/* GNU General Public Licence This small C program loads the brugs.so ELF shared library and calls the CLI function. Save it as a .c file and then compile it on Linux using gcc -o bugs CBugs.c -ldl This code should work on a Windows machine if brugs.so is repaced by brugs.dll A ascii version of this file is in Developer/CBugs.c */ #include #include #include int main (int argc, char **argv) { void * handle; void (*cli)(void); handle = dlopen("./brugs.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (!handle) return 1; * (void **) (&cli) = dlsym(handle, "CLI"); (*cli)(); dlclose(handle); return 0; } /* As an alternative to using dlopen to load the brugs library Nathan Coulter has developed the following short C program. Compile it on Linux using gcc -obrugs -I. -L. brugs.h brugs_cli.c brugs.so #include int main () { CLI(); } */ /* This is equivalent to the component Pascal program MODULE BugsClassic; IMPORT BugsBRugs; BEGIN BugsBRugs.CLI END BugsClassic. (* DevLinker.Link dos classicbugs.exe := BugsClassic$ 1 Bugslogo.ico *) '/