function answer = bsxfun(op, arg1, arg2) % Hacky replacement for bsxfun for old Matlab that doesn't have it. % See: % Iain Murray, January 2008 sz1 = size(arg1); sz2 = size(arg2); % Workarounds for the stupid Matlab behaviour where final singleton dimensions % are tossed out: l1 = length(sz1); l2 = length(sz2); if l1 > l2 sz2 = [sz2, ones(1, l1 - l2)]; end if l2 > l1 sz1 = [sz1, ones(1, l2 - l1)]; end mask1 = sz1 > 1; mask2 = sz2 > 1; rep1 = double(mask1); rep2 = double(mask2); rep1(~mask1) = sz2(~mask1); rep2(~mask2) = sz1(~mask2); answer = op(repmat(arg1, rep1), repmat(arg2, rep2));