Let's define a type representing simple -expressions. Since you can't
enter declarations at the toplevel, we need to put this into a file.
Call it "tutorial.apl".
To reflect the expression syntax, we need to define two types: a name type for variable identifiers, and the datatype of expressions.
id : name_type exp : type.This says that "id" is a name type and "exp" is a datatype.
Now we want to define the constructors for exp.
var : id -> exp. app : (exp,exp) -> exp. lam : (id\exp) -> exp.This declares function symbols var, app, and lam with the corresponding types. Thus, given an identifier "v", we can construct an expression by applying the constructor "var" to it; similarly given expressions "E1" and "E2" we can form expression "app(E1, E2)" and given an expression
and a name a
we can form an expression lam(a\E)
Now save the file and start Prolog as follows:
$ aprolog tutorial.aplYou should see:
alpha-Prolog 0.3 Reading file tutorial.apl... ?-Try entering a few
?- lam (a\var a) = lam (b\var b). Yes. ?- lam (a\var A) = lam (b\var A). Yes. a # A b # A