Cristina Adriana Alexandru Lecturer, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy Centre for Intelligent
Systems and Their Applications Appleton Tower Room 8.04 Edinburgh EH8 9LE Email: Cristina.Alexandru@ed.ac.uk Office phone number: +44 (0) 131 650 5182 |
Computer Science
Software Engineering
Software Engineering,
Software Modelling, Software Quality and Usability
Interaction, Usability Engineering
Healthcare IT,
Medical Informatics, eHealth, Telehealthcare
Lu. Y., Alexandru, C.A. Systematic Review of UML Diagramming
Software Tools for Higher Education Software Engineering Courses, UKICER 2023
Conference (in press)
Alexandru, C. A., Girdzius, A., Sun, C., Azmi, H., Wang, X.,
& Sun, X. (2023, January). An Online Marking, Feedback and Moderation Tool
for Computer Science Higher Education Courses. In Proceedings of 7th Conference
on Computing Education Practice (pp. 1-4).
Korte, J., Sim, G., Constantin, A., Eriksson, E., Fails, J.
A., Alexandru, C. A., ... & Wilson, C. (2022). Pushing the boundaries of
Participatory Design with children. International Journal of Child-Computer
Interaction, 100547.
Constantin, A., Andries, V., Korte, J., Alexandru, C. A.,
Good, J., Sim, G., ... & Eriksson, E. (2022, June). Ethical Considerations
of Distributed Participatory Design with Children. In Interaction Design and
Children (pp. 700-702).
Constantin, A., &
Alexandru, C. (2022, June). Digital
Accessibility for Higher Education Students with Vision Impairments. In
University of Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Conference: LTC 2022.
Constantin, A., Alexandru, C., & Zhao, K. (2022, June).
Systematic review of virtual classroom software used in Higher Education. In
University of Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Conference: LTC 2022.
publications (in reverse order):
Korte, J. L., Constantin, A.,
Wilson, C., Alexandru, C. A., Sim, G., Read, J., ... & Eriksson, E. (2021,
June). Participatory design of the World’s largest DPD project with children.
In Interaction design and children (pp. 687-691).
Constantin, A., Alexandru, C.,
Korte, J., Wilson, C., Fails, J. A., Sim, G., ... & Eriksson, E. (2021).
Distributing participation in design: Addressing challenges of a global
pandemic. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 28, 100255.
Ahmmad, A., Moughal, I., Alexandru,
C. A., & Constantin, A. (2021). Systematic Review of Online Collaborative
Whiteboard Platforms for Higher Education. In Poster presented at the
University of Edinburgh Learning and Teaching Conference, June (Vol. 15).
Bakhai, A., Constantin, A., &
Alexandru, C. A. (2020, July). Motivateme!: An Alexa skill to support higher
education students with autism. In International Conferences Interfaces and
Human Computer Interaction and Game and Entertainment Technologies.
Constantin, A., Alexandru, C. A.,
Fox, G., & Meikle, L. (2020, July). Exploratory Study Examining the
Feasibility of a Technology-based Tool to Support Creativity in Children with
Autism. In 14th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction
(pp. 181-186). Internal Association for Development of the Information Society.
Constantin, A., Korte, J., Wilson,
C., Alexandru, C. A., Good, J., Sim, G., ... & Eriksson, E. (2020, June).
Planning the world's most inclusive PD project. In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM
interaction design and children conference: Extended abstracts (pp. 118-125).
Varnava, V., Constantin, A., &
Alexandru, C. A. (2020). ChangeIT: Toward an app to help children with autism
cope with changes. In Interactivity and the Future of the Human-Computer
Interface (pp. 72-94). IGI Global.
Whitehouse, D., Alexandru, C-A.
(2019). Workshop: SCIROCCO: a tool for accelerating the adoption of integrated
care. European Journal of Public Health, 29(Supplement_4), ckz185-784.
Anderson, S., Alexandru, C., &
Alhambra-Borrás, T. (2019). Steps forward for the SCIROCCO tool and its
evaluation as part of SCIROCCO Exchange. European Journal of Public Health,
29(Supplement_4), ckz185-788.
Alexandru, C., Alhambra-Borrás, T., & Whitehouse, D. (2019). Introduction to
the SCIROCCO online participatory tool and its evaluation. European Journal of
Public Health, 29(Supplement_4), ckz185-785.
