Photo Helen Pain's Personal Page


My research interests include supporting learning and communication in children with special needs, through adaptive multi-media technology; modelling social intelligence and communication in interactions with pedagogical agents; affective and cognitive modelling of learners; participatory and user-centred design and evaluation of interfaces, and empirical methodology. The central elements of my approach are that it is both tool-based and empirically informed, theoretically motivated and involves stakeholders in the design and evaluation process. A major goal of this work is to develop interactive learning environments and communication tools that engage and support learners in play and exploration.

Current Research Projects
EChoeS: Exploring e-Learning and Communication Tools for Improving Children's Language Usage in Social Interactions

Recent Research Projects
LeActiveMath Home page
Standup: Facilitating language play in non-speaking children through computer supported joke construction. (Graeme Ritchie, Annalu Waller, Ruli Manurung and Rolf Black)

Teaching - not in 2013
Human Communication 1
Adaptive Learning Environments 1

Publications (to be updated)

Research Collaborators (Edinburgh)
Sue Fletcher-Watson,  Sean Hammond,   Alyssa Alcorn, Andrew Manches

Research Collaborators elsewhere

Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Judith Good, Wendy Keay-Bright, Annalu Waller, Oliver Lemon,  Karen Guldberg, Timothy J Smith, Thusha Rajendran (EChoeS: Exploring e-Learning and Communication Tools for Improving Children's Language Usage in Social Interactions)

PhD students

Alyssa Alcorn
Aurora Constantin

Rachel Menzies (Dundee)

Helen Pain
Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation (ILCC)
Human Communication Research Centre,
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
helen at
10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, UK
Phone: +44 (0131) 650 8485