Cristina Matache
Office 5.28
Informatics Forum
University of Edinburgh
10 Crichton Street
United Kingdom
I am a postdoc in the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh working with Sam Lindley on the Effect Handler Oriented Programming project. Between October 2018 and October 2022 I was a PhD student at the University of Oxford, working with Sam Staton, and also a member of Balliol College. Previously, I obtained an MSc in Computer Science from Oxford and a BA from Cambridge. My research interests are semantics of programming languages, types, category theory, logic and verification. For my PhD thesis, I worked on models of programming languages built using logical relations and sheaves.
- Scoped effects as parameterized algebraic theories.
Sam Lindley, Cristina Matache, Sean Moss, Sam Staton, Nicolas Wu and Zhixuan Yang. ESOP 2024. [extended version]
- Concrete categories and higher-order recursion (With applications including probability, differentiability, and full abstraction).
Cristina Matache, Sean Moss, Sam Staton. LICS 2022. [slides]
- Recursion and sequentiality in categories of sheaves.
Cristina Matache, Sean Moss, Sam Staton. FSCD 2021.
- A sound and complete logic for algebraic effects.
Cristina Matache, Sam Staton. FoSSaCS 2019.
- Programming and proving with classical types.
Cristina Matache, Victor B. F. Gomes, Dominic P. Mulligan. APLAS 2017. [slides]
- The λμ calculus.
Cristina Matache, Victor B. F. Gomes, Dominic P. Mulligan.
Archive of Formal Proofs, 2017.
- Concrete sheaf models of higher-order recursion. PhD thesis.
University of Oxford, Department of Computer Science. - Program equivalence for algebraic effects via modalities. Master's thesis.
University of Oxford, Department of Computer Science, September 2018.
(updated version) - Formalisation of the λμT calculus in Isabelle/HOL. Bachelor's thesis.
University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, June 2017.
Workshop abstracts
- An algebraic theory of named threads.
Cristina Matache. GALOP workshop 2024.
- Paella: algebraic effects with parameters and their handlers.
Jesse Sigal, Ohad Kammar, Cristina Matache and Conor McBride. HOPE workshop 2024.
- Denotational semantics of languages for inference: semirings, monads, and tensors.
Cristina Matache, Sean Moss, Sam Staton and Ariadne Si Suo. LAFI workshop 2023.
- Formalisation of the λμT calculus in Isabelle/HOL.
Cristina Matache. Poster at ICFP 2017.
Invited talks
- Parameterized algebraic theories and applications. Talk at the Theoretical Computer Science Seminar, University of Birmingham, March 2024.
- Parameterized algebraic theories and applications. Talk at the Huawei-Edinburgh Bayes Coffee House Tech Talk Series, University of Edinburgh, March 2024.
- Parameterized algebraic theories and scoped effects. Talk at the Directions and Perspectives in the lambda-calculus workshop, University of Bologna, January 2024.
- A unified treatment of concrete sheaf models for higher-order recursion. Talk at the Chocola meeting, 31 March 2022.
- Recursion and sequentiality in categories of sheaves. Logic and Semantics seminar at Aarhus University, June 2021.
- A sound and complete logic for algebraic effects. Seminar talk at Bath, Birmingham and UCL, 2019.
- Program committee member for: PPDP 2024, Student Research Competition at ICFP 2024, HOPE workshop 2023.
- Peer-reviewer for: Journal of Functional Programming 2023, LICS 2024, MFPS 2021, FSCD 2021, FOSSACS 2020.
- 2020 -- 2021: Stipendiary Lecturer at Jesus College.
- Hilary term 2020: class tutor and marker for Lambda Calculus and Types.
- Michaelmas term 2019: tutoring Discrete Mathematics for first year undergraduates.