Constantin, A., Georgiou, N.,
Alexandru, C. A., & Korte, J. (2019, August). SC: Toward an App to Support
Social Story Comprehension Checking in Children with ASD. In IFIP Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 153-160). Cham: Springer International
Alexandru, C., Alhambra-Borras, T.,
Whitehouse, D., Anderson, S., Pavlickova, A. (2019). SCIROCCO Tool to support
knowledge transfer in integrated care. International Journal of Integrated
Constantin, A., Korte, J., Fails J.
A., Good, J., Alexandru, A. C., Dragomir, M., Pain, H., Hourcade, J. P.,
Erikson, E., Waller, A., Garzoto, F. (2019). Pushing the Boundaries of
Participatory Design with Children with Special Needs. Workshop, IDC 2019.
Constantin, A., Korte, J., Fails,
J. A., Alexandru, A. C., Dragomir, M., Pain, H., Good, J., Garzoto, F.,
Erikson, E., Waller, A. (2019). Expecting the Unexpected in Participatory
Design. SIG, CHI 2019.
Korte, J., Constantin, A.,
Alexandru, A. C., Fails, J. A., Erikson, E., Good, J., Pain, H., Hourcade, J.
P., Garzoto, F., Waller, A. (2019). Pushing the Boundaries of Participatory
Design, Workshop, INTERACT 2019.
Alhambra-Borras, T., Alexandru, C., Whitehouse, D., & Garces-Ferrer, J.
(2018). Enhancing
the SCIROCCO tool using quantitative and qualitative methods. International
Journal of Integrated Care, 18(s2).
Grooten, L., Alexandru, C. A., Alhambra-Borras, T., Anderson, S., Avolio,
F., Valia Cotanda, E., ... & Lange, M. (2018). A scaling-up strategy
supporting the expansion of integrated care: a study protocol. International
Journal of Integrated Care.
Pavlickova, A., Henderson, D.,
Alexandru, C. A., & Alhambra, T. (2018). The maturity of integrated care
systems: lessons learned in using the SCIROCCO tool across Europe. European
Journal of Public Health, 28(suppl_4), cky213-052.
C.A. Alexandru, D. Clutterbuck, P.
Papapanagiotou, J. Fleuriot, A. Manataki (2017). A Step Towards the
Standardisation of HIV Care Practices, In HEALTHINF 2017: 10th International
Conference on Health Informatics, Porto, Portugal, February 2017.
Alhambra-Borras, T., Alexandru, C., Whitehouse, D., & Garces-Ferrer, J.
(2018). Enhancing
the SCIROCCO tool using quantitative and qualitative methods. International
Journal of Integrated Care, 18(s2).
V. Hanschke, A. Manataki, C.A.
Alexandru, P. Papapanagiotou, C. Deighan, L. Taylor and D. Robertson (2017)
Designing a Social Machine for the Heart Manual Service, In HEALTHINF 2017:
10th International Conference on Health Informatics, Porto, Portugal, February
A. Alexandru, C. A. Alexandru, D. Coardos, E. Tudora (2016). Big Data:
Concepts, Technologies and Applications in the Public Sector, ICACSE 2016:18th
International Conference on Applied computer Science and Engineering,
Conference Proceedings, Prague Czech Republic, Oct 6-7, 2016, 18(10), Part VI,
pp. 879-885, EISSN: 2010-3778, PISSN: 2010-376X; Awarded with the Best Paper
A. Alexandru, C. A. Alexandru, D. Coardos, E. Tudora (2016). Big Data:
Concepts, Technologies and Applications in the Public Sector, World Academy of
Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer,
Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, Vol:10, No:10,
2016, pp. 1629-1635.
A. Alexandru, C.A. Alexandru, D. Coardos, E. Tudora (2016). Healthcare, Big
Data and Cloud Computing, WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research, ISSN /
E-ISSN: 1991-8755 / 2415-1521, Volume 4, 2016, Art. #14, pp. 123-131.
C.A. Alexandru (2016).
Considerations of Interface Efficiency in Scaling up Telehealthcare Systems.
Procedia Computer Science, 98, pp. 308-315, Book series, WOS:000387551200041
J. Rutter, C. Alexandru, E. Niven,
M. Wolters, R. Logie (2015). The Museum as a Memory Institution, The
Psychonomic Society Governing Board Edinburgh Symposium.
