradient information.
  • A README file giving clear instructions about your source code and stating what you have done. Especially, you must mention about the additional functions for the bonus marks.
  • You must program by C++ and OpenGL. The program must run on DICE.
  • Place your files in a single directory, and call the informatics electronic submission script for this course as follows (man submit for further details):

    submit cav 2 your_directory_name

    Deadline : to be confirmed.
    Tutor : Floyd M. Chitalu :
  • All practical work is covered by the school policy on plagiarism and students are advised to be fully aware of this when submitting practical work.
  • All practical work is also covered by the late submission policy.