% Some conferences (e.g. NIPS and UAI) state in their style guides that the % references heading should be a subsubsection-level heading --- but using their % style file with bibtex usually ends up with a section-level heading. This hack % fixes that. % % If you pass the small option then it \small's the references, which is % explicitly allowed by at least NIPS. % % If you pass the tight option then the package scrunches space between the % references too. The allowability of this is somewhat more dubious. % % Include this *after* natbib or any other packages that might over-ride this % stuff. Using one of: % \usepackage{bibhacks} % \usepackage[small]{bibhacks} % \usepackage[small,tight]{bibhacks} % % Iain Murray 2006-05-28 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{bibhacks}[2006/05/28] \newif\ifbh@tight \DeclareOption{tight}{\bh@tighttrue} \newif\ifbh@small \DeclareOption{small}{\bh@smalltrue} \ProcessOptions \let\oldthebibliography=\thebibliography \let\endoldthebibliography=\endthebibliography \let\oldsection=\section \renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]{% \renewcommand{\section}{\subsubsection} \begin{oldthebibliography}{#1}% \ifbh@small% \small% \fi% \ifbh@tight% \setlength{\parskip}{0.05ex}% \setlength{\itemsep}{0.05ex}% \fi% }% {% \renewcommand{\section}{\oldsection}% \end{oldthebibliography}% }