function y = log1pexp(x) %LOG1PEXP computes log(1+exp(x)) without under or overflow (USE WITH CARE) % % Some aspects of the numerics of this routine aren't well thought out. As with % all routines, users are encouraged to verify for themselves that log1pexp() is % suitable for their purposes. % Iain Murray, November 2007 % Masks for three different methods: nan_mask = isnan(x); small = (x < -10); % Slightly arbitrary naive_mask = ~(nan_mask | small); % x is fairly big. Just avoid hitting Infs: % Numerically log(1+exp(x)) == x for large x. y = zeros(size(x)); y(naive_mask) = log(1 + exp(min(x(naive_mask), 500))); y(naive_mask) = max(x(naive_mask), y(naive_mask)); % x is fairly small. Use the trick from: % % But I'm just justifying the 'small' range empirically. I haven't bothered to % work out the exact properties of this and can imagine getting burnt in % the future. Be careful! simple_exp = exp(x(small)); simple_exp_p1 = simple_exp + 1; careful = simple_exp.*log(simple_exp_p1)./(simple_exp_p1-1); mask1 = simple_exp_p1==1; careful(mask1) = simple_exp(mask1); y(small) = careful; y(nan_mask) = NaN;