C.A. Alexandru (2014). Using Models
and Simulation for Predicting Efficiency as a Measure of Success of Different
Telemedicine Deployments, In eTELEMED 2014: The Sixth International Conference
on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, Barcelona, Spain, March 2014;
Awarded with the Best Paper Award
C.A. Alexandru and P. Stevens
(2013), Predicting the Usability of Telemedicine Systems in Different
Deployments through Modelling and Simulation, Proceedings of the
European Workshop on Practical Aspects of Health Informatics (PAHI 2013),
C.A. Alexandru and P. Stevens
(2012), Models to Extend the Scope of Usability Testing for
Telemedicine Systems. In Digital Futures 2012: The Third Annual Digital
Economy All Hands Conference, Aberdeen.
C.A. Alexandru, B. McKinstry
(2012). Usability Evaluation
of Clinician Web Back-Ends to Telemonitoring Systems: Two Case-Studies in
Scotland , Studies in
Informatics and Control; 21(2)
Alexandru, S. Anderson, B.
McKinstry, J. Ure, D. Robertson (2011). Resilient peer communities (abstract refereed), Resilience Engineering
International Symposium, Sophia Antipolis
C.A. Alexandru (2010). Usability Testing and Improvement of Telemedicine Websites,
Master's thesis, University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics
A. Alexandru, O. Bica, E. Tudora,
C.S. Alecu, C.A. Alexandru, I. Covalcic (2010). Enhancing the Quality of Learning
by Using an Innovative Approach for Teaching Energy in Secondary Schools, ICACSE 2010: "International
Conference on Applied Computer Science and Engineering", Proceedings of
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), Year 6,
Issue 70, September 28-30, 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5 pages, ISSN:
A. Alexandru, Bica, O.,
Tudora, E., Alecu, C. S., Alexandru, C. A., & Covalcic, I. (2010). Enhancing the Quality of Learning by
Using an Innovative Approach for Teaching Energy in Secondary Schools. World
Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of
Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering,
4(9), 1970-1974.
35) A.
Alexandru, G. Gorghiu, C. L. Nicolescu, C.A. Alexandru (2010). Using OLAP Systems to Manage Environmental
Risks in Dambovita County, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences
and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 2010, Volume 67 (2), pp. 394-399,
AcademicPress, ISSN 1843-5254, ISSN 1843-5394
A. Alexandru, C.A. Alexandru
(2008). A Working Environment for
Graphical Interfaces for Visually Impaired People (in Romanian), Volume of
Works of the 5th National Conference on Human-Computer Interaction ROCHI 2008,
A.I. Cuza University Iasi, 18-19 September 2008, Iasi, Romania, pag. 157-158,
MATRIX ROM Printing House, ISBN 1843-4460
A. Alexandru, C.A. Alexandru (2008). The Access to Mathematics for Blind and Visually Impaired People (in
Romanian), 1st National Conference on Inclusive Informatical Technologies
ProInclusiv 2008, The Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, 7-18 April 2008,
ASE Bucuresti Printing House 2008, ISBN 978-606-505-048-8
38) A. Alexandru, C.S. Alecu, C.A. Alexandru
(2007). Visually Impaired People's Access to Mathematics (in Romanian),
4th National Conference of Human-Computer Interaction, RoCHI 2007, Constanta, 20-21 September 2007, pp.
A. Alexandru, E. Jitaru, C.A. Alexandru (2007). Energy and Environment, Bibliotheca
Publishng House, Targoviste 2007, ISBN 978-973-721-271-1.
A. Alexandru, E. Jitaru, C.A.
Alexandru (2006). Web-Based Education
of Energy- Efficient Appliances in Romania, Proceedings of the 5th RoEduNet
IEEE International Conference, Sibiu Romania, 1-3 June 2006, "Lucian
Blaga" University Printing House, 2006, ISBN (10) 973-739-277-9, ISBN (13)
978-973-739-277-0 (ISI PUBLICATION)
A. Alexandru, E. Jitaru, C.A.
Alexandru, O. Bica (2006). The Role
of the User Interface in the Universal Access in the Context of the Information
Society (in Romanian), HUMAN -
COMPUTER INTERACTION, Proceedings of the Third National Conference of Human -
Computer Interaction-RoCHI 2006, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, 21-22
September 2006, addendum to the ECONOMIC INFORMATICS magazine, Volume X 2006,
pages 67-71.
A. Alexandru, E. Jitaru, C.A.
Alexandru (2004). Education in Energy
and Environment (in Romanian), National Conference of New and Renewable
Energy Sources (CNSNRE 2004), 29-30 September 2004, Targoviste, on CD-ROM
A. Alexandru, E. Jitaru, C.A.
Alexandru (2004). Energy Saving in
the Home using Energy Efficient Appliances. Teacher's guide, September
2004, 58 pages