Informatics Research Programme on Machine Learning


The Informatics Research Advisory Committee recently approved the creation of a Research Programme on Machine Learning. Machine Learning (ML) methods are widely researched and used in many places in the School, e.g. in ANC, IPAB, ICCS and elsewhere. With the co-location of the School in the Forum there is an opportunity to develop the links between these various groups, so as to enhance mutual understanding, and likely lead to new research opportunities.

Introductory Sessions

The first goal of the research programme is to conduct a series of meetings to bring together these researchers, so they can understand the nature of the work carried out in the different groups.

The tentative schedule is:

Oct 15 2008

Venue: IF G07

Oct 29 2008

Venue: IF G07

Nov 12 2008

Venue: IF 4.31/4.33

Nov 26 2008

Venue: IF 4.31/4.33

Version of 29 Oct 2008

This page is maintained by Chris Williams